Steps to perform a manual installation of the audit agent (SLAgent) on a DC:
1. Copy the "C:\Windows\SLAgent" folder (with all contents) from a DC where the Active Administrator audit agent was successfully deployed from the Active Administrator Console to the same path on a DC where the deployment process failed.
2. Open the "AA.ini" file from inside the folder that was copied to the DC with Notepad.
3. The "String5" value inside the file is the name of the DC where the SLAgent folder was copied from. Must be changed to the current DC FQDN name.
4. Save changes and close the "AA.ini" file.
5. Open an elevated command prompt and change directory to the "C:\Windows SLAgent" path.
6. Type the following command (without quotes): "slagentsvc.exe -install". Press 'Enter' to execute the command.
7. Open Windows Services (services.msc) look for the service name "Active Administrator Agent", right-click on it to open the service Properties and go to the "Log On" tab to change the account. Set the service to run as the same user account used on the Active Administrator Foundation Service (AFS). Verify startup mode is "Automatic". Click on "Apply" and then "OK" to close and save the changes.
8. Stop and restart the "Active Administrator Agent" service.
9. Access the SQL Server instance where the Active Administrator database is hosted by using SQL Server Management Studio.
10. Expand the "Databases" folder, look for the Active Administrator database, expand it to look for the "Tables" folder and expand it too.
11. Select the "dbo.tblComputer" table, right-click on it to then "Edit" the rows.
12. From the content rows displayed by the table, look for the DC the Active Administrator agent was manually installed and configured.
13. Verify the "IsInstalled" column value is True. If it is False change the value to True. Also verify the "SAMEnabled" column value is also True. If it is False change the value to True.
14. In some cases there will be an entry for the DC with manually installed audit agent but the ComputerID is missing or there will be no entry at all in the database for the DC and it has to be manually added. You would need a GUID for the "ComputerID" field, and you can get one by running "New-Guid" in Windows PowerShell.
15. Save the changes made to the table and Close SQL Server Management Studio
16. Restart the Active Administrator Console.
17. Confirm that the manually installed agents now appear in the Active Administrator Console | Auditing & Alerting | Agents.