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The MessageStats Report Pack for Exchange Online extends the core MessageStats application by adding the ability to gather user and mailbox information about your Exchange Online hosted services.
The report pack stores the information in the MessageStats database, to which additional tables are added when you install the report pack. The database provides content for the web-based MessageStats Reports.
When the report pack is installed, new nodes are added to the MessageStats Console. You can collect information about your Exchange Online environment by using new gathering task templates that are added to the MessageStats gathering components library.
For reporting, additional folders are added to the MessageStats Reports. The MessageStats database is extended to include tables for Exchange Online data.
The report pack is comprised of the following components:
In larger installations, and to experience enhanced performance and scalability, you might choose to have the MessageStats core components installed on separate computers.
In this situation, you must also install the corresponding Exchange Online report pack components on the separate computers. For example, to install the Exchange Online task processors, the destination computer must have the MessageStats task processors installed.
The following table lists the components in the order in which they must be installed on the different servers:
MessageStats Database
MessageStats Database 7.8.1
Exchange Online Report Pack Database components to extend the MessageStats Database
MessageStats Task Execution Server
MessageStats Task Processors 7.8.1
Exchange Online Report Pack Task Processors
MessageStats Console
MessageStats MMC Client Console 7.8.1
Exchange Online Report Pack MMC Client Console
MessageStats Scheduler
MessageStats Scheduler Service 7.8.1
MessageStats Reports
MessageStats Reports 7.8.1
Exchange Online Report Pack Reports
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