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Delete dashboard removes or deletes the available dashboard from the manage dashboard list. Deleting the dashboard also removes all the customizations made in the dashboard and in the widgets which are associated with the dashboard. In case, the owner of the dashboard deletes the dashboard which is shared with many users or usergroups, the dashboard is removed or deleted for all the users and usergroups. However, if the user is not the owner of dashboard and deletes the dashboard, it would be removed for the particular user. You can delete all the dashboards, however a default dashboard is created and loaded by NetVault Backup, as there is no dashboard available.
On the NetVault Backup dashboard page, you can perform the following operations to customize a widget:
To manage a widget, move the pointer over the widget title area. The last updated time and icons to manage a widget are displayed on top of a widget. To manage a widget, click the corresponding icon and follow the steps as described in the following table:
To forcefully update the data in a widget in between of a pre-defined refresh interval time, click refresh icon. Refresh interval can be in range of 30 - 86400 seconds for all widgets.
To filter the data in a widget, click filter icon. Set the filter options and click Apply.
To set the number of records to display on a widget, type the number in the ‘Record limit’.
To clear the filters on a widget, click Clear.
To close the filter wizard without saving the data, click Cancel.
For more information on filter options for the respective widget, refer to Widget filter options.
To make a clone of a widget, click the clone icon.
To configure the widget title and widget data refresh interval (in seconds); click the configure icon.
To save the configured fields on the widget, click Apply.
To clear the configured fields on the widget, click Clear.
To close the configuration wizard without saving the data, click Cancel.
To delete a cloned widget, click delete icon. In the confirmation dialog box, click Remove to remove the widget from the NetVault Backup dashboard.
To expand a widget to view the data clearly, click the resize icon. To collapse a widget, click the resize icon.
You can add more widgets to the available dashboard. When you add all the widgets to the dashboard, no more widgets can be added.
You can move a widget to a certain position on the dashboard by drag and drop action. If you re-position the dashboard and share with multiple users, these users can again re-positioned the shared dashboard. This re-positioning done by any shared user is displayed to rest of the shared users.
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