1. Backup Existing DLLs:
a. Navigate to the ArchiveManager installation directory.
b. Locate these DLLs:
- Quest.AM.DirectoryConnector.dll
- Quest.AM.DirectoryServices.AzureActiveDirectoryProvider.dll
- Quest.AM.DirectoryServices.dll
c. Create a backup folder and copy these DLLs for safekeeping.
2. Download New DLLs: a. Obtain the updated DLLs from the latest Hotfix download under
https://support.quest.com/archive-manager/5.9.5/download-new-release :
- Quest.AM.DirectoryConnector.dll
- Quest.AM.DirectoryServices.AzureActiveDirectoryProvider.dll
- Quest.AM.DirectoryServices.dll
b. Save new DLLs in an accessible location.
3. Replace DLLs: a. Go to the ArchiveManager installation directory.
b. Replace existing DLLs:
- Copy new Quest.AM.DirectoryConnector.dll and replace the existing one.
- Copy new Quest.AM.DirectoryServices.AzureActiveDirectoryProvider.dll and replace the existing one.
- Copy new Quest.AM.DirectoryServices.dll and replace the existing one.
4. Restart ArchiveManager Service: a. Open the Services application on the server.
b. Locate "Archive Manager Directory Connector Service" in the list.
c. Right-click and select "Restart."
d. Confirm the restart if prompted.
5. Verification: a. After restart, verify ArchiveManager and related services functionality, specially the ADC log by checking the ADC logs under your Logs directory
b. Confirm updated DLLs by checking the modified date.