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Coexistence Manager for Notes 3.9.1 - Program Parameters Reference Guide

Parameter format and structure

CMN parameters are specified and stored in XML Unicode text files that conform to XML markup standards and conventions. Each parameter is specified by an XML element, consisting of a start tag, an end tag, and the parameter value between the two tags. For example:

As with all XML markup tags (and as shown in these examples), the start and end tags are both enclosed within angle brackets, and the end tag is denoted by a slash character (“/”) inside the angle brackets preceding the parameter name.

Within a CMN parameters XML file, related parameters are grouped into sections, which also are named and marked by pairs of tags. For example:

The section tags and parameter elements within an XML file are typically broken into separate lines and indented, as shown here, just for human readability. But the line breaks, indentions and any other white space that occurs between elements are ignored by the programs that read the files.

Spaces that occur within a parameter value, however, are significant. For example, the spacing within a text string such as:

... will be read, interpreted and used by the program in exactly that same form, with spaces intact.

Likewise, upper/lowercase within a parameter value may be significant, but only if case matters in whatever context the program will use the string. For example, if <CityName>baLtImOre</CityName> and the program will copy that parameter value into a program log or report, or into the user interface as a display element, the name will appear there in that same peculiar form: as "baLtImOre." Section and parameter names (tag contents), however, are case-insensitive.

Spelling of parameter names and parameter values is always critical. If a program is looking for a parameter name UserAddress, it will not recognize a parameter name UsreAddress or UserAdress.

The default value of a parameter is the value that will prevail in the program if the parameter is omitted from its Configuration.xml file.

For any given parameter, the parameter value will be meaningful only if it conforms to the parameter’s particular data type. Every parameter value is one of these five data types:

String: An alphanumeric string.
Integer: A non-decimal numeric value.
Boolean: A value of “true” or “false” to specify whether a particular feature or function is to be enabled or disabled, or whether a particular operating condition is true or false.
Date: A date, formed by eight digits with two slash characters, in the form: mm/dd/yyyy.
Keyword: An alphanumeric string that matches one of a finite set of valid keyword strings defined for the particular parameter.

Many parameters that appear in the CMN xml configuration files simply store values that are entered or selected in the fields of various screens in CMN’s Management Console software. These UI-associated parameters are therefore not documented in this Reference, since their values should not be manually edited in the xml files except at the direction of Quest Support.

How to specify or edit program parameters

IMPORTANT: The CMN Management Console must be closed before you open a configuration file as described here. When you select File|Save in the Management Console, the Console saves all of its open data to the Configuration.xml file, and this will overwrite any manual changes to the file that may have been entered and saved while the Console was open.
CAUTION: Be very careful when manually entering or editing values in the Configuration.xml file, where incorrect syntax or even a single-character typo could disable a connector or the DC service altogether.

The contents of a configuration XML file can be edited by any XML editor:

Configuration.XML file for Directory Connector is in:

CMN's \Directory Connector\ folder

Configuration.XML file for Mail Connector is in:

CMN's \Mail Connector\ folder

Save and close the Configuration.XML file.


Directory Connector parameters

NOTE: Parameters that appear in the DC Configuration.xml file but that are not listed here are associated with UI entries in the DC Management Console, and should not be edited manually (in the xml file) except at the direction of Quest Support.

Type: string. Default: [null] (connector will overwrite target attributes with source attributes if they differ)

Specifies a list of one or more target object attributes whose values will be appended to, rather than replaced by source attribute data, when the connector is running in Update mode and attribute data differs between an existing object in the target and a corresponding source object. Available for either N-to-E or E-to-N connector, specified separately per connector.

This parameter is optional, and is configured separately for each DC connector in the connector's section of the DC Configuration.xml file. To designate the attribute(s) that should function this way in Update mode for a particular connector, find (or add) the <AppendAttributes> tags for the connector, and enter the names of the target attributes separated by a pipe character ("|") between the tags, like this:

Note that a manual change to an attribute value in a CMN target container will persist through subsequent connector runs if the corresponding source object record has not also been changed. A connector compares the source object data to a copy of the source object record from the preceding connector run, and updates the target object only if the source object has changed.

Type: boolean. Default: true (on)

Determines whether the Connector Creation Wizard will (false) or will not (true) verify data on pages searching for and displaying OUs (insofar as verifications are possible by other entries and/or environmental inferences). Applies to the Directory Connector as a whole (not just a particular connector). Note that the parameter is defined (named) in terms of not verifying, so a true setting turns off the verifications.

Type: integer. Default: 0

When set to the default value 0, CMN times out after 5 minutes. You can set this parameter to the number of minutes desired before time out occurs.

Type: string. Default: [null]

Specifies a name or IP address for the mail server to receive a Mail alert report.

This parameter is optional.

Type: string. Default: administrator@noreply

Specifies the email address of the sender when the mail alert module is enabled for error sync.

Type: string. Default: [null]

Specifies one or more recipient's email addresses. These values are used by the mail alert module for error sync.

This parameter is optional. Find (or add) the <MailAlertTo> tags in the root section of the DC Configuration.xml file and enter the names of the email addresses separated by a semicolon character (";") between the tags. For example:


To enable the mail alert module for error sync, you must set values for the following three parameters at the same time:

Type: integer. Default: 9081

Specifies the communications port for the DC service. Available for the Directory Connector service overall (not specified separately per connector).

