When you pause protection, you temporarily stop all transfers of data from the selected machine to the Rapid Recovery Core. You can pause protection for any protected machine:
- When establishing protection using the Protect Machine Wizard or the Protect Multiple Machines Wizard.
- From the Protected Machines drop-down menu in the left navigation area of the Rapid Recovery Core (pausing protection for all protected machines).
- From the Protected Machines page (accessible when you click on the Protected Machines menu).
- From a specific protected machine in the Protected Machines drop-down menu.
- From the top of every page for a specific protected machine.
If you pause protection using the Protect Machine Wizard or the Protect Multiple Machines Wizard, protection is paused until explicitly resumed. If protection is paused using this procedure, you are prompted to specify whether to pause until resumed, or to pause for a designated amount of time (specified in any combination of days, hours and minutes).
- If you pause protection for a period of time, then when that time expires, the system automatically resumes protection based on the protection schedule.
- If you select Pause until resumed, then protection is paused until explicitly resumed using the Resume function described in this procedure.
If protection for a machine is paused, and you force a snapshot, a single backup snapshot is captured. If it is the first backup, a base image is captured; otherwise an incremental image is captured. Until you explicitly resume protection using this procedure, paused protection remains suspended.
You can resume protection for any paused protected machine:
- From the Protected Machines drop-down menu in the left navigation area of the Rapid Recovery Core (resuming protection for all protected machines).
- From a specific protected machine in the Protected Machines drop-down menu.
- From the Protected Machines page (accessible when you click on the Protected Machines menu).
- From the top of every page for a specific protected machine.
Use the procedure below to pause or to resume protection, as appropriate.
- From the Rapid Recovery Core Console, to pause protection for all machines, click the Protected Machines drop-down menu in the left navigation area, and then do the following:
- Select
Pause Protection.
The Pause Protection dialog box appears.
- Select the appropriate setting using one of the options described below, and then click OK.
- If you want to pause protection until you explicitly resume it, select Pause until resumed.
- If you want to pause protection for a specified period, select Pause for and then, in the Days, Hours, and Minutes controls, type or select the appropriate pause period as appropriate.
- To resume protection for all machines, do the following:
- Select
Resume Protection.
The Resume Protection dialog box appears.
- In the Resume Protection dialog box, select Yes.
The Resume Protection dialog box closes, and protection is resumed for all machines.
- To pause protection for a single machine, then in the left navigation area, click the drop-down menu to the right of the machine you want to affect, and then do the following:
- Select
Pause Protection.
The Pause Protection dialog box appears.
- Select the appropriate setting using one of the options described below, and then click OK.
- If you want to pause protection until you explicitly resume it, select Pause until resumed.
- If you want to pause protection for a specified period, select Pause for and then, in the Days, Hours, and Minutes controls, type or select the appropriate pause period as appropriate.
- To resume protection for a single machine, do the following:
- Select
Resume Protection.
The Resume Protection dialog box appears.
- In the Resume Protection dialog box, select Yes.
The Resume Protection dialog box closes, and protection is resumed for the selected machine.
- To pause protection for a single machine from the machine pages, navigate to the machine that you want to affect.
The Summary page displays for the selected machine.
- At the top of the page, click
The Pause Protection dialog box appears.
- Select the appropriate setting using one of the options described below, and then click OK.
- If you want to pause protection until you explicitly resume it, select Pause until resumed.
- If you want to pause protection for a specified period, select Pause for and then, in the Days, Hours, and Minutes controls, type or select the appropriate pause period as appropriate.
- If you want to resume protection, do the following:
- At the top of the page, click
- In the Resume Protection dialog box, click Yes.
The Resume Protection dialog box closes, and protection resumes for the selected machine.
You can add two or more Windows machines for protection on the Rapid Recovery Core simultaneously using the Protect Multiple Machines Wizard. To protect your data using Rapid Recovery, you need to add the workstations and servers for protection in the Rapid Recovery Core Console; for example, your Exchange server, SQL Server, Linux server, and so on.
As with protecting individual machines, protecting multiple machines simultaneously requires you to install the Rapid Recovery Agent software on each machine you want to protect.
NOTE: As an exception to this rule, if protecting virtual machines on a VMware/ESXi or Hyper-V host, you can use agentless protection. For more information, including restrictions for agentless protection, see Understanding Rapid Snap for Virtual. |
Protected machines must be configured with a security policy that makes remote installation possible.
