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Nova Current - Release Notes

Quest® Nova

Release Notes

February 2025

These release notes provide information about the Quest® Nova release.

·Resolved Issues

·Known Issues

·Version History

·Third Party Contributions

·Product Licensing


Resolved Issues

February 03, 2025

Resolved Issue

Issue ID #

Report Center - help link for "no data in report" leads to invalid page


Incorrect design of an alert's popup with a long subject string without spaces


400 Bad Request while downloading PDF


Known Issues

The following is a list of issues, including those issues attributed to third-party products, known to exist at the time of release.

·With Nova it is possible for a delegated administrator to assign a manager to a user.  In a hybrid environment if the user is still on-premise then assigning the manager will not work.

·OR operator can be used only for non-aggregated fields.

·A delegated administrator in Nova may not be able to create a new Office 365 group. They will not receive an error message, but the job to create the group will fail.

oWorkaround: If the customer organization requires specific prefixes in naming a group they must be entered by the delegated administrator in order for the group to be created. For example if an organization requires all groups to start GRP-somename, then that needs to be entered when creating the new group.


Version History

The following are release items from previous deployments of Quest Nova.

Knowledge Base
Benachrichtigungen und Warnmeldungen
Technische Dokumentationen
RSS Feed
Unterstützung bei der Lizenzierung
Technische Support
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