This issue has been fixed in the PADB2 7.0.505 patch
- In the PA GUI open Agent Administration, and hit the following key combination:
- Then click on Support at the bottom.
- A new tab should exist named Extended Configuration.
- DB_Use_Connection_Start_Time_For_Session_Logon should be set TRUE
- Save the changes
or on the middleware server change the DB_Use_Connection_Start_Time_For_Session_Logon to
- Open the file on the middleware server
\Quest Software\pa_agent\3566\agents\SC_DB2\7.0\{instance name}\quest_sc_mw\config\collector_ext_config.cfg - Set the value DB_Extended_Config.DB_Use_Connection_Start_Time_For_Session_Logon "true"
- Save the file
- Restart the QAM_Launcher process/service on the Middleware and Collector