
Archive Manager for Files 8.7 - Administration Guide


Free Space Checking

In order to prevent free space to get too low on a file server, it is possible to allow retrieving of archived files only under certain conditions. The administrator can define the minimal amount of the free space for which retrieving will be allowed. If the amount of the free space left is smaller than the minimal amount, retrieving will fail.

The minimal free space can be defined in figures or percentage for individual disks and UNC paths or it can be set globally as well.

To activate the free space checking functionality, the new key CheckFreeSpace has to be added to registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Metalogix \ fsaPAM \ CheckFreeSpace

Then add a new string value for every disk or UNC path for which you want to check the free space. To check all disks and UNC paths globally, set an asterisk “*” as a Value name.


Value name


Disk name with “:”


UNC path starting with “\\”


every path will be checked if asterisk “*” is set

Value in

- percentage “%”

- bytes “B”

- kilobytes “KB”

- megabytes “MB”

- gigabytes “GB”

- terabytes “TB”


Value name







300 GB




100 MB


To apply the changes, all MAMfsa services have to be restarted in Start / Programs / Administrative tools / Services.

Size Faking Feature

At archiving, Archive Manager for Files transfers an archived file to HSM system, i.e. to the archive. Only a shortcut of few kilobytes remains at the original location of the file and thus Archive Manager saves storage space. However, when using quota management software sometimes it is required that the archived file (i.e. shortcut) be displayed with the size of the original file. This feature has to be set in registry under:


When the SparceGlobal key value is set to:

1 – the shortcut will be displayed with the size of the original file

0 – the shortcut will be displayed with its actual size

NOTE: The shortcut will be also displayed with its actual size, if the key is not present in the registry.

To set this feature also for HTML shortcuts, the SparceGlobal key has to be set to value “1” and SparseHTML key has to be set to value “1” as well. As a result also HTML shortcuts will be displayed with the size of the original file.

To apply the changes, all MAMfsa services have to be restarted in Start / Programs / Administrative tools / Services.

NOTE: As compression is not supported on PSFS, the size faking feature is not supported on PSFS.

FIltering for Log Files

It is possible to considerably shorten log files accessible in the Archive Manager for Files on the Scheduler / Reports tab by not including less important information into them, i.e. log entries for “Already archived” messages will be filtered out.

To activate filtering, a new key LogIsArchived has to be added to the registry under


Right-click inside the right pane, choose New > DWORD value and set this new created LogIsArchived key to “0”.

To apply the changes, all MAMfsa services have to be restarted in Start / Programs / Administrative tools / Services.

Description of the Archive Manager for Files registry values

These values are defining the basic behavior of our product and can be found in the Windows registry under the path:



whether the "Storage" tab is activated in the manager


overrides the default timeout for DB command used in handler service (in seconds); values less than 30 will configure the system to use 30s


database connection string


database connection string used by the Handler service


encoded database password, machine dependent


Archive Manager database schema


database type


database user, account used when creating database connections


Archive Manager database version


set by the FilePamDbg.exe application, used for gathering debug information


base path of the job log files


defines, when the Guard service should restart the other services. Value entered is in minutes after midnight. If set to 0xffffffff, the services won’t be restarted in the night. Recommended to set the value to 0xffffffff


indicates the HSM server


the path of the log file used by the Archive Manager core service to store information about current archive and retrieve processes


flag, by default set to 1. This registry entry is not created automatically. If set to 0, the job logs will not contain information about files, which were not being archived because they were already shortcuts


defines the minimum size of a file, which can be replaced with a shortcut after archiving


defines one domain user for which the screen requests from NetApp will not retrieve the file back to the original location on filer; supported format: <Domain>\<User>


tells the Guard service, which other Archive Manager services to start. The value is a bitmask: 1 - Handler service, 2 - Remote server service, 4 - Archiver service. If set to 7, all other services will be started


If set to 0, files with extended attributes are archived but the shortcut is not created.

If set to1, extended attributes are removed and the original file is archived and replaced by shortcut.


the path to the database scripts


used in the case of kernel type shortcuts (not HTML, NetApp or Celerra), if set to 1, the information stored in the reparse point is written into the content of the shortcut. Recommended to set the value to 1


indicates whether the file size faking feature is turned on (1) or off (0) globally for all shortcut types. Some customers using quota management software might have problems with size faking (see “Size faking feature”)


The same functionality focused just on HTML shortcuts. If set to 1, the HTML shortcuts will have the same logical size of the shortcut as the original file had (see “Size faking feature”)


tells the Guard service, how long to wait before starting the other Archive Manager services. Value defined in milliseconds


indicates whether the other Archive Manager services should be started by the Guard service


directory, where the Handler service stores temporary files which are created during the retrieve process. This registry entry is not created automatically, by default the service user’s temporary directory is used


used when generating HTML shortcuts. Defines the basic URL of the FilePamWebService, which is responsible for auto-retrieving HTML shortcuts



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