
Toad Data Studio 2.0 - Release Notes

Toad Data Studio 2.0

Toad Data Studio 2.0

Release Notes

Monday, February 3, 2025


About Toad Data Studio

Toad® Data Studio is a heterogeneous database IDE intended to assist Data Engineers and other technical users to easily manage, query and develop against any database in your environment.

With Toad Data Studio, you can:

  • Connect to almost any database or ODBC data source (see the Release Notes for a list of tested ODBC connections)
  • Write SQL queries and join data across all platforms
  • Automate and schedule frequent and repetitive tasks
  • Streamline data collection
  • Compare and synchronize databases
  • Export data in a variety of file formats
  • Version control SQL databases and objects

Toad Data Studio provides a full-featured Database Explorer, Query Builder, and Editor for the following databases:

  • Oracle®
  • SQL Server® and SQL Azure
  • IBM® DB2® (LUW and z/OS)
  • SAP® ASE, IQ, SQL Anywhere, and HANA
  • Teradata®
  • MySQL
  • Snowflake®

Toad Data Studio also provides querying and reporting functionality via the following provider types:

  • ODBC
  • Business Intelligence and NoSQL data sources
  • Microsoft® Excel®
  • Microsoft Access®

ODBC Connections

The purpose of the ODBC provider is to offer basic connection and querying capabilities to any database that supports an ODBC 3.0 or later driver. For a list of databases tested with the ODBC provider, see the System Requirements in the Release Notes. This form of connectivity allows connections to databases such as Netezza, IBM iSeries, Ingres, and Vertica™. Because this form of connectivity is generic, it is not full-featured and may not be as robust as the fully-exploited providers for the other databases.

Business Intelligence and NoSQL Data Sources

Toad Data Studio provides users with the ability to connect to non-traditional data sources, such as Business Intelligence and NoSQL sources. You can connect to these data sources and explore data and objects, query data, report results, and automate tasks.

The following data sources are supported:



New Features

In Toad Data Studio 2.0 the following new features were implemented:


Oracle Fusion

Oracle Fusion is now supported as a new Business Intelligence data source in Toad Data Studio. This allows users to access Oracle Fusion data in a read-only format, facilitating easier viewing, exporting, and analysis of the data.



AIExplain is a powerful new feature that leverages AI technology to help our users to understand complex SQL queries and scripts.

With AIExplain, users can easily analyze and interpret intricate SQL statements, making it simpler to grasp their functionality and purpose.

Look for AIExplain on the:

  • SQL Editor toolbar
  • Script tab for supported object types
  • Right-click context menu for supported object types

Supported Objects by Data Sources

Data Source Supported Objects
PostgreSQL Procedures, Functions, Views, Tables
DB2/LUW Procedures, Functions, Views, Triggers, Tables, MQ Tables, Schemas
DB2/ZOS Procedures, Functions, Views, Triggers, Tables, Packages, Aliases, MQ Tables, Synonyms, Databases
MySQL Procedures, Functions, Views, Triggers, Tables
Oracle Procedures, Functions, Views, Triggers, Packages, Tables, Database Links, Materialized Views
SAP ASE Procedures, Views, Triggers, Tables, Users, Databases
SAP HANA Procedures, Functions, Views, Triggers, Tables, Server Security
SNOWFLAKE Procedures, Functions, Views, Databases, Tables
TERADATA Procedures, Functions, Views, Tables, Macros
SQL Server Procedures, Functions, Views, Tables, Indexes, Databases, Sequences, Synonyms
SAP IQ Procedures, Functions, Views, Tables, Users, Groups

Note: AIExplain is a preview feature available to Toad Data Studio Subscription users. Refer to the Knowledge Base for instructions on how to enable it. Learn more about AIExplain at Toad World


Open recently used Editor tabs on application startup

Toad Data Studio 2.0 introduces "Open recently used Editor tabs on application startup".

The last active Editors tabs will be automatically restored on the startup of application.