Specifies which communications port the Directory Connector should use for data transmissions between the DC service and the DC Management Console, on the server where these applications reside. The port for this is set to 9081 by default, and this will be the correct setting in almost all environments.

But if port 9081 is assigned to some other service or function in your environment, you must change this communications port setting in the Directory Connector configuration file. The <ServicePort> parameter is usually at or near the end of the <DirectoryConnectorSettings> section.

Type: string. Default: Contacts

Specifies an alternate object type (instead of Contact objects) in the source whose objects a connector should sync to the target—to a target object type specified by the <TargetContactObject> parameter described below. This feature permits the designation of a particular connector to synchronize a particular object type other than the default Contact object. Available for either a N-to-E or E-to-N connector, specified separately per connector, in the connector’s <Section> of the Configuration.xml file.

Type: string. Default: Groups

Specifies an alternate object type (instead of Group objects) in the source whose objects a connector should sync to the target—to a target object type specified by the <TargetGroupObject> parameter described below. This feature permits the designation of a particular connector to synchronize a particular object type other than the default Group object. Available for either a N-to-E or E-to-N connector, specified separately per connector, in the connector’s <Section> of the Configuration.xml file.

Type: string. Default: Resources

Specifies an alternate object type (instead of Resource objects) in the source whose objects a connector should sync to the target—to a target object type specified by the <TargetResourceObject> parameter described below. This feature permits the designation of a particular connector to synchronize a particular object type other than the default Resource object. Available for either a N-to-E or E-to-N connector, specified separately per connector, in the connector’s <Section> of the Configuration.xml file.

Type: string. Default: Users

Specifies an alternate object type (instead of User objects) in the source whose objects a connector should sync to the target—to a target object type specified by the <TargetUserObject> parameter described below. This feature permits the designation of a particular connector to synchronize a particular object type other than the default User object. Available for either a N-to-E or E-to-N connector, specified separately per connector, in the connector’s <Section> of the Configuration.xml file.

Type: string. Default: Contacts

Specifies an alternate object type (instead of Contact objects) in the target to be synchronized with objects from the source of the type specified by the <SourceContactObject> parameter described above. This feature permits the designation of a particular connector to synchronize a particular object type other than the default Contact object. Available for either a N-to-E or E-to-N connector, specified separately per connector, in the connector’s <Section> of the Configuration.xml file.

Type: string. Default: Groups

Specifies an alternate object type (instead of Group objects) in the target to be synchronized with objects from the source of the type specified by the <SourceGroupObject> parameter described above. This feature permits the designation of a particular connector to synchronize a particular object type other than the default Group object. Available for either a N-to-E or E-to-N connector, specified separately per connector, in the connector’s <Section> of the Configuration.xml file.

Type: string. Default: Resources

Specifies an alternate object type (instead of Resource objects) in the target to be synchronized with objects from the source of the type specified by the <SourceResourceObject> parameter described above. This feature permits the designation of a particular connector to synchronize a particular object type other than the default Resource object. Available for either a N-to-E or E-to-N connector, specified separately per connector, in the connector’s <Section> of the Configuration.xml file.

Type: string. Default: Users

Specifies an alternate object type (instead of User objects) in the target to be synchronized with objects from the source of the type specified by the <SourceUserObject> parameter described above. This feature permits the designation of a particular connector to synchronize a particular object type other than the default User object. Available for either a N-to-E or E-to-N connector, specified separately per connector, in the connector’s <Section> of the Configuration.xml file.


Mail Connector parameters

NOTE: Only a very few of the parameters that appear in the MC Configuration.xml file are documented here, because the others are associated with UI entries in the MC Management Console, and should not be edited manually (in the xml file) except at the direction of Quest Support.

Type: boolean. Default: false

Summary: Optional "pass-through" mode to disengage message processing.

Determines whether CMN’s optional "pass-through" mode will disengage CMN’s message-processing features while CMN continues to pass mail between the servers. This feature is off (false) by default, which tells the MC to not enable its pass-through mode—which would disable message processing. (A false setting here tells the MC to continue processing messages in addition to routing them to the other environment.) This feature is available only by manually setting this parameter in MC’s Configuration.xml (is not offered in the Management Console).

Type: boolean. Default: false.

Summary: Optionally skip updating from header of the Mime Body in REPLY and COUNTER calendars.

This feature is off (false) by default, which tells the MC to update from header of the Mime Body in REPLY and COUNTER calendars. This feature is available only by manually setting this parameter in MC’s Configuration.xml file. It cannot be set in the Management Console.

Type: domain name Default: none

Summary: The SMTP domain name used to route mail from the source to the target server.

Type: integer. Default: 300 (seconds; = 5 minutes)

Summary: Duration of wait for a socket connection.

Sets the number of seconds CMN will wait for a socket connection before timing out.

Type: integer. Default: 5

Summary: Configure socket channel usage.

This is a "throttling" feature to enforce a time interval for CMN to conclude its communications protocol with a channel before opening another. The actual delay, in seconds, is a "delay factor" (5 by default) x the ratio of the number of open channels to the maximum allowed number of channels. This parameter, in the <root> node of the MC’s Configuration.xml, specifies the delay factor. By default, the Mail Connector waits up to 5 seconds for an available socket channel before opening a new one (if none are then available).


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