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On Demand Migration Current - User Guide

About On Demand Migration Working with On Demand Migration Account Migration Mailbox Migration OneDrive Migration Microsoft Teams Migration Microsoft 365 Groups Migration SharePoint Migration Public Folders Migration Power BI Migration Troubleshooting Finalizing the Migration Appendix A: Using PowerShell Appendix B: How Queuing Works


When you complete the collection of statistics for the mailboxes you can view the reports about the mailboxes. Open the Assessment view to see the reports described below.

  • Mailbox statistics
    • Total mailboxes
    • Total size
    • Average size
    • Maximal size
    • Average Item Count
  • To clean up
    • The users not logged on to mailbox for 30 days
    • The users not logged on to mailbox for 90 days
    • The users never logged on to mailbox
    • Disabled users with mailbox
  • Inventory
    • Mailboxes with archive
  • To adjust
    • Mailboxes with duplicate user name

When you are done with the assessment you are ready to start the migration.

Migrating Mailboxes

Before you proceed, verify that the mail-enabled accounts in the source tenant have been discovered and matched. For more information see Discovering Accounts or Matching and Mapping Accounts.

In this topic:


  • The following types of mailboxes are supported: Regular, Room, Equipment (Resource), Shared.
  • During remigration, On Demand Migration remigrates mail, calendar, task, and sticky note items that have changed in the source mailbox to the target mailbox. Remigration of other types of items that have been modified or deleted in the source mailbox is not supported.

    The following types of changes are synchronized during remigration:


    • Message is updated in the target if changed in the source (including changes to drafts).
    • Message is moved to a different folder in the target if message is moved in the source.
    • Message is deleted in the target if message is deleted in the source.

    Folders and Subfolders:

    • Folder and subfolder names are updated in the target if renamed in the source.
    • Folder is moved to a different location in the target if the folder is moved in the source.
    • Folder is deleted in the target if folder is deleted in the source.

    Calendar items:

    • Calendar item is updated in the target if the item is changed in the source.
    • Calendar item is deleted in the target if the item is deleted in the source.

    NOTE: If Contacts, Tasks and Sticky Notes items are deleted in the source, they will not be deleted in the target.

  • The migration service performs a full comparison of the source and target tenants during remigration if one of the following Mail Migration Task configurations is used, ensuring that messages are not moved or deleted, and folders are not moved, renamed, or deleted in the target:

    Mail Folders:

    • Migrate all folders except.
    • Migrate specific folders.
    • Migrate to custom folder.
    • Migrate to folder.

    Date Range:

    • Only migrate mail within specified date range.
    • Source or target is not Exchange Online (O365).

    NOTE: Tasks that use the configurations listed above do not save mail synchronization states. As a result, these tasks can impact subsequent tasks, potentially causing messages or folders to remain unchanged (not deleted, moved, or renamed) which leads to duplicates in the target tenant.

  • The Microsoft 365 Groups migration service performs a full comparison during remigration as well, between the source and target, ensuring that messages are not moved or deleted, and folders are not moved, renamed, or deleted in the target.
  • During mail migration, users may want to receive emails from both source and target mailboxes, or keep custom forwarding. You can set this up in two ways:
    • Select the Manage Mail Forwarding options in the Mail Flow step of the New Mail Migration Task wizard.
    • Set up mail forwarding with the New Mailbox Switch Task wizard after you complete the mail migration.
  • For each task, the maximum number of mailboxes is limited to 1000. Please contact Quest Technical Support if larger lists are required in a single task.


On Demand Migration is designed to provide a robust migration experience for a variety of source and target platforms. However, some limitations exist that are the result of inherent discrepancies between email service platforms and cannot be fixed.


Migration of messages inside the mailbox root folder (TIS / Top of Information Store) is not supported.


  • Autodiscover must be enabled on your target for successful rules migration.
  • During the migration, the name of a group participating in a source rule will be converted to an SMTP email address. The address is retrieved from the mailbox list of the migration plan, and will be used in the corresponding target rule.
  • Migration of rules from or to personal archives is not supported.


  • Migration of customized delegate permissions is currently not supported:
    • Custom folder permissions are migrated as None (lack of any permissions) when the target delegate does not exist.
    • If the target delegate exists, source and target delegate permissions are merged and the predefined Roles (Editor, Author, Reviewer and None) take precedence over any Custom permission set.
    • If the target delegate exists and both source and target permissions are set to Custom, the target permissions will be set to None.

