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Power365 Current - Power365 Premium Integration Pro (Hybrid to Hybrid) Quick Start Guide

Set up Read & Match Workflow (Office 365 Groups and Teams Only)

This guide is broken into 4 easy steps to get started quickly.

  1. Verify Setup Requirements

  2. Set up Premium Project

  3. Deploy Agents

  4. Set up Read and Match Workflow (Groups & Teams Only)

Verify Setup Requirements

At a minimum there are two (2) areas that must be ready before starting, the accounts to grant access and a member server to install an agent.

Application Accounts

Before starting have Global Administrator account credentials ready for all source and target tenants that are in scope.

Have at least one (1) available Microsoft 365 license for our application account to consume for the duration of the project. Once the project is closed, the account license can be reclaimed.

In addition, the local agent will require Active Directory credentials to read and write to the desired Domain for reading and modifying objects.

Visit the Help Center for more details about accounts and permissions requirements .

Directory Sync Agents

For hybrid deployments where on-premises Active Directory is being used as the source for identity and security management, at least one (1) local agent is required to be installed on a local domain member server.

For additional information about the directory sync prerequisites, read the Power365 Directory Sync Requirements here.

Domain Sharing

There are additional requirements if Email Rewrite Services (ERS) are required for your Premium Integration Project. ERS setup is not covered in this guide. To find out more about Domain Sharing ERS requirements, download our Tenant-to-Tenant prerequisites guide.

Set up Premium Project

Create New Premium Project

Power365 Tenant-to-Tenant new project setup is automated making it easy and quick to get started. To begin follow these steps for creating your first Power365 Premium Integration project.

  1. Login to Power365.

  2. Choose Tenant-to-Tenant.

  3. Click New Project.

  4. Choose Premium Integration Project type. Click Next.

  5. Enter Project Name and Description. Click Next.

  6. Click New to add your Tenant Environments.

  7. Have your Microsoft 365 Global Administrator’s credentials ready.

  8. If there is more than 1 administrator, both administrators must be present to continue set up.

  9. Click Connect.

  10. Enter your Global Administrator’s credentials for first tenant environment.

  11. Accept the permissions requested.

  12. Repeat steps 6 – 11 for all subsequent tenant environments.

  13. Select your environment pairs. Click Next.

  14. Select your domain pairs. Click Next.

  15. Choose Discovery options. Click Next.

  16. Choose Matching options. Click Next.

  17. Choose Create options. Click Next.

  18. Enter New Users Default Password. Be sure it meets requirements. Click Next.

  19. Choose Free/Busy options. Click Next.

  20. Click Download Agent.

  21. Each environment administrator should download a copy of this agent to install in their local member server.

  22. See section three (3), “Install Agent(s)” for detailed agent installation and configuration details.

  23. Once all agents are installed and configured, click Next.

  24. Choose Domain Sharing options.

  25. Choose No, Maybe Later if you don’t have your ERS requirements ready. Click Next.

  26. The Project Setup Summary will open.

  27. Review the configurations, click the header to modify the options.

  28. When ready, click Next.

  29. Enter a valid email address to receive your discovery notifications.

  30. Click Start Discovery.

Environment discovery will now begin. When it completes an email will be sent to you. The larger and more complex the environment, the longer initial discovery will take. After a successful initial discovery has completed, delta discoveries will be run every 24 hours by default. Discovery intervals are configurable. If your discovery takes longer than 24 hours on average, be sure to adjust the schedule.

Need more information about projects, permissions, or other topics? Then visit our online help center.

Install Agent(s)

In this next section the on-premises directory sync agent will be installed and configured. At least one (1) agent must be installed in each environment, however a maximum of five (5) agents are supported per environment for redundancy. Each agent must be installed on an independent server, but this server is not required to be dedicated to this function. This agent should not be installed on a Domain Controller in a production environment.

To continue, follow these steps to complete the installation of your Directory Sync Agent.

