
DR Series Software 4.0.4 - Release Notes

DR Series System Release Notes

DR Series System 4.0.4

Release Notes

April 2021

These release notes provide information about the DR Series System release.

About this release

The DR Series system is a high-performance, disk-based backup and recovery appliance that is simple to deploy and manage and offers unsurpassed Total Cost of Ownership benefits. Features such as innovative firmware and an all-inclusive licensing model ensure optimal functionality and provide the assurance of no hidden costs for valuable future features.

A purpose-built backup-to-disk appliance, the DR Series system provides advanced deduplication and compression technology to store data most efficiently. The DR Series hardware appliances are 2U, rack-based, system backup storage repositories, that include deduplication and compression technology in their operating systems. A virtual machine (VM) version is also available to provide robust, disk-based data backup capability on Virtual Machine host servers, while taking advantage of replicating to a deduplication-enabled appliance.

DR Series software 4.0.4 is a patch release with security updates and bug fixes. See What’s new in this release for more information.

About this document

These Release Notes are intended to supplement the DR Series system documentation to provide last minute information available for the latest release of the DR Series system software. These Release Notes contain details about the latest updates, known issues, resolutions, and other information. For a complete list of available DR Series system documentation, see Other information you may need later in this document.

NOTE: For instructions on configuration of DR Rapid devices, see the DR Series System Administrator Guide.

NOTE: It is recommended that you check for the latest versions of the DR Series system documentation available at support.quest.com/DR-Series.

NOTE: It is recommended you have your service tag handy for licensing and other activities. You can get this service tag from the paperwork that came with the DR Series appliance, or, optionally, you can get it from the back of the physical unit.

What’s new in this release

What’s new in this release

This release includes new features, enhancements, and maintenance fixes for the DR Series system software. (Refer to Resolutions in this release for detailed information about maintenance fixes.)

Enhancements in this release include:

  • Upgraded JQuery from 2.x to 3.5.1
  • Updated WAM-2 NVRAM card drivers for 12G and 13G platforms
  • Updated 13G platform firmware to improve reliability
  • Integrated fixes from previous hotfixes
  • Latest version of Apache 2.4.46
  • Additional bug fixes to improve performance, reliability, and security

Upgrade notes

This topic contains important information for users who are upgrading to DR Series system software version 4.0 and later.

  • Rapid NFS and Rapid CIFS Drivers — If you are running the 3.2 driver for Rapid NFS and Rapid CIFS, we recommend that you update it to the 4.0 driver.
  • Seeding — If you gathered a seed in version 3.x of the DR Series system software, you must complete your seed operation before upgrading to version 4.0.
  • FCVTL changes introduced in version 4.0.3 — Post upgrade, the FC target port WWN on the DR Series system will change. This requires the fabric to be reconfigured (zoning) for FC VTL access.
  • iSCSI VTL changes introduced in version 4.0.3 — Post upgrade, the iSCSI IQN will change and impact iSCSI VTL access. You need to re-login to the target to re-establish the connection.
  • VTL changes introduced in version 4.0.3 — When configuring new VTL containers, you need to use Robot model, Quest DR_L700.
  • NetVault Versions — You can use NetVault Backup 11.x and 12.x, and NetVault 13.0.x with this DR Series release. If you need the latest RDA fixes, you can install the latest 4.0 standalone plug-in. See the DR Series System Interoperability Guide for detailed information about NetVault Backup version support.
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