The below instructions cover common steps used to configure a TLS/SSL connection from the MongoDB Agent client. For full information on secure connections and server-side configuration, refer to the TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients section of the MongoDB documentation for your database version.
A full treatment of TLS/SSL keys, certificates, and certificate authorities (CA) is beyond the scope of this document. The following instructions assume familiarity with TLS/SSL concepts and tools. Client and certificate authority certificates must be available prior to proceeding.
In order to use SSL, your MongoDB server must include SSL support and allow SSL connections. There are various configurations options for client connections. Refer to the MongoDB documentation and verify that the current MongoDB server configuration parameters support the desired authentication.
The Foglight agent, in its capacity as a database client, requires access to a private key, its signed certificate, and the signing CA’s certificate. The client key and certificate must be imported into a keystore, and the CA certificate must be imported into a separate truststore.
One example method for generating a JKS keystore for use with Foglight utilizes openssl and keytool. Set the key and certificate filenames, alias name, and keystore password as appropriate.
openssl pkcs12 \
-export \
-in $CERT_NAME.crt \
-inkey $CERT_NAME.key \
-name $CERT_NAME \
-out temp-keystore.p12 \
-passout pass:$KEYPASS
keytool -importkeystore \
-srckeystore temp-keystore.p12 \
-srcstoretype PKCS12 \
-srcstorepass $KEYPASS \
-destkeystore $KEYSTORE \
-deststoretype JKS \
-deststorepass $KEYPASS
Regardless of how the keystore is constructed, it must list the client certificate as a 'PrivateKeyEntry', indicating that it also contains the private key, not just the signed certificate.
Separately, import the CA certificate into a truststore:
keytool -importcert \
-keystore $TRUSTSTORE \
-alias $CA_NAME \
-file $CA_NAME.crt \
-keypass $TRUSTPASS \
-storepass $TRUSTPASS \
-storetype JKS \ -noprompt
The default JRE keystore is saved in [FglAM_HOME]/jre/[version]/jre/lib/security/cacerts, after importing the CA certificate here, copy this file to an alternate path so it doesn't get replaced after an upgrade (e.g. [FglAM_HOME]/truststore/)
In order to use SSL, your MongoDB server must include SSL support and allow SSL connections.
Next, edit the baseline.jvmargs.config file in the /state/default/config directory and add the following parameters with file paths and passwords appropriate for your system.
vmparameter.0 = "";
vmparameter.1 = "";
vmparameter.2 = "";
vmparameter.3 = "";
* Have a backup of your current keystore/truststore files in advance.
Import a root or intermediate CA certificate (if different that what already exist) to an existing Java truststore (keystore):
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias somerootalias -file ca_cert.pem -keystore truststorestore.jks
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias anotheralias -file intermediate_if_any.pem -keystore truststorestore.jks
Import a signed primary certificate & key to an existing Java keystore:
- combined.pem: is the combined of the cert + key in a single pem file
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias yourdomain_or_dnsname_alias -file combined.pem -keystore yourkeystore.jks
Or if you have the pkcs12 file for the certs:
Import pkcs12 into keystore:
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore yoursource.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore keystore.jks -deststoretype JKS
Import pkcs12 into truststore:
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore yourCAsource.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore truststore.jks -deststoretype JKS
When specifying a path to a keystore in a JVM argument (e.g.,
) that contains spaces, it’s important to correctly handle the path formatting to avoid errors.
Use Forward Slashes (/
) in the Path (Recommended):
vmparameter.0 = "\"C:/Foglight Agent Manager/keystorename\""
Use Backslashes (\\
) for Windows-style Paths:
) and escape the quotes around the path.Example:
vmparameter.0 = "\"D:\\Foglight Agent Manager\\keystorename\""
) to properly handle the path inside the argument string.\\
) if using Windows-style paths with backslashes.vmparameter.0 = "\"C:/Foglight Agent Manager/keystorename\"";
vmparameter.1 = "";
vmparameter.2 = "\"C:/Foglight Agent Manager/truststore/cacerts\"";
vmparameter.3 = "";
Then, restart the FglAM and continue with the agent configuration, setting the “Use TLS/SSL?” option in the Agent Properties to true. If the client certificate is not configured specifically for the FglAM host, you can also set the “Allow Invalid Cert Hostname?” option to true to allow the certificate to be used anyway.
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