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Foglight for Storage Management Shared 6.0.0 - User Guide

Getting Started Configuring Agents to Monitor Storage Devices
Brocade SAN Switches Cisco SAN Switches Dell Compellent Arrays Dell EqualLogic PS Series Array Groups EMC CLARiiON CX Series Arrays (CLI) EMC CLARiiON, VNX, or VMAX Storage Arrays (SMI-S) EMC Isilon EMC VPLEX Hitachi Data Systems AMS, USP, and VSP HP EVA Storage Arrays HP 3PAR Arrays NetApp Filers Configuration Procedures
Managing Agents Using Foglight for Storage Management Monitoring Storage Performance Investigating Storage Devices Investigating Storage Components Investigating VPLEX Storage Troubleshooting Storage Performance Managing Data Collection, Rules, and Alarms Understanding Metrics Appendix: Supported Storage Devices Table

Filers — Filer and Aggregate Capacity Metrics

Foglight for Storage Management supports NetApp filers (F). NetApp uses the word aggregate (Ag) instead of pool, but the metrics collected for aggregates are similar to the metrics collected for pools.

Also Total Advertised LUNs Size or Adv LUNs Size

Sum of the Advertised LUN Size for all LUNs in the entity.



Sum of the Advertised Size for all NASVolumes.





Also Total Disk Capacity

Sum of the sizes of the disks in the filer. This includes spares.



Amount of disk capacity that has not been committed to an aggregate.

Disk capacity cylinder coloring and capacity alarms are defined in registry variables with the prefix: StSAN.FilerDisks.PctUnallocatedCapacityThres hold...



Also Total Usable Aggr Capacity

Sum of the Total Usable Capacity of all the aggregates in the filer. Aggregate capacity cylinder coloring and alarms are defined in registry variables with the prefix:




Also Available Aggr Capacity

Sum of the Available Usable Capacity in the aggregates. Usable means after applying RAID.



Also displayed as Aggregate Capacity (Raw)

Sum of the raw capacity of all the aggregates in the filer.



Sum of the available raw capacity in all the aggregates.



= Advertised NASVolumes Size – Aggr Capacity (Usable) Total

Overcommitment reflects the minimum additional capacity needed in the aggregate to support the advertised capacity promised to thin-provisioned volumes and LUNs.

When the value of overcommitment is greater than zero, you run the risk of I/O writes failing because of insufficient physical storage to support the demand.



Total capacity of the aggregate in usable terms. Usable means after applying RAID.



Also displayed as Available Capacity

Capacity available in the aggregate that has not been committed to data, snapshots, or thick-provisioned volumes and LUNs, in usable terms. Usable means after applying RAID.



= Total Usable Capacity – Available Usable Capacity



Also % Free

= Available Usable Capacity / Total Usable Capacity



Storage Arrays and Filers — LUN, NASVolume, and Disk Capacity Metrics

These metrics describe the capacity of LUNs, NASVolumes, and disks.

Overview of Metrics in Foglight for Storage Management

Metrics and data are saved in the Foglight for Storage Management database as properties of topology objects. Topology objects correspond to the types of storage devices and components being monitored in your storage environment.

Summary of SAN Topology Objects

If you want to create new rules or custom dashboards, or if you want to browse the data directly instead of through the Storage & SAN dashboards, you need to know the names of devices, components, and metrics as they are stored in the Foglight for Storage Management Database Repository.

The following tables list the top-level storage devices and all child components, and identifies their topology object names. These lists are not comprehensive, rather they reflect the objects that you may need to reference if you are creating new rules or custom dashboards. For other objects, see the Data dashboard. For help navigating to the Data dashboard, see Locating SAN Topology Objects in Foglight for Storage Management.

Documents connexes
Foglight for Storage Management Shared - 6.0.0
Release Notes
User Guide
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