You must install the Toad IBM DB2 z/OS Components on each IBM DB2 for z/OS subsystem that you want to manage using Toad for IBM DB2. The z/OS components enables you to use Toad to perform the following functions on the IBM DB2 subsystem:
After you install Toad for IBM DB2 on the client machine, install the Toad IBM DB2 z/OS Components on each IBM DB2 subsystem that you want Toad to manage. Review this section to ensure that the proper user privileges and system requirements are in place for each IBM DB2 subsystem.
Before installing Toad IBM DB2 z/OS Components, ensure that your mainframe meets the following minimum hardware and software requirements:
Database Server | IBM DB2 for z/OS version 9 or later |
WLM application environments |
Two WLM application environments are required. The environments must be defined using ISPF Application IWMARINO. z/OS VIR6.0 MVS Planning Workload Management (SA22-7602-06) provides instructions for using the WLM ISPF panels. Note: The z/OS components must have these two WLM environments for its exclusive use. Do not attempt to use pre-existing WLM environments used for other applications. |
Resource Recovery Services |
Resource Recovery Services (RRS) subsystem installed and active for your DB2 WLM application environment. z/OS VIR6.0 MVS Programming Resource Recovery (SA22-7616-04) and z/OS VIR4.0 MVS System Commands (SA22-7627-11) provide instructions for setting up and starting RRS on your system. |
For WLM usage, verify that the load module SORT
is in the Link Pack Area (LPA) or is marked as reentrant. Due to limitations of the WLM address space starting in Program Status Word (PSW) key 8, a non-reentrant SORT
load module causes an ABEND SOC4
calls SORT
during utility processing.
Note: When running SYNCSORT
in the WLM environment, users might receive ABEND SOC4
errors when DSNUTILB
. You can contact SYNCSORT
to obtain a fix tape that contains support for IBM DB2 stored procedures. This fix applies ZAPs to the current SORT
modules, and then creates a new SORT
stub and aliases to a new reentrant module SYNCFNI
. The documentation accompanying the tape provides instructions for applying the fix.
Generally, any user can run the Toad IBM DB2 z/OS Components Installation wizard. However, one phase in the installation is to transfer installation files from the Toad client to the mainframe. If you want the wizard to automatically perform this transfer, the user ID running the wizard must have permissions to FTP the files.
After the wizard finishes its part of the installation process, the user must perform additional tasks on the mainframe to complete the z/OS components installation. The user who performs these post-wizard tasks must have the following privileges and authorities:
Generally, a systems programmer performs the post-wizard tasks.
The permhlq.JCLLIB(GRANTS) member predefines the privileges required to run the z/OS components. One of the post-wizard installation tasks is to edit and execute this member to grant these permissions to the authorization IDs you specify in the member.
To improve overall z/OS components performance on the IBM DB2 subsystem, define an index on the OWNER column in SYSIBM.SYSPLAN in the subsystem.
Before installing Toad IBM DB2 z/OS Components, make sure that the IBM DB2 for z/OS subsystem on which you are installing the z/OS components is cataloged on your Toad DB2 client.
To catalog IBM DB2 subsystem
Follow these instructions to install Toad IBM DB2 z/OS Components on your IBM DB2 subsystem:
Note: Toad for z/OS IBM DB2 Components version number has been updated to 6.0 to reflect changes connected with the installation wizard. If you have version 5.1 previously installed on you z/OS subsystems you can carry on using them and do not need to re-install.
Complete the Specify the z/OS DB2 Subsystem page. Identify the subsystem on which you are installing the z/OS components. Review the following for additional information:
Field |
Description |
Subsystem ID |
Enter the SSID for the DB2 subsystem on which you are installing the z/OS components. This should be the actual SSID, not an alias, for the subsystem. |
User ID | Enter your User ID. |
Password | Enter your password. |
DB2 exit library |
Enter the fully qualified name of the DB2 exit library. |
DB2 load library |
Enter the fully qualified name of the DB2 load library. |
Complete the Specify Workload Manager (WLM) Environments for Toad page.
Provide the names of the single-tasking and the multi-tasking WLM application environments used by IBM DB2 stored procedures and functions (These procedures and functions, in turn, are used by Toad for DB2). You can enter up to 32 characters for application environment names.
Complete the Provide Parameters for Creating the Toad Database page. Enter the following information to create the database required by the z/OS components. This database is created in the subsystem where you are installing the z/OS components.
Note: This database must be reserved for exclusive use by Toad DB2 products, such as Toad for IBM DB2.