  1. Each administrator should login to a local server to install the agent.

  2. Copy the agent installer to a shared folder or copy directory to server desktop.

  3. Double-click to begin installation.

  4. The installation wizard will open. Click Next.

  5. Enter the Domain, Global Catalog server FQDN, the local domain administrator account and password. Click Next.

  6. Installation will begin.

  7. When complete, click Finish.

  8. To modify the configuration, find and launch the BTAgent Configuration application.

  9. Repeat steps 3 – 7 for each agent installation across environments.

For additional details about the directory sync agent prerequisites, read the Power365 Directory Sync Requirements here.

Now that the Premium Integration Project is set up there is one final step to ensure a successful migration experience for Office 365 Groups and Teams. One of the key features of Groups and Teams migration services is synchronizing Team and Channel membership, ownership, and additionally for Office 365 groups their subscribers. To accomplish this, Power365 Directory Sync must have a set of matches to determine who is a member. To do so, a single workflow must be set up to read from your tenant environments and match objects between them. Follow these steps to set up the workflow.

  1. While logged in to Power365.

  2. Navigate to the Directory Sync Dashboard.

  3. Click New under Workflows or click Create a Workflow from the left menu.

  4. Enter a Workflow Name and Description.

  5. Select your source and target cloud environments. Click Next.

  6. Choose One-Way Sync. Click Next.

  7. Delete the Stage Data and Write To steps displayed in the right panel.

  8. Confirm deletions by clicking Yes.

  9. Click Select on the Read From step.

  10. Select both cloud environments. Click OK.

  11. Click Select on the Match Objects step.

  12. Choose the source environment.

  13. Choose the target environment.

  14. Choose the desired matching attribute(s).

  15. It is recommended that the same attribute pairings used for Tenant-to-Tenant matching be used in this case.

  16. Do not check the Match Across All Object Types option. Click OK. Click Next.

  17. Choose your Schedule options.

  18. ‘Manually’ is recommended for testing purposes and big bang Groups and Teams migrations where changes to the matching table won’t impact the migration event.  ‘Scheduled’ is recommended if migrating Groups and Teams along with your users over time. Click Next.

  19. Choose your Alert options. Click Skip to set up later if required.

  20. Review your workflow summary.

  21. Click Edit to modify any desired configurations.

  22. When ready, click Finish.

  23. From the Directory Sync Dashboard, select the workflow which was just created. Click Run.

  24. When the workflow run is complete, verify the users are matching as expected and there are no errors that need to be resolved.

  25. The workflow will need to be run again after your users and groups have been created in the target environment.

Environment Filters Tip: Be sure to set the environment filters to determine the scope of what objects would be matched. For more details about filters, check out our online help center.

What’s Next?

Now that the Premium Integration project is set up and discovery is complete, it is time to finish up any additional setup requirements. Follow these guidelines to finalize your configurations and then begin preparing users, Groups, and Teams.


There is one (1) additional requirement to get set up and then three (3) optional but recommended ones.

  1. Target OUs – To create new objects in the Source and Target Active Directory for hybrid tenant environments, the target Organizational Units (OUs) must first be selected. Follow these steps to choose where new objects will be created during Prepare and Cutover activities.

    1. While logged in to Power365.

    2. Navigate to the Tenant-to-Tenant Dashboard.

    3. Open the left navigation menu.

    4. Select Directory Integration.

    5. Click Choose OUs.

    6. Click Select OUs for Users in Target.

    7. Choose the desired OU. Click OK.

    8. Click Select OUs for Contacts in Target.

    9. Choose the desired OU. Click OK. Click Next.

    10. Click Select OUs for Contacts in Source.

    11. Choose the desired OU. Click OK.

    12. Click Finish.

  2. *Migration Profiles – Migration Profiles manage prepare, sync and cutover options. Every User, Group or Team has a migration profile assigned to it. There is a default migration profile everyone starts with. Migration profiles can be set or changed at any time. It is recommended that at least one (1) migration profile for users, one (1) for rooms/resources/shared mailboxes, and one (1) for Office 365 Groups and Teams be created to manage the different migration workloads. However, create as many as are required to meet the project needs. View the help topic here to find out more about Migration Profiles.

