There are different installers for SharePlex based on the type of operating system. This topic helps you understand the differences and the naming conventions used.
The SharePlex installer on Linux is a self-extracting installation file with the extension .tpm.
The installer creates a temporary target directory, within the current directory, for extraction. This temporary target directory is removed upon installation completion. You can extract the files to a file system that is separate from the SharePlex installation location by using the -t option when running the .tpm file.
Download the SharePlex installation package that matches the operating system you are using.
Additionally, download any SharePlex patches, so that you can install them after you install the base software.
For more information on how to download the SharePlex patches, see Download the SharePlex patches.
You can run the SharePlex installer for PostgreSQL on Linux in an Interactive or Unattended mode. For more information on the steps to run the installer, see Install SharePlex on Linux/Unix for open target databases.
Set up replication from PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL
Set up replication from PostgreSQL to Oracle
This chapter contains instructions for configuring SharePlex to replicate from PostgreSQL to a different type of target. This is known as heterogeneous replication.
These instructions highlight specific tasks that are pertinent to the flow of data between source and target. Refer to other topics in the SharePlex documentation as needed to complete the configuration, deploy any optional features that apply, and monitor and maintain the environment.
For additional information, see:
Note: These instructions apply to all implementations of PostgreSQL unless otherwise noted.
SharePlex can post replicated PostgreSQL data to a PostgreSQL target database through an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface. SharePlex supports all implementations of the PostgreSQL open-source database.
These instructions contain setup instructions that are specific to this target. Install SharePlex on the source and target according to the appropriate directions in this manual before performing these setup steps.
For the versions, data types and operations that are supported when using SharePlex to replicate to this target, see the SharePlex Release Notes.
Set up SharePlex and the database on the PostgreSQL source and target system as follows.
On the source, create a SharePlex configuration file that specifies capture and routing information.
Datasource:r.source_DB | ||
src_schema.table |
tgt_schema.table |
host@r.database_name |
* Important!
Target schema or table name defined in the database is case sensitive, be certain to:
Note: This is a basic one-source, one-target configuration using no additional SharePlex configuration features. See "Configure SharePlex to replicate data" in the SharePlex Administration Guide for important information about creating a configuration file and for additional setup instructions for more complex replication scenarios. |
The following configuration file replicates table HR.Emp from PostgreSQL instance dbname112 to target table region1.emp in database mydb on target system hostB. The source table is case-sensitive.
HR."Emp" region1.emp hostB@r.mydb
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