Updating the destination e-mail address for an alert policy from SQL Server Management Studio - Archive Manager
Due to a product defect, the Alert Service Policies page does not display, thus making it impossible to update an Alert Policy through the user interface.
Product defect
As a workaround, you can make changes to this information via the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
*We strongly recommend creating a backup of the database prior to making any changes. *
Open SSMS and within the Archive Manager database, locate the 'AlertsGlobal' table and run an UPDATE query to modify the contents of the policy you wish to update.
For example: USE ArchiveManager UPDATE ArchiveManager.dbo.AlertGlobals SET "To" = 'new_email@domain.com' WHERE Alertglobals.AlertId ='####'
Once the data has been updated, restart the 'Archive Manager Alert Service' service for these changes to take effect.