To connect to the machines, they must be powered on and accessible.
There is more than one method to deploy the Agent software to multiple machines simultaneously. For example:
The process of protecting multiple machines includes optional steps that you can access if you select an advanced configuration. Advanced options include repository functions and encryption. For example, you can specify an existing Rapid Recovery repository to save snapshots, or you can create a new repository. You can also specify an existing encryption key (or add a new encryption key) to apply to the data saved to the Core for the machines you are protecting.
The workflow of the Protect Multiple Machines Wizard may differ slightly based on your environment. For example, if the Rapid Recovery Agent software is installed on the machines you want to protect, you are not prompted to install it from the wizard. Likewise, if a repository already exists on the Core, you are not prompted to create one.
When protecting multiple machines, follow the appropriate procedure, based on your configuration. See the following options for protecting multiple machines:
The protecting procedure requires the following tasks be completed before you begin:
- The Rapid Recovery Agent has been deployed and installed on the machine you want to protect.
- The machine you want to protect was restarted after the Agent installation.
- A repository has been created and is accessible from the Rapid Recovery Core.
Use this procedure to simultaneously protect one or more machines on an Active Directory domain.
- From the Rapid Recovery Core Console button bar, click the Protect
drop-down menu, and then click
Protect Multiple Machines.
The Protect Multiple Machines Wizard opens.
- On the Welcome page, select one of the follow installation options:
- Click Next.
- On the Connection page of the wizard, from the Source drop-down list, select Active Directory.
- Enter the domain information and credentials as described in the following table.
Table 50: Domain information and credentials
Host |
The host name or IP address of the Active Directory domain. |
User name |
The user name used to connect to the domain; for example, Administrator or, if the machine is in a domain, [domain name]\Administrator). |
Password |
The secure password used to connect to the domain. |
- Click Next.
- On the Select Machines page of the wizard, select the machines you want to protect.
The system automatically verifies each machine you selected.
- Click Next.
If the Protection page appears next in the Protect Multiple Machines Wizard, skip to step 12.
If the Agent software is not yet deployed to the machines you want to protect, or if any of the machines you specified cannot be protected for another reason, then the selected machines appear on the Warnings page.
- Optionally, on the Warnings page of the wizard, you can verify any machine by selecting the machine and then clicking Verify in the toolbar.
- Optionally, on the Warnings page, select After Agent installation, restart the machines automatically.
NOTE: Quest recommends this option. You must restart agent machines before they can be protected. |
- If the status indicates that the machine is reachable, click Next to install the Rapid Recovery Agent software.
The Protection page appears.
- Optionally, on the Protection page, if you want a name other than the IP address to display in the Rapid Recovery Core Console for this protected machine, then in the Display name field, type a name in the dialog box.
You can enter up to 64 characters. Do not use the special characters described in the topic prohibited characters. Additionally, do not begin the display name with any of the character combinations described in the topic prohibited phrases.
- Select the appropriate protection schedule settings as described below:
- To use the default protection schedule, in the Schedule Settings option, select Default protection (hourly snapshots of all volumes).
With a default protection schedule, the Core will take snapshots of all volumes on the protected machine once every hour. To change the protection settings at any time after you close the wizard, including choosing which volumes to protect, go to the Summary page for the specific protected machine.
- To define a different protection schedule, in the Schedule Settings option, select Custom protection.
Schedule options are added to the wizard workflow.
- Proceed with your configuration as follows:
- If you selected a Typical configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard in step 2 and specified default protection, then click Finish to confirm your choices, close the wizard, and protect the machine you specified.
- If you selected Advanced configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard in step 2, and default protection, then click Next to see repository and encryption options.
- If you selected a Typical configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard and specified custom protection, then click Next and continue to step 15 to choose which volumes to protect.
- If you selected Advanced configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard in step 2, and default protection, then click Next and proceed to step 17 to see repository and encryption options.
- On the Protection Volumes page, select which volumes you want to protect. If any volumes are listed that you do not want to include in protection, click in the Check column to clear the selection. Then click Next.
NOTE: It is best practice to protect, at minimum, the system reserved volume and the volume with the operating system (typically the C:/ drive). |
- On the Protection Schedule page, define a custom protection schedule and then click Next. For details on defining a custom protection schedule, see Creating custom protection schedules in Simple Mode.
