Lorsque vous essayez de mettre à niveau la version K1000 Server 6.4.119927 à 6.4.120261 avec le fichier k1000_server_6.4.120261.kbin vous obtenez les erreurs sur les bases de données à partir des paramètres ci-dessous | journaux | Journaux Mise à jour :
[Wed Jan 27 8:51:11 ICT 2016] [notice] kbox_upgrade:: Running kbox_upgrade.php part 1
[Wed Jan 27 8:51:11 ICT 2016] [notice] Begin K1000 Server Update to 6.4.120261 from 6.4.119927
[Wed Jan 27 8:51:11 ICT 2016] [notice] Verifying that KBSYS Database matches expected schema...
[Wed Jan 27 8:51:15 ICT 2016] [notice] one is KBSYS, two is /kbox/bin/kbserver/templates/factory_sys.sql
first db: one
second db: two
There were differences detected.
Table 'one.ACCESS_STATS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.AGENTLESS_TASK' doesn't exist
Table 'one.APPLE_MODEL' doesn't exist
Table 'one.AUTHENTICATION' doesn't exist
Table 'one.CLIENT_CRASH' doesn't exist
Table 'one.COUNTRYCODE_MAPPING' doesn't exist
Table 'one.CREDENTIAL_CONSUMER' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DASHBOARD' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DASHBOARD_BASE_WIDGETS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DASHBOARD_CACHE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DASHBOARD_CUSTOM_WIDGETS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DASHBOARD_DATASOURCES' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DASHBOARD_WIDGET_TYPES' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DELL_CATALOG' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DELL_CRITICALITY' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DELL_ERROR_CODE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DELL_PKG' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DELL_PKG_DEVICE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DELL_PKG_DEVICE_DEPENDENCY' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DELL_PKG_DEVICE_PCI' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DELL_PKG_DEVICE_PNP' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DELL_PKG_DEVICE_VERSION' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DELL_PKG_OS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DELL_PKG_OS_LANG' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DELL_PKG_SYSTEM' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DELL_RESOURCE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DELL_SUPPORTED_MODELS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.DELL_UPDATE_STATUS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.GLOBAL_OPTIONS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.GRID_COLUMNS_BASE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.GRID_COLUMNS_OVERRIDES' doesn't exist
Table 'one.HD_EMAIL_EXCLUSION' doesn't exist
Table 'one.HISTORY_FIELD_VALUE_LABEL_MAP' doesn't exist
Table 'one.IM_CRON' doesn't exist
Table 'one.INVENTORY' doesn't exist
Table 'one.INVENTORY_FAILURES' doesn't exist
Table 'one.JOIN_METADATA' doesn't exist
Table 'one.KBOT_GRAMMAR' doesn't exist
Table 'one.KBOT_GRAMMAR_ATTRIBUTE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.KBOT_UPLOAD_TOKENS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.KBOX' doesn't exist
Table 'one.KBOX_VERSION' doesn't exist
Table 'one.KONDUCTOR_TASK' doesn't exist
Table 'one.KUID_MACHINE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.KUID_ORGANIZATION' doesn't exist
Table 'one.LICENSE_MODE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.LINKED_APPLIANCE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.LINKED_USER_TOKEN' doesn't exist
Table 'one.LOCALE_BROWSER' doesn't exist
Table 'one.LOCALE_COLLATION_RULES' doesn't exist
Table 'one.LOCALE_SERVER' doesn't exist
Table 'one.LOCALE_TIME_FORMAT' doesn't exist
Table 'one.MSI_ERROR_CODES' doesn't exist
Table 'one.NETWORK_SETTINGS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.ORGANIZATION' doesn't exist
Table 'one.ORGANIZATION_FILTER' doesn't exist
Table 'one.ORGANIZATION_FILTER_CRITERIA' doesn't exist
Table 'one.ORG_ROLE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.ORG_ROLE_PERMISSION_VALUE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.OS_FAMILY' doesn't exist
Table 'one.OVAL_DEFINITION' doesn't exist
Table 'one.OVAL_UPDATE_STATUS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_ARCHITECTURE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_BULLETIN' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_BULLETIN_CATALOG' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_BULLETIN_OS_JT' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_ERROR_CODE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_IMPACT' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_LANGUAGE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_LST' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_LST_OSPX_MAP' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_LST_PATCH_JT' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_OS_TYPE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_PACKAGE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_PACKAGE_FILE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_PACKAGE_FLAGS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_PACKAGE_LANGUAGE_JT' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_PACKAGE_OS_TYPE_JT' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_PATCH' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_PATCH_LANGUAGE_JT' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_PATCH_OS_JT' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_PATCH_PREREQ' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_PATCH_PRODUCT' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_PATCH_SUPERCEDES' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_PLATFORM' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_PUBLISHERS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_RESOURCE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_SCR_CONTENT' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_UPDATE_STATUS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_VENDORATTRIBUTE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PATCHLINK_VENDOR_SEVERITY' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PERMISSION_DEFINITION' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PORT_SERVICES' doesn't exist
Table 'one.PROVISIONING_ERRORS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.REPORT_FIELD' doesn't exist
Table 'one.REPORT_FIELD_GROUP' doesn't exist
Table 'one.REPORT_JOIN' doesn't exist
Table 'one.REPORT_OBJECT' doesn't exist
Table 'one.REPORT_OBJECT_JOIN' doesn't exist
Table 'one.REPORT_SCHEDULE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.RESOURCE_EXPORTED' doesn't exist
Table 'one.RESOURCE_QUEUE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SAM_APPLICATION' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SAM_HARDWARE' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SAM_LINUX_APPLICATION' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SAM_MUI_CACHE_DATA' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SAM_PUBLISHER' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SAM_SOFTWARE_TAG' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SAM_TITLE_REQUEST' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SERVER_CRASH' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SERVICE_LEVEL_MAPPING' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SETTINGS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SETTINGS_HISTORY' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SHAPING_METADATA' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SMARTY_REPORT' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SMMP_CONNECTION' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SMMP_CONNECTION_PLUGIN_JT' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SMMP_MSG_Q' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SMMP_NIC' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SMMP_PLUGIN' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SOFTWARE_INVENTORY' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SOFTWARE_INVENTORY_FAILURES' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SSL_CERT' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SSL_CSR' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SSL_PRIVATEKEY' doesn't exist
Table 'one.SYSTEM_DEFINED_ROLES' doesn't exist
Table 'one.TIME_SETTINGS' doesn't exist
Table 'one.USER' doesn't exist
Table 'one.USER_AUTH' doesn't exist
Table 'one.USER_AUTO_REFRESH' doesn't exist
[Wed Jan 27 8:51:15 ICT 2016] [notice] Verifying that CATALOG Database matches expected schema...
[Wed Jan 27 8:51:15 ICT 2016] [notice] Verifying that AMS Database matches expected schema...
[Wed Jan 27 8:51:15 ICT 2016] [notice] Verifying that ORG1 Database matches expected schema...
[Wed Jan 27 8:51:15 ICT 2016] [notice] K1000 Server Update Canceled, failed database schema checks, see previous lines for specific errors, contact support@kace.com to upgrade properly.