  3. *Migration Waves – Migration Waves organize your Users, Groups, and Teams into logical-groupings so actions and schedules may be applied to the members in bulk. Migration Waves can be managed through local Active Directory Groups or directly from the application, whichever is more suitable to the project’s needs. Users, Groups, and Teams can be assigned to a Migration Wave individually from the UI, added as a member of a local group or in bulk by uploading a list of wave assignments by Users, Groups and Teams. To find out everything about migration waves, view the help topic here.

  4. *Migration Schedules – Migration Schedules provide a means to optionally schedule the start date and time of the Prepare, Sync, and Cutover activities. It also allows the Sync frequency and intervals to be set. Schedules are assigned to Migration Waves. Use Migration Schedules to schedule when your Users, Groups, and Teams will be created in the target, when they will be provisioned for licenses, how often they sync, how many times they sync, and when they will complete their migration. Migration Schedules are an easy way to automate your Users, Groups, and Teams migration lifecycle activities. More details about Migration Schedules can be found in the help topic here.


All configurations are now complete and when ready it is time to begin creating target objects, begin the initial content syncs, and plan the Cutover capacity and strategy. The following section provides guidance about each of these different activities with links to additional information.

  1. Prepare – It is recommended that all users int the target be created at once and if possible scheduled during off-hours to minimize impact and maximize resources. This is typically a one-time activity unless new hires are added to the migration project. However, it is recommended that new hires be on-boarded to the target system and not migrated.

    After the target objects are created don’t forget to run the workflow for matching, created earlier in this guide.

  2. Sync – The first sync will provision users’ licenses and mailbox enable the user so content migration may begin. It is recommended that users not be provisioned until you are ready to begin migrations and are close to a planned cutover date. Don’t sync users once and then wait weeks or months to sync them again. Plan your initial sync as close to the cutover date as possible. Different migration workloads have different synchronization characteristics that can impact throughput, throttling, consumption, and how many syncs and cutovers that can be supported within a given time period. Ramp up to tenant capacity then plan based on what amount of change the organization can absorb during a single cutover event cycle.   

  3. Cutover – Cutover events are the most critical activity within a user or resource migration project. This is the time period when the end-user is most impacted. Therefore, it is critical that cutover events are planned carefully by first running several pilot events to mature the process and determine how many cutovers can occur within the time frame allotted to the event. Many migration projects use the weekend to run their cutover events because it provides more time to push more migrations. However, larger weekend events also inject more change at once. Other projects may utilize nightly or bi-weekly schedules to manage cutovers. Whichever type of schedule fits your project, validate the model to minimize impact on the end-user. After the pilot events, compile the findings to determine how much the migration service can manage during the event period and how much change the organization can absorb during the cutover event. 

Learn more about Prepare, Sync and Cutover by visiting our online help center.


Now that the Premium Integration project is set up and discovery is complete, it is time to finish up any additional setup requirements. Follow these guidelines to finalize your configurations and then begin preparing users, Groups, and Teams.

There is one (1) additional requirement to get set up and then three (3) optional but recommended ones.

  1. Target OUs – To create new objects in the Source and Target Active Directory for hybrid tenant environments, the target Organizational Units (OUs) must first be selected. Follow these steps to choose where new objects will be created during Prepare and Cutover activities.

