Forcing a checksum check of Exchange database files
In order to force a checksum check, an Exchange database must be present on a protected volume. If Rapid Recovery does not detect the presence of a database, the checksum check function does not appear in the Core Console.
Complete the steps in this procedure to force the system to perform a checksum check for a specific Exchange server recovery point.
- In the left navigation area of the Rapid Recovery Core Console, select the protected Exchange server for which you want to force a checksum check, and then click the Recovery Points menu.
The Recovery Points page appears for the protected Exchange server.
- Scroll down to the Recovery Points pane.
- Navigate through the recovery points to find the desired recovery point. Optionally, click the
arrow to the right of a recovery point in the list to expand the view.
In the expanded recovery point information, you can see volumes included in the recovery point.
- In the Recovery Points pane, from the row representing the correct recovery point, click
, and from the drop-down menu, select Force Checksum Check.
- In the resulting dialog box, click to confirm that you want to force a checksum check.
The dialog box closes. The system performs the checksum check. If Toast alerts are enabled for this type of event, you see a message that the checksum check starts.
For instructions on how to view the status of the checksum check, see Viewing events using tasks, alerts, and journal pages.
Settings and functions for protected SQL servers
If you are protecting a Microsoft SQL Server in your Core, there are additional settings you can configure in the Rapid Recovery Core Console, and there are additional functions you can perform.
A single setting, Attachability, is available in the Core Console related to SQL Server.
Rapid Recovery Core lets you perform a SQL attachability check to verify the integrity of recovery points containing SQL databases. This action checks the consistency of SQL databases and ensures that all supporting MDF (data) and LDF (log) files are available in the backup snapshot.
In previous releases, SQL attachability checks have historically required a licensed version of SQL Server on the Core machine. Rapid Recovery Core now provides the ability to perform SQL attachability checks from an instance of SQL Server on the Core, or from a licensed version of SQL Server on a protected SQL Server machine.
The attachability settings let you specify which licensed version of SQL Server is used to perform this check. For more information about configuring attachability settings, see Managing Core SQL attachability settings.
For more information on SQL attachability, see About SQL attachability.
Following are functions you can perform for a SQL server protected by the Core.
- Specify SQL Server credentials. Rapid Recovery Core lets you set credentials so the Core can authenticate to the SQL server to obtain information. You can set credentials for a single protected SQL Server machine, or set default credentials for all protected SQL Servers.
For more information about setting credentials for SQL servers, see Setting credentials for a SQL Server machine.
- Truncate SQL logs. When you force log truncation of SQL Server logs, this process identifies the available space on the protected server. This process does not reclaim any space.
For more information about truncating SQL Server logs on demand, see Forcing log truncation for a SQL machine.
- Force an attachability check of a SQL Server. This function checks the consistency of SQL databases and ensures that all supporting MDF (data) and LDF (log) files are available in the backup snapshot.
For more information about forcing an attachability check for SQL servers on demand, see Forcing a SQL Server attachability check.
Other than specifying credentials, each of the functions described in the preceding list can be accomplished on demand, and can also be configured to occur as part of the nightly jobs performed for the Core. For more information about the tasks you can schedule as nightly jobs, see Understanding nightly jobs. For information on configuring nightly jobs, see Configuring nightly jobs for the Core.
Setting credentials for a SQL Server machine
You must add the SQL Server machine to protection on the Rapid Recovery Core before performing this procedure. For more information about protecting machines, see Protecting a machine.
Once you protect data on a Microsoft SQL Server machine, you can set login credentials for a single instance, or for all SQL Servers, in the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
Complete the steps in this procedure to set credentials for each SQL Server.
- In the left navigation area of the Rapid Recovery Core Console, select the protected SQL Server machine for which you want set credentials.
The Summary page displays for the protected SQL Server.
- On the Summary page, from the links at the top of the page, click the downward-facing arrow
to the right of the SQL menu, and then from the resulting drop-down menu, do one of the following:
If you want to set default credentials for all SQL Server database instances, click
Set Default Credentials for All Instances, and in the
Edit Default Credentials dialog box, do the following:
- In the User name text field, enter the user name for a user with permissions to all associated SQL servers; for example, Administrator (or, if the machine is in a domain, [domain name]\Administrator).
- In the Password text field, enter the password associated with the user name you specified to connect to the SQL server.
- Click OK to confirm the settings and close the dialog box.
If you want to set credentials for a single SQL Server database instance, click the display name of the protected SQL Server machine, and then in the
Edit Instance Credentials dialog box, do the following:
- Select the credential type (Default, Windows, or SQL)
- In the User name text field, enter the user name for a user with permissions to the SQL server; for example, Administrator (or, if the machine is in a domain, [domain name]\Administrator).
- In the Password text field, enter the password associated with the user name you specified to connect to the SQL server.
- Click OK to confirm the settings and close the dialog box.
Forcing log truncation for a SQL machine
Log truncation is available for machines that use SQL Server. Complete the steps in this procedure to force log truncation.
NOTE: When conducted for a SQL machine, truncation identifies the free space on a disk, but does not reduce the size of the logs. |
- In the left navigation area of the Rapid Recovery Core Console, select the machine for which you want to force log truncation.
The Summary page appears for the protected machine.
- From the Summary page (or from any page for this protected machine), at the top of the page, click the SQL drop-down menu and select Force Log Truncation.
- Click Yes to confirm that you want to force log truncation.