Update: This issue has been addressed by Microsoft
Addressed issue where, if you specify an auto-logon configuration in Unattend.xml, auto-logon only works on the first logon, but will not work again when the device is restarted.
To resolve the issue, make sure KB4022716 (or a newer replacement update, like KB4025342) is installed on the image before the sysprep and capture process.
Below you will find instructions on how to create a mid-level task to inject an MSU update into a deployed OS, if it was not installed before the sysprep and capture process took place.
Workaround: Inject the update into a deployed image
@echo off
REM Determine architectureIf %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == x86 set archtype=x86If %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == AMD64 set archtype=x64
REM Determine OS drive letter
for %%I in (Z W V U S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C) do (
if exist %%I:\WINDOWS set WINDOWS_DRIVE=%%I:
REM Create a scratch directory
mkdir %WINDOWS_DRIVE%\Windows\Temp\k2_mid
REM Use DISM to inject the update into the deployed OS
DISM.exe /Image:%WINDOWS_DRIVE%\ /ScratchDir:%WINDOWS_DRIVE%\Windows\Temp\k2_mid /Add-Package /PackagePath:windows10.0-kb4022716-%archtype%.msu
Add the post-install task to the desired deployment(s) as the last mid-level task
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