Folder Permissions

  • Folder permissions for Recoverable Items are not migrated.
  • Folder permissions from personal archive and to personal are not migrated.
  • The migration service will attempt to migrate permissions for all folders in the mailbox tree and create folders for each, regardless of the content type selected for migration. If a custom folder is specified, non-mail folder permissions are not migrated to the target tenant.

Migration to a Custom Folder

  • Mailbox rules are not migrated.
  • Mail folders, their content and permissions are migrated to the custom folder.
  • Content and permissions of non-mail folders cannot be migrated either to the custom folder or to their default location because non-mail folders are not migrated to the target tenant when a custom folder is specified.

Migrating Rules

This includes OWA (Outlook Web App) Inbox rules, and the rules created in an Outlook client version 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, or Outlook for Microsoft 365. Migration of rules created in Outlook for Exchange 2010 is not supported.

For all mailboxes that are migrated to existing target mailboxes, On Demand Migration removes the existing rules from the target tenant like OWA Inbox rules and the rules created in Outlook from the target tenant including previously-migrated rules. Then all the rules from the source are migrated to the target.

Caution: If the rules in a user's target Outlook do not match the rules on the server, the following message appears when the user opens the target mailbox in Outlook after migration:

The rules on this computer do not match the rules on Microsoft Exchange. Only one set of rules can be kept. You will usually want to keep the rules on the server. Which rules do you want to keep?

In this case, the user must select "Server" to avoid data loss.

Rules that contain unsupported conditions or actions will not be migrated, or will not work after migration. So, you must set them up manually on the target.

The following tables list the supported Outlook conditions:

Outlook Condition Outlook 2019 Outlook 2016 Outlook 2013 Outlook 2010 Outlook for Microsoft 365
from people or public group Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
with specific words in subject Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
through the specified account No No No No No
sent only to me Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
where my name is in the To box Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
marked as importance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
marked as sensitivity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
flag for action Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
where my name is in the Cc box Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
where my name is in the To or Cc box Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
where my name is not in the To box Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
sent to people or public group Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
with specific words in the body Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
with specific words in the subject or body Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
with specific words in the message header Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
with specific words in the recipient's address Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
with specific words in the sender's address Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
assigned to specific category Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
assigned to any category Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
which is an automatic reply Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
which has an attachment Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
with a size in a specific range Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
received in a specific date span Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
uses the specific form Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
sender is in specific Address Book No No No No No
with selected properties of documents or forms Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
which is a meeting invitation or update Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
from RSS feeds with specified text in the title Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
from any RSS feed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
of the specific form type Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
on this computer only Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

The following tables list the supported Outlook actions:

Outlook Action Outlook 2019 Outlook 2016 Outlook 2013 Outlook 2010 Outlook for Microsoft 365
move it to the specified folder Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
move a copy to the specified folder Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
assign it to the specific category Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
delete it Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
permanently delete it Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
forward it to people or public group Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
forward it to people or distribution list as an attachment Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
redirect it to people or distribution list Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
have server reply using a specific message No No No No No
reply using a specific template Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
flag message for action in a number of days Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
clear the Message Flag Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
clear message's categories Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
mark it as importance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
print it Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
play a sound Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
start application N/A No No No N/A
mark it as read Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
run a script N/A No No No N/A
perform a custom action N/A N/A N/A No N/A
display a specific message in the New Item Alert window Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
display a Desktop Alert Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
apply retention policy No No No No No
stop processing more rules Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

The following tables list the supported OWA Inbox conditions:

OWA Condition for Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365
People From Yes
To Yes
My name is I'm on the To line Yes
I'm on the Cc line Yes
I'm on the To or Cc line Yes
I'm not on the To line Yes
I'm the only recipient Yes
Subject Subject includes Yes
Subject or body includes Yes
Keywords Message body includes Yes
Sender address includes Yes
Recipient address includes Yes
Message header includes Yes
Marked with Importance Yes
Sensitivity Yes
Classification Yes
Message includes Flag Yes
Type Yes
Has attachment Yes
Message size At least Yes
At most Yes
Received Before Yes
After Yes
All messages Apply to all messages Yes

The following tables list the supported OWA Inbox actions:

OWA Action for Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365
Organize Move to Yes
Copy to Yes
Delete Yes
Pin to top Yes
Mark message Mark as read Yes
Mark as Junk Yes
Mark with importance Yes
Categorize Yes
Route Forward to Yes
Forward as attachment Yes
Redirect to Yes
Stop processing more rules Yes

Migrating Delegate Permissions

There are two types of delegate access permissions in Exchange on-premises and Exchange Online. and both of them are supported by ODM:

Full Access, Send As, Send on Behalf - These permissions are generally used for mailbox-level access and are configured in the Exchange Admin Center or via PowerShell. For more information, see the Microsoft article: Manage permissions for recipients in Exchange Online.

