How to create CRS Oracle Clusterware agents?
Receiving alarms about the CRS software, which is used for monitoring Oracle Clusterware, requires creating CRS agents.
NOTE: The Monitor More Clusterwares wizard supports the monitoring of a single CRS cluster. Configuring multiple CRS clusters for monitoring requires re-running the wizard for each cluster.
1) Click the Oracle tile.
2) Go to the CRS tab.
3) Click Monitor more Clusterwares at the upper left corner above of the Databases table.
The Monitor More Clusterwares wizard opens.
4) In the Configure CRS Agent screen, use the CRS agent name field to set a user-defined name for the agent. Alternatively, accept the default name provided for the CRS agent.
5) Select the requested platform for the CRS nodes: either UNIX or Windows.
6) Click Next.
7) Use the Configure Nodes for Monitoring screen to add the requested CRS nodes, using either of the following methods:
8) Click Add Nodes, and from the menu select Discover by cluster node.
The Discover Nodes dialog box opens.
9) Use the Node Details section to enter the following details:
If this field is left empty, the installer automatically detects the path (recommended).
10) Use the OS Credentials section to enter the OS credentials of the requested user
IMPORTANT: Ensure providing a user that has permissions to execute CRS utilities.
To select existing credentials using the Foglight lockbox mechanism, click Select from stored credentials...
The Stored Credentials dialog box that appears now allows reviewing the login credentials and authentication methods used for logging in to Foglight.
Foglight stores encrypted credentials in lockboxes, which may be password-protected for added security. The default lockbox is DB-Agent Lockbox. If credentials have already been entered in another lockbox, use the Lockbox list to select from that lockbox
11). Fill in the other details (optional) and click Apply.
12) The wizard tries to connect to the node specified, and through this node to all other nodes that take part in the CRS cluster. All nodes are validated for OS connectivity and the permissions of the provided user are verified.
After this process completes, nodes that were successfully validated appear in the table with the status Connection verified, while other nodes display the relevant error message (for example: Failed to establish connection to host).
13) Click the error message to view the error. To handle the issues indicated in the message, click Set credentials, enter the correct details and click Apply, then proceed to Step 19.
14) Start the process of manually adding cluster nodes for monitoring by entering the CRS_HOME of the requested cluster.
Click the CRS_HOME link at the bottom of the screen.
The Edit CRS Home dialog box opens.
15) Enter the path of the requested CRS_HOME, then click OK.
16) Click Add nodes.
17) Select the option Add manually.
The Add CRS Nodes dialog box opens. This dialog box is similar to the Discover Nodes dialog box, with the exception of the CRS_HOME parameter that has already been configured.
18) Follow Step 9 to Step 13, then proceed to Step 19.
19) Click Next.
The agent is now created, based only on nodes that have been validated.
After the agent’s creation completes, monitoring starts automatically, and the Summary screen appears, displaying the newly created agent with all its components.
20) Click Finish to return to the Databases dashboard.
The CRS tab now displays data about all newly monitored nodes
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