    1. While logged in to Power365.

    2. Navigate to the Tenant-to-Tenant Dashboard.

    3. Open the left navigation menu.

    4. Select Directory Integration.

    5. Click Choose OUs.

    6. Click Select OUs for Users in Target.

    7. Choose the desired OU. Click OK.

    8. Click Select OUs for Contacts in Target.

    9. Choose the desired OU. Click OK. Click Next.

    10. Click Select OUs for Contacts in Source.

    11. Choose the desired OU. Click OK.

    12. Click Finish.

  2. *Migration Profiles – Migration Profiles manage prepare, sync and cutover options. Every User, Group or Team has a migration profile assigned to it. There is a default migration profile everyone starts with. Migration profiles can be set or changed at any time. It is recommended that at least one (1) migration profile for users, one (1) for rooms/resources/shared mailboxes, and one (1) for Office 365 Groups and Teams be created to manage the different migration workloads. However, create as many as are required to meet the project needs. View the help topic here to find out more about Migration Profiles.

  3. *Migration Waves – Migration Waves organize your Users, Groups, and Teams into logical-groupings so actions and schedules may be applied to the members in bulk. Migration Waves can be managed through local Active Directory Groups or directly from the application, whichever is more suitable to the project’s needs. Users, Groups, and Teams can be assigned to a Migration Wave individually from the UI, added as a member of a local group or in bulk by uploading a list of wave assignments by Users, Groups and Teams. To find out everything about migration waves, view the help topic here.

  4. *Migration Schedules – Migration Schedules provide a means to optionally schedule the start date and time of the Prepare, Sync, and Cutover activities. It also allows the Sync frequency and intervals to be set. Schedules are assigned to Migration Waves. Use Migration Schedules to schedule when your Users, Groups, and Teams will be created in the target, when they will be provisioned for licenses, how often they sync, how many times they sync, and when they will complete their migration. Migration Schedules are an easy way to automate your Users, Groups, and Teams migration lifecycle activities. More details about Migration Schedules can be found in the help topic here.


All configurations are now complete and when ready it is time to begin creating target objects, begin the initial content syncs, and plan the Cutover capacity and strategy. The following section provides guidance about each of these different activities with links to additional information.

  1. Prepare – It is recommended that all users int the target be created at once and if possible scheduled during off-hours to minimize impact and maximize resources. This is typically a one-time activity unless new hires are added to the migration project. However, it is recommended that new hires be on-boarded to the target system and not migrated.

    After the target objects are created don’t forget to run the workflow for matching, created earlier in this guide.

  2. Sync – The first sync will provision users’ licenses and mailbox enable the user so content migration may begin. It is recommended that users not be provisioned until you are ready to begin migrations and are close to a planned cutover date. Don’t sync users once and then wait weeks or months to sync them again. Plan your initial sync as close to the cutover date as possible. Different migration workloads have different synchronization characteristics that can impact throughput, throttling, consumption, and how many syncs and cutovers that can be supported within a given time period. Ramp up to tenant capacity then plan based on what amount of change the organization can absorb during a single cutover event cycle.   

  3. Cutover – Cutover events are the most critical activity within a user or resource migration project. This is the time period when the end-user is most impacted. Therefore, it is critical that cutover events are planned carefully by first running several pilot events to mature the process and determine how many cutovers can occur within the time frame allotted to the event. Many migration projects use the weekend to run their cutover events because it provides more time to push more migrations. However, larger weekend events also inject more change at once. Other projects may utilize nightly or bi-weekly schedules to manage cutovers. Whichever type of schedule fits your project, validate the model to minimize impact on the end-user. After the pilot events, compile the findings to determine how much the migration service can manage during the event period and how much change the organization can absorb during the cutover event. 

Learn more about Prepare, Sync and Cutover by visiting our online help center.


Now that the Premium Integration project is set up and discovery is complete, it is time to finish up any additional setup requirements. Follow these guidelines to finalize your configurations and then begin preparing users, Groups, and Teams.


There is one (1) additional requirement to get set up and then three (3) optional but recommended ones.

  1. Target OUs – To create new objects in the Source and Target Active Directory for hybrid tenant environments, the target Organizational Units (OUs) must first be selected. Follow these steps to choose where new objects will be created during Prepare and Cutover activities.

