Archive Manager needs to be migrated to a new server
Current server needs to be retired or is running an unsupported operating system
NOTE: The procedure of migration in some environments is very difficult, therefore Quest recommends to engaging Professional Services for assistance in such scenario to ensure your business continuity.
1. Ensure that the new Archive Manager server system is available on the network and can access the SQL server. Install the required pre-requisites for the version of Archive Manager you are using, the associated Installation Guide for your version will list the required pre-requisites.
2. Stop All Archive Manager services on the current Archive Manager server and set them to Disabled.
3. If moving the Website, open up Internet Information Services (IIS), and take note of the ArchiveManager website settings.
E.g. Under Bindings... confirm your website configuration.
4. Run the installer on the new server using the same criteria as your last installation, use the same drive letters and folder names and install Archive Manager as a new installation but ensure you choose your existing SQL server and existing Archive Manager database.
Do not start the services or reboot the machine until after your server migration process is complete
For Archive Manager 5.x and above:
The Configuration Console can be used to view most existing drive paths.
5. From the old Archive Manager server copy the contents of the working directories (for example D:\Archive Manager\*) to the new server using paths from step 4. This folder will include the following folders:
Only copy the contents of each of these folders and not the directories in whole, placing the files in the corresponding folders created by the installer on the new Archive Manager server. If in doubt, compare the folder structure to your old server.
Ensure you copy the FTI to the paths indicated by the Index Rollover Policy. You can also verify by running the following Query against the ArchiveManager database to give you all the Paths.
SELECT * from FTPartition
6. Compress the contents of the Data directory; Windows compression can be accessed by right-clicking the Data directory, choosing Properties and then Advanced. Ensure that the permissions have filtered from the parent to all the folders that you have moved from the old server.
The Data folder on the new server will also need to be shared in order to be accessible using the following share permissions:
Everyone - Full Access
For Windows NTFS/ACL permissions on the new Data folder, grant the following filesystem permissions:
Administrators - Full Access
ArchiveManagerServiceUsers - Full Access
7. Open the Archive Manager webpage and go under Administration > Storage Location. Go to the Storage Location tab and click the blue Edit button beside the Storage Location and update the location to reflect the new servers NETBIOS name and SHARENAME with the share you created in step 6.
You can also verify the storage location by doing the following:
Open up SQL Management Studio and open the dbo.StorageLocation table. Ensure that this reflects the correct UNC share path to the Data directory. Run the following query to see your existing Data/Attachment Store:
USE ArchiveManager
SELECT * FROM StorageLocation
Note the StorageLocationID of the store that you are moving. Run the following query to update the storage location, replacing XX with the StorageLocationID that you will be moving, SERVERNAME with the new servers NETBIOS name and SHARENAME with the share you created in step 5.
USE ArchiveManager
UPDATE StorageLocation SET ConnectionString = 'DATA=\\SERVERNAME\SHARENAME' WHERE StorageLocationID = XX
7. Also open the dbo.Config table and make sure that all rows reflect the correct information.
8. Open the Archive Manager Configuration Console and verify that all rows are populated with the correct information, for example the drive paths of the Full Text Index or Export directory.
If drive letters and paths were modified from the old server they can be checked and modified within the Archive Manager Configuration Console.
You may need to login to Archive Manager as an administrator and confirm the 'Path' for your File System Data Loader matches the 'DataExportDirectory' value in the Archive Manager Configuration Console as well.
9. Confirm your IIS settings are correct for the ArchiveManager website, and that DNS Alias is updated and points to the new ArchiveManager web server.
10. You should now be able to use Archive Manager on the new server after starting the services. The Services are only to be started after you have finished with the Configuration Console after the install.
11. Once you confirm everything is working you can plan to Uninstall Archive Manager from the old machine.
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