- On the Repository page, select the repository you want to use to store recovery points for this machine, and then click Next.
- On the Encryption page, do one of the following:
- If you want to use encryption keys for data stored in the repository, select Encrypt the data at rest in a repository, and then do one of the following:
- To select an existing encryption key to apply to all new data stored in your repository, select Encrypt data using Core-based encryption with an existing key, and from the Select encryption key drop-down menu, select the encryption key.
- To define a new encryption key at this time to apply to all future data stored in your repository, select Encrypt data using Core-based encryption with a new key, and then enter information about the key as described in the table below:
Table 51: Define new encryption key
Name |
Enter a name for the encryption key.
Encryption key names must contain between 1 and 64 alphanumeric characters. Do not use prohibited characters or prohibited phrases. |
Description |
Enter a descriptive comment for the encryption key. This information appears in the Description field when viewing a list of encryption keys in the Rapid Recovery. Descriptions may contain up to 254 characters.
Best practice is to avoid using prohibited characters and prohibited phrases. |
Passphrase |
Enter a passphrase used to control access.
Best practice is to avoid using prohibited characters.
Record the passphrase in a secure location. Quest Data Protection Support cannot recover a passphrase. Once you create an encryption key and apply it to one or more protected machines, you cannot recover data if you lose the passphrase. |
Confirm passphrase |
Re-enter the passphrase. It is used to confirm the passphrase entry. |
- If you want to encrypt all data that transports over a network, select Encrypt the data in transport over a network.

NOTE: This option is enabled by default, so if you do not want to encrypt data in this fashion, clear this option. |
- Click Finish to save and apply your settings.
NOTE: The first time protection is added for a machine, a base image (that is, a snapshot of all the data in the protected volumes) transfers to the repository indicated in your Rapid Recovery Core following the schedule you defined, unless you specified that the Core should initially pause protection. For information on pausing and resuming protection, see Pausing and resuming protection. |
The Rapid Recovery Agent software is deployed to the specified machines, if necessary, and the machines are added to protection on the Core.
While you can protect multiple machines simultaneously using this wizard, all the machines you protect in a single installation using the Protect Multiple Machines wizard must either use the Rapid Recovery Agent software, or use agentless protection. This process describes protection using the Agent software. For the procedure to protect multiple machines simultaneously using agentless protection, see Protecting vCenter/ESXi virtual machines using agentless protection.
The protecting procedure requires the following tasks be completed before you begin:
- The Rapid Recovery Agent has been deployed and installed on the machine you want to protect.
- The machine you want to protect was restarted after the Agent installation.
- A repository has been created and is accessible from the Rapid Recovery Core.
Use this procedure to simultaneously protect one or more machines on a VMware vCenter/ESXi virtual host using Rapid Recovery Agent.
- From the Rapid Recovery Core Console button bar, click the Protect
drop-down menu, and then select
Protect Multiple Machines.
The Protect Multiple Machines Wizard opens.
- On the Welcome page, select one of the follow installation options:
- Click Next.
- On the Connection page of the wizard, from the Source drop-down list, select vCenter / ESXi.
- Enter the host information and logon credentials as described in the following table.
Table 52: vCenter/ESXi connection settings
Host |
The name or IP address of the VMware vCenter Server/ESXi virtual host. |
Port |
The port used to connect to the virtual host.
The default setting is 443. |
User name |
The user name used to connect to this machine; for example, Administrator (or, if the machine is in a domain, [domain name]\Administrator).
Enter the user name or, to use a set of credentials saved to Credentials Vault, use the drop-down list and select a user name.
Optionally, to save your credentials to Credentials Vault, click the plus sign next to the text box. For more information, see Credentials Vault. |
Password |
The secure password used to connect to this virtual host. |
- To use agentless protection, select Use Rapid Snap for Virtual host-based protection, and then see Protecting vCenter/ESXi virtual machines using agentless protection.
- Click Next.
- On the Select Machines page, do one of the following:
- From the visible list of VMs, select the VMs you want to protect.
- To navigate through the VMware tree structure to locate more VMs, click View Tree and then select either Hosts and Clusters or VMs and Templates. Select the VMs you want to protect.
A notification appears if Rapid Recovery detects that a machine is offline or does not have VMware Tools installed.
- Click Next.
- On the Adjustments page, enter the credentials for each machine in the following format:
NOTE: Enter one machine on each line. |
- Click Next.