To activate this feature, navigate to the Options under the Tools tab in the main ribbon tab, expand Editor section, and check the "Open recently used Editor tabs on application startup" checkbox.


Auto-Update service for upgrading Toad Data Studio Subscription

Toad Data Studio 2.0 Subscription edition includes Quest Auto Update, a service that periodically checks for and delivers product updates. Quest Auto Update is configured to run automatically using the Local Service account after successful installation, Product updates are automatically downloaded, and a notification window alerts you to pending updates.

Quest Auto Update provides daily notifications of available updates. The X button on the notification, snoozes the notification for 24 hours, while the Dismiss option prevents that specific version update from appearing again. Additionally, the notification popup includes a link to the Release Notes of the latest version.

As for the Toad Data Studio offline application, after establishing a connection to the Internet, a message pops up informing that a new version of the application has been published and that can be downloaded.

Allow horizontal grouping of AND/OR conditions in the Where clause in the Diagram tab of the Query Builder

This new feature allows you horizontal GROUPING of WHERE conditions as well as multiple OR lines in query builder diagram. There are also some new user friendly changes in FIELD and SORT options.


Functionality for moving Data area values from Row to Column area

Enhanced functionality:

This new feature in Toad Studio allows end users to choose how data is grouped in the Pivot Grid based on the location of Data Values.

When creating the Pivot Grid, after dragging at least two columns to the Data area, the Data values item will be visible in the Column area:

Users can choose where to place the Data Values item, to Column or Row area, by simply dragging the item from one area to another:

When the Data Values item is placed in the Column area, the headers of Data area values are grouped in the Column area of the pivot grid:

When the Data Values item is moved from the Column to the Row area, the format of the Pivot Grid remains the same. Only the headers of the Data area columns are moved under the Row columns in the Pivot Grid:

Every export option for the Pivot Grid preserves the formatting options caused by moving the Data Values item. All changes made to the Pivot Grid file are recognized and preserved downstream (e.g. Automation...)


Saving Auto-filter row settings in the Result Sets tab

In this release, we have improved the behavior of the Auto Filter Row feature based on user feedback and usage patterns, to ensure a more intuitive and streamlined experience when working with data grids, providing greater control and efficiency in data filtering and search operations.

The "Auto Filter Row" option is still enabled by default, but when hiding the Auto-filter row after the initial run, this preference is globally retained for subsequent runs and remains in effect when opening new Query Builder or Query Editor tabs within the same Toad Data Point instance. Furthermore, Auto-filter Row settings persist even when re-launching a Toad Data Studio.


Export result set to JSON file format

Using the Export Data Wizard in Toad Data Studio 2.0, you can export data from databases (tables, views), or a query into a JSON file. This functionality is also available through the Export Wizard database activity in the Automation Wizard.


Idea Pond

Got a great idea for a new Toad Data Studio feature or enhancement? Share it with the Development Team and the Community by posting it on Idea Pond.

Visit Toad Data Studio - Idea Pond where you can submit your ideas. You can also read and vote on the enhancement ideas submitted by other Toad users.

Learn More

Remember, you can find blogs, videos, and forums at the Toad Data Studio Community.

System Requirements

Client Requirements

Before installing Toad, ensure that your client system meets the following minimum hardware and software requirements:

Requirement Details


2 GHz processor (recommended minimum)


8 GB of RAM minimum, 16 GB recommended

Additional RAM Requirements: Using Local Storage, Cross-Connection Query, Business Intelligence connections, or NoSQL connections can require an additional 500 MB of RAM. These features start processes (mysqld.exe, hubproxy.exe) which persist for the Toad session.

Note: The memory required may vary based on the following:

  • Applications that are running on your system when using Toad
  • Size and complexity of the database
  • Amount of database activity
  • Number of concurrent users accessing the database

Hard Disk Space

800 MB to install Toad

450 MB to run Toad

Additional Recommendations: For retrieving large queries, allow 10 GB free disk space (or more, depending on the size of the data being retrieved). After retrieving 2500 rows, Toad saves data in a TMP (.tmp) file in the user's Temp directory. These TMP files are deleted when Toad closes.

