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Confirm the following prerequisites have been meet:
A SQL authentication account is required set up the connection to the OCS pool that hosts the Archiving and CDR SQL databases. At minimum, the SQL account must have the following database role memberships for the servers that host the OCS databases:
Please note, this SQL authentication account will need to be created on the SQL Server which hosts the Archiving and CDR databases.
Local Administrators rights on all OCS servers and the OCS Backend SQL Server.
Install the Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS) 2007 or OCS 2007 R2 Administrator Console on the MessageStats server. Ensure that the Microsoft C++ 2005 Redistributable is installed before you install the Microsoft OCS 2007 or OCS 2007 R2 Administrator Console.
To view the data in the MessageStats OCS reports, you must install and enable the Call Detail Recording (CDR) server role (and optionally the Archiving role) on your Microsoft Office Communications Server.
Note: The MessageStats report pack collects information from an OCS database through gathering tasks. Before you create a gathering task to collect the data, you must set up a connection to each of the OCS database instances from which you want to gather information. There should be only one database per OCS pool. For an OCS 2007 R2 installation, you might have also configured an archiving database that is separate from the CDR (Call Detail Recording) database. You have the option to connect to the archiving database as well.
As part of the initial configuration for the report pack, you must enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the OCS pool or standard edition server, and set up a connection to the Archiving and CDR SQL database instances from which you want to retrieve data. You can also connect to a pool using one of its fully-qualified DNS aliases. When you set up the initial connection to the Archiving and CDR SQL Server databases, you must specify a SQL authentication account and password. The SQL account is required to perform gatherings from the CDR and Archiving databases.
To Connect to an OCS Pool:
Open the MessageStats Console.
Expand the console treeview and select the Office Communications Server node.
Right-click and select Connect to OCS Pool.
Enter the OCS Pool Name. You can enter either enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or a fully-qualified DNS alias for the pool.
Select the Pool Type from the list.
a. If you select OCS 2007 R2, and you have configured a separate archiving database, select the Use Archive Database check box. -
In the CDR Database Connection Details section, select the server from the Server Name list OR Enter the server name for your Archiving and CDR SQL server.
Note: If the database is on an SQL instance other than the default instance such as for standard edition servers, you must specify the server name as server name/instance name
Enter the SQL account name and password to be used to access the CDR database
Note: SQL Authentication must be enabled on the server on which the report pack is installed and also on the Microsoft OCS SQL server to which you are connecting
Select the SQL database name for the CDR database from the list.
• For OCS 2007, the default database name is LcsLog.
• For OCS 2007 R2, the default database name is LcsCDR. (The default database name for the optional archiving database is LcsLog.)
• You can also select a custom database that you set up when you enabled the Archiving and CDR Server Role. -
For OCS 2007 R2, if you have a separate archiving database, enter the appropriate server, database, and credential information in the Archive Database Connection Details section.
a. To use the same server and credentials as for the CDR database connection, select Use CDR Database Connection Details. -
Click Apply.
Click OK
To create the Default OCS/Lync Server Gathering task:
From the MessageStats console expand the OCS/Lync Server node
Right click the pool name and select Create Task.
Provide a descriptive name for the new task.
Select the Default OCS/Lync Server Gathering task template.
Click Next.
Click Next.
Uncheck Use Default Configuration.
Click the dropdown box next to Task Period and select Daily.
Enter the time you want the gathering to run each day.
Click Next.
Click Next through the rest of the Task Wizard and finally click Finish.