How to create custom rules from the Infrastructure Dashboard
The Infrastructure dashboard has a Wizard that allows to easily Add Custom Rules. This is briefly documented on the Foglight for Infrastructure User Guide. This feature is available since Foglight for Infrastructure cartridge version 5.9.2.
Open Dashboards | Infrastructure from the Navigation Panel.
Switch to the Administration tab.
Click on Rule Configuration button to open the Infrastructure Cartridge rules list.
Click on Add Custom Rule, the Create Custom Rule dialog box opens.
Type in a Name for the Custom Rule.
Pick the Object Type from the list (e.g. Host).
Select a Metric to compare against the threshold in the condition.
Define a logical Condition to compare the metric against (e.g. Greater than 55%).
Time Period can be usually left to Latest Collection, unless the average for a longer time period is required.
Select a Severity for the Alarm.
Define a behavior for firing the Alarm, if this needs to fire on the first trigger that evaluates to True, then the checkbox at the bottom of the dialog box can be left unchecked.
Click on the Scope button at the top of the dialog box if this rule needs to be applied to specific objects, otherwise skip to step 15.
Search and select the objects to apply this rule to (these can only be of the type selected in step 6).
Click the >> button to add these objects to the scope.
Click on the Notifications button at the top of the dialog box if this rule needs to send an Email Notification, otherwise skip to step 19.
Click the Add New button.
Enter an Email Address and (optional) Description.
Click on Add button.
Click on Save button to finish.
A few notes to consider when creating Infrastructure Custom Rules with this wizard:
These rules are Data Driven (triggered by new collections).
Even though they are Multiple-Severity rules under the hood, they only contain one severity.
Only support the Fire actions if X out of Y evaluations are true behavior type.
It doesn't generate custom registry variables.
The rule can be edited to add other severities, update rule scope, triggering, conditions, behavior, etc. These changes are not covered by Support.
If the rule is modified using the Rules Editor from the Rules Management dashboard it will no longer be possible to edit it using the "Create a Custom Rule" wizard and automatically go to the core rule editor when the rule is selected (also applicable for the custom rule editor used in the VMWare cartridge).