To resolve the issue you should replace the sysmail script file with the one provided by the developers which is attached to this KB, please contact support if the issue persists after the replacement. Please move the original sysmail script file to a different location; since renaming the file will not prevent NetVault from running it.
To replace the file:
1. Stop NetVault service according to the NetVault Server OS:
On Windows:
- Press Ctrl+R on your keyboard.
- Type "services.msc" (without the quotation marks).
- Look for "NetVault Process Manager" and stop it.
On Linux:
$NV_HOME/etc/ stop
2. Replace the script files according to the NetVault Server OS:
On Windows:
- Go to "C:\Program Files\Quest\NetVault\scripts\global"
- Move the file sysmail.bat to another location
- Go to "C:\Program Files\Quest\NetVault\scripts\users"
- Move the file mail.bat to another location
- Extract the and copy them to their corresponding location
On Linux:
- Make a copy of existing and and delete the original file:
# cd /usr/netvault/scripts/global
# cp [new location and file name e.g. ~/]
# rm
# cd /usr/netvault/scripts/users
# cp [new location and file name e.g. ~/]
# rm
- Extract the and copy them to their corresponding location
3. Start NetVault service according to the NetVault Server OS:
- Press Ctrl+R on your keyboard.
- Type "services.msc" (without the quotation marks).
- Look for "NetVault Process Manager" and start it.
On Linux:
$NV_HOME/etc/ start
4. Recreate the report jobs to ensure it uses the new sysmail.bat:
- Go to Change Settings -> Notification
- Configure the Mail server and Configure global notification setting
- Click Apply to apply new setting
- Then Configure Notification for any event(e.g. job completed successfully)
- Run backup job and after job completed successfully you get a notification on your email
Note: This issue has been addressed in NetVault 13.1.