    1. While logged in to Power365.

    2. Navigate to the Tenant-to-Tenant Dashboard.

    3. Open the left navigation menu.

    4. Select Directory Integration.

    5. Click Choose OUs.

    6. Click Select OUs for Users in Target.

    7. Choose the desired OU. Click OK.

    8. Click Select OUs for Contacts in Target.

    9. Choose the desired OU. Click OK. Click Next.

    10. Click Select OUs for Contacts in Source.

    11. Choose the desired OU. Click OK.

    12. Click Finish.

  2. *Migration Profiles – Migration Profiles manage prepare, sync and cutover options. Every User, Group or Team has a migration profile assigned to it. There is a default migration profile everyone starts with. Migration profiles can be set or changed at any time. It is recommended that at least one (1) migration profile for users, one (1) for rooms/resources/shared mailboxes, and one (1) for Office 365 Groups and Teams be created to manage the different migration workloads. However, create as many as are required to meet the project needs. View the help topic here to find out more about Migration Profiles.

  3. *Migration Waves – Migration Waves organize your Users, Groups, and Teams into logical-groupings so actions and schedules may be applied to the members in bulk. Migration Waves can be managed through local Active Directory Groups or directly from the application, whichever is more suitable to the project’s needs. Users, Groups, and Teams can be assigned to a Migration Wave individually from the UI, added as a member of a local group or in bulk by uploading a list of wave assignments by Users, Groups and Teams. To find out everything about migration waves, view the help topic here.

  4. *Migration Schedules – Migration Schedules provide a means to optionally schedule the start date and time of the Prepare, Sync, and Cutover activities. It also allows the Sync frequency and intervals to be set. Schedules are assigned to Migration Waves. Use Migration Schedules to schedule when your Users, Groups, and Teams will be created in the target, when they will be provisioned for licenses, how often they sync, how many times they sync, and when they will complete their migration. Migration Schedules are an easy way to automate your Users, Groups, and Teams migration lifecycle activities. More details about Migration Schedules can be found in the help topic here.

All configurations are now complete and when ready it is time to begin creating target objects, begin the initial content syncs, and plan the Cutover capacity and strategy. The following section provides guidance about each of these different activities with links to additional information.

  1. Prepare – It is recommended that all users int the target be created at once and if possible scheduled during off-hours to minimize impact and maximize resources. This is typically a one-time activity unless new hires are added to the migration project. However, it is recommended that new hires be on-boarded to the target system and not migrated.

    After the target objects are created don’t forget to run the workflow for matching, created earlier in this guide.

  2. Sync – The first sync will provision users’ licenses and mailbox enable the user so content migration may begin. It is recommended that users not be provisioned until you are ready to begin migrations and are close to a planned cutover date. Don’t sync users once and then wait weeks or months to sync them again. Plan your initial sync as close to the cutover date as possible. Different migration workloads have different synchronization characteristics that can impact throughput, throttling, consumption, and how many syncs and cutovers that can be supported within a given time period. Ramp up to tenant capacity then plan based on what amount of change the organization can absorb during a single cutover event cycle.   

  3. Cutover – Cutover events are the most critical activity within a user or resource migration project. This is the time period when the end-user is most impacted. Therefore, it is critical that cutover events are planned carefully by first running several pilot events to mature the process and determine how many cutovers can occur within the time frame allotted to the event. Many migration projects use the weekend to run their cutover events because it provides more time to push more migrations. However, larger weekend events also inject more change at once. Other projects may utilize nightly or bi-weekly schedules to manage cutovers. Whichever type of schedule fits your project, validate the model to minimize impact on the end-user. After the pilot events, compile the findings to determine how much the migration service can manage during the event period and how much change the organization can absorb during the cutover event. 

Learn more about Prepare, Sync and Cutover by visiting our online help center.

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