Operating System

Windows Server® 2012

Windows Server® 2012 R2

Windows Server® 2016

Windows Server® 2019

Windows Server® 2022

Windows® 8.1

Windows® 10

Windows® 11

.NET Framework

Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.7.2

Teradata® .NET Data Provider

You must install the Teradata .NET Data Provider (13.10 or later) to use a Teradata native connection in Toad.

Note: To use a Teradata connection in a cross-connection query, you must also install a Teradata (13.10 or later) ODBC driver.

Additional Software

Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019. This software is required. It is included in installation using the .exe installer. If using the .msi installer, ensure that this software is installed prior to installation. See Visual C++ Redistributable for VS 2019.

For 64-bit Toad Data Studio, both 32-bit and 64-bit Visual C++ packages are required.

Database Client

DB2® Client

Toad no longer installs a DB2 Client along with the Toad application. When connecting to a DB2 database, ensure that you have a DB2 Client or IBM Data Server Driver installed. Toad supports DB2 Client versions 9.7.6 through 11.1.

Oracle® Client

Toad can connect to Oracle using Direct Connect (no Oracle Client required) or using an Oracle Client or Oracle Instant Client. However, if you want to use LDAP, you must install an Oracle Client. Toad supports 9i or later Oracle Clients and Oracle Instant Clients.


  • You cannot use Oracle Direct Connection in a cross-connection query.
  • To use an Oracle connection in a cross-connection query, you must install an Oracle Client (full install) or you must install the Oracle Instant Client plus the Oracle ODBC driver.
ODBC Driver

In order to create a native Snowflake connection, you must install the ODBC Driver 2.24.2 (or later) provided by Snowflake. Upon installing and configuring the driver, Toad Data Studio will be set for this type of connection.

Note: New versions of the Snowflake ODBC Driver are backward-compatible, but there is no guarantee that earlier versions are forward-compatible. Active monitoring and maintaining of installed versions is advised.

For more information regarding the process of creating Snowflake connections, please refer to the Installation Guide and User Guide.


To create a connection to an Amazon Redshift database you must install the Amazon Redshift ODBC driver (or later version) on client computers accessing an Amazon Redshift data warehouse. For each computer where you install the driver, there are the following minimum requirements that you can find on the Amazon Redshift Web site.

For more information regarding the process of creating Amazon Redshift connections, please refer to the Installation Guide and User Guide.

Additional Requirements

Web Browser

Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 11 or later


Recommended maximum DPI settings for Toad are 125%. It is possible to use Toad up to 200% but some dialog windows will not be completely usable anymore.

Maximum tested resolution for Toad is 3800 x 2160 px.

Server Requirements

Before installing Toad, ensure that your server meets the following minimum hardware and software requirements:

Requirement Details

Native Database Server

Toad supports the following databases:

Oracle 10g R2, 11g, 11g R2, 12c, 12c R2, 18c,19c, 21c

Toad has been tested on Oracle Exadata 2.0 running Oracle database 11g R2.

SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server 2012 Express

SQL Server 2014 Enterprise and SQL Server 2014 Express

SQL Server 2016

SQL Server 2017

SQL Server 2019


  • SQL Server Compact Edition is not supported.
  • Storage Management is not available on SQL Server Express.

IBM DB2 for LUW 9.7, 10.1, 10.5,, 11.1, 11.5

IBM DB2 for z/OS 11, 12

Note: Toad may support IBM DB2 Express and SWE in addition to listed above servers but note that no testing was performed on it.