If the Protection page appears next in the Protect Multiple Machines Wizard, skip to step 15.
If the Agent software is not yet deployed to the machines you want to protect, or if any of the machines you specified cannot be protected for another reason, then the selected machines appear on the Warnings page.
- Optionally, on the Warnings page, you can verify any machine by selecting the machine and then clicking Verify in the toolbar.
- Optionally, on the Warnings page, select After Agent installation, restart the machines automatically.
NOTE: Quest recommends this option. You must restart agent machines before they can be protected. |
- If the status indicates that the machine is reachable, click Next to install the agent software.
The Protection page appears.
- Optionally, on the Protection page, if you want a name other than the IP address to display in the Rapid Recovery Core Console for this protected machine, then in the Display name field, type a name in the dialog box.
You can enter up to 64 characters. Do not use the special characters described in the topic prohibited characters. Additionally, do not begin the display name with any of the character combinations described in the topic prohibited phrases.
- Select the appropriate protection schedule settings as described below:
- To use the default protection schedule, in the Schedule Settings option, select Default protection (hourly snapshots of all volumes).
With a default protection schedule, the Core will take snapshots of all volumes on the protected machine once every hour. To change the protection settings at any time after you close the wizard, including choosing which volumes to protect, go to the Summary page for the specific protected machine.
- To define a different protection schedule, in the Schedule Settings option, select Custom protection.
Schedule options are added to the wizard workflow.
- Proceed with your configuration as follows:
- If you selected a Typical configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard in step 2 and specified default protection, then click Finish to confirm your choices, close the wizard, and protect the machine you specified.
- If you selected Advanced configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard in step 2, and default protection, then click Next to see repository and encryption options.
- If you selected a Typical configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard and specified custom protection, then click Next and continue to the next step to choose which volumes to protect.
- If you selected Advanced configuration for the Protect Machine Wizard in step 2, and default protection, then click Next and proceed to step 20 to see repository and encryption options.
- On the Protection Volumes page, select which volumes you want to protect. If any volumes are listed that you do not want to include in protection, click in the Check column to clear the selection. Then click Next.
NOTE: It is best practice to protect, at minimum, the system reserved volume and the volume with the operating system (typically the C:\ drive). |
- On the Protection Schedule page, define a custom protection schedule and then click Next. For details on defining a custom protection schedule, see Creating custom protection schedules in Simple Mode.
- On the Repository page, select the repository you want to use to store recovery points for this machine, and then click Next.
- On the Encryption page, do one of the following:
- If you want to use encryption keys for data stored in the repository, select Encrypt the data at rest in a repository, and then do one of the following:
- To select an existing encryption key to apply to all new data stored in your repository, select Encrypt data using Core-based encryption with an existing key, and from the Select encryption key drop-down menu, select the encryption key.
- To define a new encryption key at this time to apply to all future data stored in your repository, select Encrypt data using Core-based encryption with a new key, and then enter information about the key as described in the table below:
Table 53: Define new encryption key
Name |
Enter a name for the encryption key.
Encryption key names must contain between 1 and 64 alphanumeric characters. Do not use prohibited characters or prohibited phrases. |
Description |
Enter a descriptive comment for the encryption key. This information appears in the Description field when viewing a list of encryption keys in the Rapid Recovery. Descriptions may contain up to 254 characters.
Best practice is to avoid using prohibited characters and prohibited phrases. |
Passphrase |
Enter a passphrase used to control access.
Best practice is to avoid using prohibited characters.
Record the passphrase in a secure location. Quest Data Protection Support cannot recover a passphrase. Once you create an encryption key and apply it to one or more protected machines, you cannot recover data if you lose the passphrase. |
Confirm passphrase |
Re-enter the passphrase. It is used to confirm the passphrase entry. |
- If you want to encrypt all data that transports over a network, select Encrypt the data in transport over a network.

NOTE: This option is enabled by default, so if you do not want to encrypt data in this fashion, clear this option. |
- Click Finish to save and apply your settings.
NOTE: The first time protection is added for a machine, a base image (that is, a snapshot of all the data in the protected volumes) transfers to the repository indicated in your Rapid Recovery Core following the schedule you defined, unless you specified that the Core should initially pause protection. For information on pausing and resuming protection, see Pausing and resuming protection. |
The Rapid Recovery Agent software is deployed to the specified machines, if necessary, and the machines are added to protection on the Core.