
DR Series Software 4.0.4 - Administration Guide

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Modifying a user

In the DR Series system GUI you can easily modify settings for an existing user.

To modify a user, complete the following steps.

  1. In the left navigation menu, click System Configuration→ Users.
  2. In the list of users, select the user you want to modify, and, in the Actions column, click the Edit icon. The Edit User pane is displayed.
  3. You can modify the following optional settings:
    • Full Name—Enter the user’s full name. This name can be up to 64 characters and must start with an alphabetic character.
    • Phone—Enter the user’s phone number.
    • Email Address—Enter the email address associated with this user.
    • Description—Enter a description about the user.
  4. Click Save.

Changing a user password

To change a user’s password for logging in to the DR Series system, including the administrator if you have proper permissions, complete the following steps:
  1. In the left navigation menu, click SystemConfiguration > Users. The Users page is displayed.
  2. In the list of users, select the user you want to modify, and, in the Actions column, click the Change Password icon (which looks like a key). The Edit User pane is displayed.
  3. In the Old password field, type the current password for the user.
  4. In the New password field, type the new password.
  5. In Confirm password, retype the new password to confirm.
  6. Click Save.

Deleting a user

To delete a user, complete the following steps.

  1. In the left navigation menu, click System Configuration→ Users.
  2. In the list of users, select the user you want to delete, and, in the Actions column, click the Delete icon.

    NOTE: You cannot delete the administrator user.

  3. When prompted to confirm, click OK.

Modifying password reset options

In the DR Series system GUI, you can configure password reset options, that is, to enable (or disable) users’ ability to request to reset their passwords upon login. If enabled, the link, Forgot Your Password?, will appear on the logon page. When a user requests to reset their password, an email notification is sent to the administrator of the system.

To enable or disable the password reset option, follow these steps.

  1. Select System Configuration > Users.
  2. In the Action menu in the upper right corner of the page, click Reset Password Setup.
  3. For the Enable Reset Password option, select No or Yes as appropriate to disable or enable the reset password feature.
  4. If you selected Yes to enable this feature, enter the following information.
    • Email Relay Hostname—Your external mail server (that is, the relay host) fully qualified domain name (FQDN), hostname, or IP address.
    • Administrator Email—The email address for the administrator of the system.
  5. Under Password Reset Question 1 and Password Reset Question 2, enter security questions and associated answers.

    NOTE: You will need these answers to reset your DR Series password.

  6. Click Save.

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