Reviewer, Author, Editor etc. - These permissions are typically used to control access to folders within a mailbox, such as the Inbox or Calendar, and they are set at the folder level. For more information, see the Microsoft article: About Delegates.

On Demand Migration migrates delegate permissions in the following ways.

  • If a matched delegate exists in the target, mailbox delegation permissions can be transferred.
  • If a matched delegate does not exist in the target, mailbox delegation cannot be migrated and an error event will occur.
  • If the target mailbox delegation is not set, the mailbox delegation will be transferred as is.
  • If the mailbox delegation has been set in the target tenant before the migration starts, rules and exceptions as specified below will be applied.
    Source Target (in case matched delegate does not exist in target)
    Delegate access permission on source
    Delegate access permission on target before migration Delegate access permission on target after migration
    None N/A None
    Reviewer N/A Reviewer
    Author N/A Author
    Editor N/A Editor
    Customized set (except None, Reviewer, Author, Editor) N/A None
    Source Target (in case matched delegate exist in target)
    Delegate access permission on source
    Delegate access permission on target before migration Delegate access permission on target after migration
    None or customized set (except None, Reviewer, Author, Editor) None or customized set (except None, Reviewer, Author, Editor) None

    Customized set (except None, Reviewer, Author, Editor)

    Reviewer, Author, Editor Reviewer, Author, Editor values from target.
    Reviewer, Author, Editor Customized set (except None, Reviewer, Author, Editor) Reviewer, Author, Editor values from source.
    Reviewer, Author, Editor Reviewer, Author, Editor

    Most permissive value between the source and target access permissions.

    Possible values - Reviewer, Author, Editor

Migrating Folder Permissions

  • If the target folder permission does not exist, permissions are migrated as is.
  • If the target folder permission exists before a migration starts, the most permissive value between the source and target access permissions will be set.

Starting a Mail Migration Task

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have set up multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  4. Click the Mail tile, or click Open from the Mail tile to open the Accounts and User Data dashboard.
  5. Click the Mailboxes tab. The Mailboxes List opens. If you don't see a list of mailbox-enabled accounts, you must run the New Account Discovery Task again.
  6. Select the mailbox accounts in the list that you want to migrate. You can use search, filtering or collections to quickly navigate through the list of mailboxes. You can also select the check box in the table header to select all the mailbox accounts.
  7. From the local toolbar, select Migrate Mail. The New Mail Migration Task wizard starts. Each step is described below:
  8. Start
    1. Task Name - You can specify a custom task name. The default name is Mail Migration Task.
    2. Use the settings from an existing migration template for this task - select this option if you have already saved a previous migration templates. if this is the first time you are migrating mailboxes, keep this option unchecked.
      • Select template - select a template that you previously created, from the dropdown list.
    3. Go to Summary step - select this option to preserve the settings and go directly to the last step of the wizard. If you do not select this option, but you have selected a template, you can step through the wizard and edit the settings in the template.
    4. Click Next.
  9. Licensing Plan
    1. Set license at the target - select this check box to assign a selected license to migrated mailbox accounts in the target tenant. Clear the check box to skip license assignments for migrated mailbox accounts.
    2. Select the licensing plan - this dropdown list appears if the Set license at target check box is checked. Select the licensing plan from the dropdown list that you want to assign to migrated mailboxes.
    3. Specify how the selected licensing plan will be assigned to the target accounts:
      • Assign the plan to accounts without Exchange Online option. Licensed users will retain the existing plans - Retain the existing licenses and assign the selected plan only to unlicensed accounts (default). Licensed users will retain the existing plans.
      • Assign the plan to all accounts. Licensed users will be switched to the selected plan - Replace all license assignments with the licenses from the selected plan. Licensed users will be switched to the selected plan.


