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Spotlight on SAP ASE 2.11 - User Guide

Spotlight on SAP ASE
Background Information Desktop Features Connect to SAP ASE Spotlight® on SAP ASE Drilldowns Spotlight® on SAP ASE Alarms Glossary
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Where the control is...

Select the Spotlight control (component) to (not) apply the rule to.

How to open this dialog

From the Custom Filter Rules - Alarm Log Filter Dialog or the Alarm Actions - Alarm Log Filter Dialog

  1. Click New or Modify.
  2. Select Where the control is...
  3. Click to define the action in the Rule description pane.

Where the control is any of the following:

  1. Select Is one of the following or Is not one of the following.
  2. From the Plug-in list, select the Spotlight plug-in application (Spotlight on Windows, for example) that contains the control.
  3. From the Drilldown list, select the Spotlight page that contains the control.
  4. From the Control list, select the specified control.


Related Topics

Custom Filter Rules - Alarm Log Filter Dialog  

Where the details contain...

Where the details contain…

Require specific values to (not) apply the rule to.

How to open this dialog

From the Custom Filter Rules - Alarm Log Filter Dialog or the Alarm Actions - Alarm Log Filter Dialog

  1. Click New or Modify.
  2. Select Where the details contain...
  3. Click to define the action in the Rule description pane.

Where the details contain any of the following:

  1. Select from
    • contain any of the following phrases
    • contain all of the following phrases
    • do not contain any of the following phrases
  2. As appropriate:
    • Click Add to create a phrase.
    • Highlight a phrase and click Modify to change it.
    • Highlight a phrase and click Delete to delete it.


Related Topics

Where the highest alarm for the connection is...

An active Spotlight connection may raise more than one alarm during a session, and each alarm raised may have a different level of severity. Use this condition when you want ONLY the alarm with the highest severity to apply to the Alarm Log rule.

How to open this dialog

From the Custom Filter Rules - Alarm Log Filter Dialog or the Alarm Actions - Alarm Log Filter Dialog

  1. Click New or Modify.
  2. Select Where the highest alarm for the connection is...
  3. Click to define the action in the Rule description pane.

Where the highest alarm for the connection is:

  1. From the Where the severity is options, select the operator that you want to use.
  2. From the drop-down list, choose the severity you want to use.

Note: When you want the severity of a specified alarm (not necessarily the highest alarm) to trigger an Alarm Log rule, use Where the alarm severity is...


Related Topics

Where the value is...

Define as appropriate to the rule.

Note: This condition is used in combination with other conditions. An example of this may be a rule with two conditions, as in: "Where the control is... and Where the value is..."

How to open this dialog

From the Custom Filter Rules - Alarm Log Filter Dialog or the Alarm Actions - Alarm Log Filter Dialog

  1. Click New or Modify.
  2. Select Where the value is...
  3. Click to define the action in the Rule description pane.

Where the value is any of the following:

  1. Select the appropriate operator.
  2. Select the appropriate value


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