Field |
Description |
Storage group |
Enter the name of the storage group for the database objects. |
Tablespace bufferpool |
Enter the name of the bufferpool for tablespaces in the database. |
Index bufferpool |
Enter the name of the bufferpool for the indexes in the database. |
DB2 CLI collection ID |
Specify the identifier of the collection used when the DB2 installation job DSNTIJCL was run. If you do not know this collection ID, consult your systems programmer. |
DB2 CLI plan name |
Specify the name of the plan used when the DB2 installation job DSNTIJCL was run. If you do not know the plan name, consult your systems programmer. |
Complete the Transfer Toad Files to the z/OS Server page. Enter the IP address of the Target Server and click Next.
Field |
Description |
FTP Connection |
Select the FTP connection from the list. |
Server address |
Enter the IP address to which the files are transferred. |
Server port | Enter the server port. |
Username |
Enter the mainframe user ID under which FTP transfers the files from the local directory on the Toad client machine to the temporary location on the mainframe. |
Password |
Enter the password associated with this user ID. |
file contains instructions for the additional tasks that must be performed on the mainframe to complete the z/OS components installation.
The Toad IBM DB2 z/OS Components Installation wizard uses the default Windows FTP program to transfer the z/OS components installation files automatically from your Toad client machine to temporary datasets on the mainframe. However, you might need to transfer these files yourself for various reasons, such as:
The process of manually transferring the z/OS components installation files from the Toad client machine to the mainframe involves two main tasks:
transfer To transfer the z/OS components installation files manually
Using ISPF option 3.2, allocate the following datasets on the mainframe, where temphlq
is the temporary high-level qualifier for the datasets:
Dataset |
Type |
Allocation Specifications |
temphlq.LOADXMI |
Sequential |
recfm=fb,recsize=80,blksize=3120,space=(cyl,(25,15)) |
temphlq.QCINST |
Sequential |
recfm=fb,recsize=80,blksize=3120,space=(trk,(10,5)) |
temphlq.JCLLIB |
recfm=fb,recsize=80,blksize=3120,space=(trk,(10,10,5)) |
temphlq.QSMSG |
Sequential |
recfm=vb,recsize=1028,blksize=6144,space=(trk,(10,10)) |
must be a partitioned dataset.
in binary mode to transfer the fileQuestDB2product_install
to temphlq
Note: The QuestDB2product_install
value is the directory where the Toad for DB2 client (or another Toad IBM DB2 product) is installed on your Windows machine. The temphlq
value is the high-level qualifier for the temporary mainframe datasets you allocated. References to these variables are also found in steps that follow.
in ASCII mode to transfer the file QuestDB2product_install
to temphlq
in ASCII mode to transfer the following files from temp_local_directory
on your Toad client machine to the appropriate members of temphlq
is the value you provided for Temporary local directory in the wizard to identify the temporary staging location for certain customized installation files on the Windows machine. The subsystem_id
value is the SSID you specified in the wizard to identify the IBM DB2 subsystem on which you installing the z/OS components. The temphlq
is the high-level qualifier for the temporary mainframe datasets you allocated. References to these variables are also found in steps that follow.
Windows File Name |
Dataset Member Name |
temphlq.JCLLIB(QCIVP) |
single_tasking_WLM_environment_name |
temphlq.JCLLIB(single_tasking_WLM_environment_name) |
multi-tasking WLM environment_name |
temphlq.JCLLIB(multi-tasking WLM environment_name) |
and multi_tasking_ environment_name
are the names of the WLM environments you specified in the wizard.
in ASCII mode to transfer the file temp_local_directory
to temphlq
. Use the instructions explained in the README file (located in temp_local_directory
or in QuestDB2product_install
) to complete the installation process.
The Toad IBM DB2 z/OS Components installation creates the following objects on the mainframe.
The Toad IBM DB2 z/OS Components installation creates the following objects on the mainframe.
The z/OS components installation creates the following mainframe objects on your z/OS system. You need these objects to enable full Toad for IBM DB2 functionality for your IBM DB2 subsystem.
Note: The permhlq value is the high-level qualifier for the permanent datasets created by the installation.
Object |
Location on the Mainframe |
Single-task WLM procedure |
Multi-task WLM procedure |
QPDSNAT procedure |
Quest message file |
permhlq.QSMSG |
Quest load library |
permhlq.LOADLIB |
The installation process creates the following IBM DB2 for z/OS objects:
Object Type |
Object Name |
Database |
Tablespace |
Table |
Index |
Function |
Procedure |
Global Temp Table |
Schema |
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