      • Resource mailboxes that have not been licensed on the source tenant will retain the unlicensed status.
      • Licensed resource mailboxes will be handled according to the selected option.
      • In case no usage location is set on the target the source value will be used for the assigned license. Otherwise the target usage location value remain unchanged and can be modified manually, if necessary.
      • If no license plan is selected users that are unlicensed at the target will fail to migrate.
      • Selected licensing option is only applicable to Exchange Online. It does not affect the licensing plans picked for OneDrive Migration

    4. Click Next.
  10. Migration Options
    1. Specify a migration flow:
      • From Primary Mailbox to Primary mailbox - migrate content of the primary mailbox (default scenario.)
      • From Archive mailbox to Archive mailbox - migrate content of the archive mailbox.
      • From Archive mailbox to Primary mailbox - restore archived content to primary mailbox.
      • From Primary mailbox to Archive mailbox - migrate some of the content of the primary mailbox to archive. Useful with the specific Migration Options selected.
    2. Specify which mailbox items you want to transfer to the target by selecting the appropriate check box:
      • Migrate Mail - select this option to migrate email items.
      • Migrate Calendar - select this option to migrate calendar items. The organizer of the calendar item will be mapped to the corresponding target tenant user account. Invitees in calendar items are retained as the source tenant user.

        NOTE: The source tenant links to Microsoft Teams meetings in calendar items are retained and must be migrated separately. For more information see Migrating Meeting Links.

      • Migrate Contacts - select this item to migrate contacts.
      • Migrate Tasks/Notes - select this option to migrate tasks and notes.
      • Migrate Recoverable Items - select this option to migrate recoverable items. If the check box is unchecked these items will not be transferred.
      • Migrate Safe Sender and Blocked List - select this option to migrate mailboxes that are marked as safe senders and those that are blocked.
      • Reset Migration - Select this option only when you need to do a full re-migration and not a delta sync of your source content to a target. For example,you want to delete content from the target mailbox and want to re-migrate the source again.
  11. Migration Settings

    Tip: It can take a while to migrate mail to archive mailboxes. Source mailboxes that have archives can be easily selected using Inventoryreport on Assessment view of Mailboxes. It would be useful to rerun the Discovery task to update the information.

    1. Specify which mailbox settings you want to transfer to the target by selecting the appropriate check box:
      • Migrate Mailbox Rules - select this option to migrate mailbox rules. See Migrating Rules for more details.
      • Migrate Mailbox Delegation - select this option to migrate delegation permissions. See Migrating Delegate Permissions for more details.
        • Enable Automapping for shared mailboxes - Auto-mapping is an Exchange & Exchange Online feature. Once enabled, any auto-mapped mailbox will be opened by the delegate's Outlook client in a persistent state with Full Access permissions and cannot be closed by the user. If users want to remove the auto-mapped mailbox from their Outlook client, administrative intervention is required to remove the Full Access permission or clear the auto-mapping flag.
      • Migrate Folder Permissions- select this option to migrate folder permissions. See Migrating Folder Permissions for more details.
      • Migrate Auto-Reply - select this option to migrate auto-reply messages and settings.
      • Migrate Litigation Hold Settings - select this option to migrate Litigation Hold settings and data as described below. This option enables Litigation Hold on the target mailbox. To reduce the growth of Recoverable Items in the target tenant during incremental migrations, select this option during your final migration task.

        Caution: Migration of Litigation Hold settings and data will fail if the target mailbox doesn’t have the right license type.

        • Litigation Hold Settings
          • LitigationHoldDate - setting is copied as-is from the source mailbox to the target mailbox.
          • LitigationHoldDuration - setting is copied as-is from the source mailbox to the target mailbox.
          • LitigationHoldEnabled - setting is copied if the value is set to True on the source and False on the target.
          • LitigationHoldOwner - the migration service will check if the configured user in the source tenant is mapped to a user in the target and set appropriately before migrating the setting.
          • RetentionUrl - setting is copied as-is from the source mailbox to the target mailbox.
        • Litigation Hold DataThe following data will be copied from the Recoverable Items folder:
          • Versions
          • Purges
          • Discovery Holds

          NOTE: The configuration settings for Discovery Holds will not be copied as part of this feature. When this option is selected, the calendar data is synced only during the final cut over.

    2. Click Next.
  12. Mail Flow

    NOTE: You can skip this step and set up mail forwarding with the New Mailbox Switch Task wizard after you complete the mail migration.