Note: Windows 8, 10 and Windows Server 2012 require the following Fix Pack in order to ensure registration of DLLs in Global Assembly Cache:

IBM DB2 LUW 10.5 Fix Pack 4
IBM DB2 LUW 10.1 Fix Pack 4
IBM DB2 LUW 9.7 Fix Pack 10

MySQL 5.0, 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7

MariaDB 5.5.5, 10.2.8, 10.3.2 (using MySQL provider)

SAP ASE 15.5, 15.7, 16 SP03

SAP IQ 15, 16

SAP SQL Anywhere 16

SAP HANA SPS 08, SPS 09, SPS 10, SPS 11, SPS 12, SAP HANA 2.0, SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 02, and SAP HANA Cloud Databases

Teradata 12.0, 13.0, 13.10, 14, 15, 16

Access® 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016

Note: To use Access 2016 64-bit to connect to an Access database in Toad, the Microsoft Access Database Engine is required and might not be included in the Access installation. The engine must match the architecture (bitness) of Toad.

Excel® 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016

Note: To use Excel 2016 64-bit to connect to an Excel or .csv file in Toad, the Microsoft Access Database Engine is required and might not be included in the Excel installation. The engine must match the architecture (bitness) of Toad.

ODBC Database Server

Toad Data Studio allows you to create a connection to a database that supports an ODBC 3.0 or later driver. ODBC connectivity provides basic querying capability, but may not be as full-featured as a native connection in Toad. Toad has been tested on the following databases, using an ODBC connection:

  • DB2 for i5/OS V5R4 and IBM i 6.1, 7.3
  • EDB Postgres Advanced Server 10
  • Greenplum® Database
  • Informix Dynamic 10.00, 11.0 (limited testing)
  • Ingres Community Edition 2006 R2 on Windows 32-bit (limited testing)
  • Netezza Data Warehouse Appliance 4.6.6, 6.0, 7.0, 7.2.1
  • PostgreSQL® 9.5, 9.6.3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
  • Vertica 4.1, 5.0, 5.1 (with 4.0, 4.1 ODBC driver), 6.0 (with 6.0 ODBC driver), 6.1, 7.0, 8.1, 9.0

Cloud Database Service

Oracle databases running on Amazon EC2

SQL Azure and Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Note:  To be able to utilize a majority of Toad functionality, please grant VIEW DEFINITION on the SQL Azure databases you want to work with.

SQL Server databases running on Amazon EC2

Toad can manage Amazon RDS and any other cloud or service offering compatible with MySQL.

Business Intelligence Connections

Toad has been tested with, and supports, the following Business Intelligence platforms:

SAP Business Objects XI 3.1, 4.1

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 12.2


Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2016

Google Analytics™

OData version 4

Oracle Fusion

SharePoint® Server 2013

NoSQL Connections

Toad has been tested with, and supports, the following NoSQL platforms:

Azure Table Services

Apache Cassandra™ 3.11.0

Amazon DynamoDB

Apache HBASE™ 1.2.6

Apache Hive™ 2.1.0

Cloudera Impala 2.9.0, 3.2.0 with CDH 6.3.2. Toad Data Studio has been certified by Cloudera.

MongoDB™ 3.4.6, 3.4.9, 4.0

VM and Cloud Platform Environments In general, the databases and data sources listed in this table are also supported when installed on a virtual machine (VM) or cloud platform. See the database or data source documentation for more specific information.
Additional Testing

Data Set Size

The following Toad Data Studio functionality has been tested with data sets of up to 5 million rows: SQL Editor, Data Compare, Import Wizard, Export Wizard.

For the following Toad Data Studio modules, working with very large data sets can impact performance. For best results in these areas, work with data sets of less than 1 million rows: Pivot Grid, manually sorting a result grid, performing more than one Data Compare at a time (such as running multiple Data Compare Automation scripts simultaneously).


  • Performance can vary based on available disk space and memory, CPU speed, and the bitness of Toad, as well as the type and number of columns.
  • Import and export functionality was tested with .csv files.
  • The TLS protocol v1.2 or above is required when establishing secure connections to MySQL data sources

Virtualization Support

Requirement Details
Application Virtualization

When deploying Toad in a virtualization environment, for best results ensure the system accurately reflects the applicable client hardware and software requirements listed in this document.

Toad has been developed using Microsoft guidelines (see Remote Desktop Services programming guidelines) and can be deployed and operated in virtualization environments such as Citrix XenApp, Microsoft App-V, and VirtualBox.

