Although most installations will be automated, initial tests of the Migration Agent installations are frequently performed interactively. This approach is not suitable for production deployments of the agent over multiple workstations.
To install the PST Flight Deck Migration Agent interactively on a desired workstation:
1.Log into a workstation with an account that has local administrative permissions.
2.Download the appropriate Migration Agent installer to the applicable workstation
b.Current 32-bit installer
c.Current 64-bit installer
3.Execute the Migration Agent MSI installer: Migrationagent_xNN.msi (Where xNN represents the architecture)
4.Follow installer prompts to provide the following information:
b.Review and accept the License Agreement
c.Supply the location where the Migration Agent will be installed
d.Supply the PST Flight Deck Cores fully qualified web service address and method of communication to the server*
e.Determine if you wish to enable the Discovery Scanner upon user logon
5.Select Install to begin the installation
6.Select Finish to complete the installation wizard.
* For production Migration Agents, it is strongly encouraged to use a DNS alias for the PST Flight Deck server rather than an actual server name.
For a production environment, the Migration Agent is typically installed on every workstation within an organization. Performing an interactive installation to accomplish this is typically unrealistic. For deployment to a large number of workstations, a command line installation (CLI) is frequently required.
In addition to the options available for installation via the MSIEXEC command, PST Flight Deck has several properties that are passed to the installer to configure the Migration Agent during installation. A CLI is also used to configure properties that are not exposed during an interactive installation. It is always recommended to build a CLI command and test it on a local workstation prior to using the command for a mass Migration Agent deployment.
The following is the syntax used when building a command line installation for the Migration Agent. In the examples below, xNN represents the architecture of the agent being installed. Below is the general syntax of the command:
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