Toad Data Point allows users to publish data objects (views, snapshots, and datasets), Toad documents (Query Builder, SQL Editor), Automation scripts, database connections, Project Manager projects, and other resources created in Toad Data Point to Intelligence Central.
If you are a Toad Data Point user, your primary method to view and access Intelligence Central objects is through the Toad Data Point application. However, both Toad Data Point users and non-users can view and perform limited operations on Intelligence Central objects using the Web Console.
Note: A Toad Intelligence Central Data Connectivity license is required to enable data connectivity functionality in Intelligence Central. |
Users of Toad Intelligence Central can log in through a web browser and download Toad Data Point objects that have been shared with them.
Enter Variables—For views containing a variable, Intelligence Central prompts you for a variable value. Enter a new value or use the default. The new value applies to this download only. The default value is specified when the view is published from Toad Data Point and can be modified through Toad Data Point or Intelligence Central. To edit the default value, see Modify Variable Default Value.
To enter the NULL value, select NULL from the drop-down list.
Data objects—For data objects (view, snapshot, or dataset), Intelligence Central prepares the object and displays a Success message when the object is ready to download. Click Download in the Success message to download the result set. For more information about data objects, see Data Connectivity Objects.
Note: If authentication is required, Intelligence Central prompts you for credentials. For example, you might be required to authenticate the first time you access a View that was published with a personal key, instead of a shared key. See Add Authentication. |
The Intelligence Central Web interface allows you to view and execute Automation scripts that have been shared with you.
Note: If the Automation Script scheduled to execute on the Toad Intelligence Central server includes an instruction to send an email then in order for that email to be sent the Toad Intelligence Central server must have access to an email SMTP port. If the Automation Script scheduled to execute on the Toad Intelligence Central server includes an instruction to create an Excel spreadsheet then Microsoft® Excel® must be installed on the Toad Intelligence Central host computer for the Excel spreadsheet to be created. Refer to your Toad Intelligence Central Administrator for more information. |
Select a script to view script details in the Details pane. See View Object Details for a description of the Details fields. For Automation scripts, the following additional details are provided.
Logs tab—Displays script execution history. Click Expand to expand the Logs tab. This action allows you to view run duration, results, and exit code. Select a run (in the expanded tab) to view the individual execution log.
Note: Only Administrators and users with Manage privileges to the script can view the detailed execution logs. |
You can execute an Automation script from the Web Console. You can execute scripts that have been shared with you.
Enter Variables—If the Automation script executes SQL containing a variable, Intelligence Central prompts you for a variable value. Enter a new value or use the default. The new value applies to this run only. The default value is specified when the script is published from Toad Data Point and can be modified through Toad Data Point or Intelligence Central. To edit the default value, see Modify Variable Default Value.
To enter the NULL value, select NULL from the drop-down list.
For more-detailed information about publishing, using, creating, and managing Automation scripts, see the Toad Data Point online Help.
In the Web Console, you can view and refresh Toad Data Point snapshots. You can view snapshots that have been shared with you (any folder) or snapshots that you own (non-secured folder). You can refresh snapshots to which you have Manage privileges.
Select a snapshot to view snapshot information in the Details pane. See View Object Details for a description of the Details fields. For snapshots, the following additional details are also provided.
Query tab—Displays the snapshot's underlying query.
Note: Only Administrators and users with Manage privileges to the object can view the query text. |
You can refresh a Toad Data Point snapshot from the Web interface.
For more-detailed information about creating, publishing, using, scheduling, and automating snapshots, see the Toad Data Point online Help.
You can filter the data in a view, snapshot, or dataset before downloading the data. This is useful for large data sets as it allows you to download only the data you need, instead of the entire data set.
Note: A Toad Intelligence Central Data Connectivity license is required to enable data connectivity functionality in Intelligence Central. |
To filter data before download
In the object's Details pane, click to filter the data.
Enter Variables—For views containing a variable, Intelligence Central prompts you for a variable value. Enter a new value or use the default. The new value applies to this download only. The default value is specified when the view is published from Toad Data Point and can be modified through Toad Data Point or Intelligence Central. To edit the default value, see Modify Variable Default Value.
To enter the NULL value, select NULL from the drop-down list.
Note: If authentication is required, Intelligence Central prompts you for credentials. For example, you might be required to authenticate the first time you access a View that was published with a personal key, instead of a shared key. See Add Authentication. |
TIP: Filter one or more columns to quickly create the framework for your filter. Then refine it in the filter editor. |
TIP: To create a complex filter, plan out your filter before building it in the filter editor. Identify grouped conditions (those in parentheses). Identify the Boolean operator for the main expression. Add parentheses to your expression if necessary to help clarify which conditions should be evaluated first. |
Click Download in the data grid window to begin the download process.
Note: This action closes the data grid window containing your filter and preview of filtered data. |
Intelligence Central prepares the filtered data and displays a Success message when the data is ready.
If you attempt to access an object that requires authentication, such as a view published with a personal key for which you have not yet authenticated, Intelligence Central prompts you for credentials to the remote data source.
To add Authentication
See also, Alter Authentication.
Issue | Description |
Unable to access earlier version view with shared key |
In some cases, if a user attempts to access a view published from Toad Data Point 4.2 (or earlier) from multiple tables in one data source with a shared key, the Add Authentication dialog opens. Solution: Enter the password for the shared key in the Add Authentication dialog. |
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