What does the JavaEE agent use the X-PerformaSure-RequestContext HTTP header for?
A JavaEE application is throwing errors similar to the following when certain types of SOAP applications are sent to it:
EJB threw an unexpected (non-declared) exception during invocation of method "YYYY" on bean "BeanId(XXXX, null)". Exception data: javax.jms.MessageFormatException: CWSIA0112E: The property name X-PerformaSure-RequestContext is not a valid Java identifier.
X-PerformaSure-RequestContext is an HTTP header which is added to be able to tag and follow requests being sent between application servers.
The application developers update the code that is responsible for pulling data out of the HTTP headers and putting it in the JMS message properties to not include any custom http headers (headers that begin with "X-") in the JMS message, since such headers will all cause this error to occur (it's the '-' that makes it an invalid Java identifier). It is actually an error in the application to be putting message properties in the JMS message that don't conform to the rules.
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