Server Virtualization

Toad has been tested with the following:

  • Oracle VM 3.1 running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 64-bit with Oracle 11gR2
  • Oracle VM 2.2 running on Windows 2008 32-bit with Oracle 11gR2

User Requirements

User Requirements to Install Toad

Only Windows Administrators and Power Users can install Toad.

Note: The following exceptions exist for Power Users:

  • (DB2 only) A Power User can install Toad as long as this user belongs to the DB2ADMNS or DBUSERS group.

If an Administrator installs Toad, the Administrator can share the Toad shortcut icon on the desktop and menu items with any user—a Power User, Restricted User—on the computer.

If a Power User installs Toad, a Restricted User cannot do the following:

  • Associate file extensions.
  • View the Toad shortcut icon on the desktop or the Toad menu options in the Windows Start menu. As a workaround, Restricted Users can create a shortcut to Toad from the install directory and place the shortcut on their desktop.

User Requirements and Restrictions for Running Toad

The following describes the requirements and restrictions for users who launch and run Toad:

  • (DB2 only) A Windows Power User or Restricted User must belong to the DB2ADMNS or DB2USERS group. To add the user to one of these groups, select Start | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Computer Management | System Tools | Local Users and Groups | Groups | DB2ADMNS or DB2USERS.
  • (DB2 only) A Windows Power User or Restricted User does not have the authority to add or remove DB2 catalog entries using the Toad Client Configuration wizard. However, these users can use the Import Profile function in the Toad Client Configuration wizard to import catalog entries to Toad.
  • (DB2 only) To take full advantage of Toad for DB2 LUW functionality, the user ID specified in the Toad connection profile for each DB2 for LUW database connection requires the authorizations listed in the following link:

    DB2 LUW connectivity user requirements and restrictions

  • (DB2 only) As a minimum requirement to manage a DB2 for z/OS subsystem in Toad, the user ID defined in the Toad connection profile for the subsystem must either have SYSADM privileges or SELECT privileges on the DB2 catalog tables. For a complete list of authorizations (and corresponding GRANT statements) a user requires to take full advantage of Toad for DB2 z/OS functionality, refer to the following link:

    DB2 z/OS connectivity user requirements and restrictions

  • To create or modify the QuestSoftware.ToadSecurity table to enable Toad Security, the user who maintains this table must have privileges to create, insert, update, and delete it. All other users need only the ability to read the QuestSoftware.ToadSecurity table to use Toad Security features.


Resolved Issues and Enhancements

The following is a list of issues addressed and enhancements implemented in this release of Toad Data Studio:

Resolved Issues in 2.0

Feature Resolved Issue Defect ID
Table Viewer Check constraints tab in Viewer Table shows an error when trying to load information on check constraints IMTDS-1566
Connection Manager "Failed to log in" error will be shown when the IPV6 is used from the Ethernet Properties IMTDS-2525
Script Generation Multiple parameters are incorrect or missing in the partitioned table DDL script for the Azure SQL Server IMTDS-2084
Script Generation Executing Function on TDS 1.0 removes the header's comment IMTDS-2085
Schema Compare "Problem with load IndexedColumns" error is encountered when comparing on MS SQL Azure two SQL tables where source SQL table includes partition function and partition scheme IMTDS-2014
Connection The issue occurs when the 'Create New Connection' button is clicked and the scaling is set to 125%: Glitches are present, and the Group display is missing. IMTDS-2455
Results(XML/JSON Editor) Unable to save changes in XML entry after switching to Column tab in the Data grid. IMTDS-1664
Feature Enhancement Defect ID
Connection Toad Data Studio now supports the Azure SQL Managed Instance Cloud database using the Windows authentication for Microsoft Entra principals.

Limitations: the following features/functionalities are not supported:

  • Creating firewall rules
  • Copying database (create like database) operation
  • Creating an assembly from a file
  • Server compare functionality
Code Completion The Code Completion window now opens at the upper side when the cursor is at the bottom of the screen. TSS-1984
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Toad Data Studio - 2.0
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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