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Change Auditor audits activities in the Azure Active Directory that correspond to the events in the Sign-ins report in the Azure Active Directory portal.
Failed Azure Active Directory sign-in
Created when a user fails to sign-in to an application. The event details show the user whose attempt failed, their location, and the application they attempted to access.
Successful Azure Active Directory sign-in
Created when a user successfully signs-in to an application. The event details show the user whose attempt failed, their location, and the application they attempted to access.
Azure Active Directory - sign-in event
Generic sign-in event with a dynamically constructed event description (What statement). The event is created when sign-in activity is detected that does not have a corresponding event defined in Change Auditor.
Change Auditor audits activities in the Azure Active Directory that correspond to the events in the Risky sign-ins report in the Azure Active Directory portal.
Active risk event detected
Created when a new risk event is detected with an active state.
Active risk event status changed to closed
Created when an active risk event is closed as a result of being marked as:
This event helps you to understand why a risk event has been manually closed.
Closed risk event status changed to active
Created when a closed risk event is reactivated.
Closed risk event detected
Created when a new risk event is detected with a closed state. This can happen if the risk event has been marked as resolved, a false positive, set to ignore, closed (remediated), closed (login blocked), closed (automatic multi-factor authentication), or closed (multiple reasons) before it has been detected by Change Auditor for the first time.
Kerberos user ticket that exceeds the maximum ticket lifetime detected
A Kerberos user ticket can be used to verify your identity and gain access to specific resources or services in your domain. A golden ticket is a forged Kerberos ticket.
An attack using a golden ticket is extremely dangerous due to the forged identity, elevated access it allows, and because it can be reused over its lifetime (10 years by default).
This event is created when the Kerberos Ticket Lifetime value in agent configuration is exceeded indicating a possible golden ticket attack.
User authenticated through Kerberos
Created when a user successfully authenticated to a domain controller using Kerberos authentication. (Disabled by default)
User failed to authenticate through Kerberos
Created when a user failed to authenticate to a domain controller using Kerberos authentication.
User authenticated through NTLM
Created when a user successfully authenticated to a domain controller using NTLM authentication. (Disabled by default)
User failed to authenticate through NTLM
Created when a user failed to authenticate to a domain controller using NTLM authentication.
A user session took place
Created when a user session took place on a monitored computer.
A user session was ended by the screensaver turning on
Created when a user session is ended because the screensaver turned on.
A user session was ended by user locking the computer
Created when a user session is ended because the user locked up the computer.
A user session was ended by user logging off
Created when a user session is ended because the user logged off.
A user session was ended by user stopping a terminal services connection
Created when a user session is ended because the user stopped a terminal services connection.
A user session was ended due to computer shutdown
Created when a user session is ended because a user has shut down or restarted the computer.
A user session was ended due to user switch
Created when a user session is ended because a different user has logged on.
A user session was started
Created when a user session is started on a monitored computer.
A user session was started before the start of the user session monitoring service
Created when a new user session is started before the user session monitoring service is started.
A user session was started by user exiting screensaver mode
Created when a new user session is started because the user exited the screensaver mode.
A user session was started by user making a terminal services connection
Created when a new user session is started because a user logged in through a terminal services connection.
A user session was started by user unlocking the computer
Created when a new user session is started because the user unlocked the computer.
A user session was started due to user switch
Created when a new user session is started because a different user has logged on.
An incorrectly finished user session was found
Created when an incorrectly finished user session is found when the user session monitoring service is started.
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