    1. Enable/Disable Mail Forwarding - select this check box to control mail forwarding. This check box is selected by default. When this check box is selected, you can choose from the following options:
      • Enable Mail Forwarding - enable Mail Forwarding (on by default for the initial New Mail Migration Task) from Target to Source. On Demand Migration assumes that end-users will not be using their new target mailboxes immediately after the first "Migrate Mail" task (cut-over), so forwarding is set on the new target mailbox to forward any new mail that is received in the target back to the source. This way any new mail is assured to be delivered to the active end-user mailbox.
        • Mail forwarding direction - set the mail forwarding direction by choosing From target to source or From source to target. From the On Demand Migration table of mailboxes, the forwarding email is in the Source Mailbox / Target Mailbox depending on the mail forwarding direction selected. See the Mail Flow column value (To Source or To Target) which can be switched with the switch mailboxes functionality (see Mail Forwarding).
        • Custom domain for forwarding - specify the custom domain name for forwarding email addresses. If the domain is omitted or does not exist, the primary SMTP address will be used.
      • Disable Mail Forwarding - choose this option to remove any populated mail forwarding address. Use this option to remove forwarding addresses in source mailboxes before the migration and target mailboxes after the migration. You cannot deactivate mail forwarding using the switch mailboxes functionality described in the topic .

      Caution: Migration of Litigation Hold settings and data will fail if the target mailbox doesn’t have the right license type.

    2. Click Next.
  13. Mail Folders
    1. Specify which mail folders to migrate and where they should be migrated by selection one of the following options
      • Migrate all folders - select this option to migrate all folders from the source to the tenant. Mail will be migrated to a folders with the same name in the target tenant.
      • Migrate all folders except - select this option to ignore the selected mailboxes and optionally provide an alternate folder name to migrate all other folder contents. When you select this option the following options are also available:
        • Folders to ignore: Choose from Deleted Items, Junk Email, Drafts, Conversation History, Sent Items, and Inbox. You can also specify one or more custom folder names separated by a semicolon.
      • Migrate specific folders - select this option to include the selected mailbox folders and optionally provide an alternate folder name to migrate the specified folder contents. When you select this option the following options are also available:
        • Folders to include: Choose from Inbox, Sent Items, Drafts, and Deleted Items. You can also specify one or more custom folder names separated by a semicolon.
      • Migrate content to a custom folder - select this option to migrate content from source mailbox to a custom folder. To run incremental migration, a mail migration task should be created with the same folder name. Any change in the folder name will be treated as a migration to a new custom folder. See Limitations for custom folders for more details.
        • Custom folder name - specify the name of the custom folder where content will be migrated. For example, all mail from the source mailbox can be migrated to the Migrated Mailbox custom folder in the target tenant.
      • Migrate to folder - select this option to specify a custom target folder for well known source folders such as Inbox, Deleted Items, Archive, and Sent Items. If you do not provide a target folder name then the mail migration service will migrate the contents of the source folder to a folder with the same name on the target.
    2. Click Next.
  14. Date Range
    Limit the date range for content transfer. You can set any of the following options:
    1. Migrate mail before to set end date for the date range
    2. Migrate mail after to set start date for the date range
    3. Click Next.
  15. Notification
    1. Select the options as described below:
      • Send notification email after the mail migration is completed - select this option to send a notification email when the mailbox migration task completes. The notification is sent whether or not the mailbox migration succeeds unless the Only in a case of failure option is selected.
      • Only in a case of failure - select this option to send the notification email only when one or more mailboxes cannot be migrated. When this option is selected, a notification email will not be sent if all the mailboxes are migrated successfully.
      • Recipients - enter a semicolon-delimited list of mailboxes where the notification will be sent. The mailbox of the current user will be entered by default and can be changed.

        NOTE: Notifications are sent from Recipients must add this email address to the Safe Senders List.

        To add the email address to your Safe Senders list in Microsoft Outlook, do the following:

        1. On the Home tab, click Junk, and then click Junk E-mail Options.
        2. On the Safe Senders tab, click Add and add the e-mail address.

      The notification that is sent will contain the following information in the email body:

      • Project id - the unique identified of the project.
      • Task id - the unique identifier of the task.
      • Type - the type of the task: Mail Migration.
      • Created - the data and time when the task was created.
      • Modified - the most recent date and time when the task was modified.
      • Status - the state of the task.
      • Last operation - The last recorded event in the task.
      • Schedule - indicates when the task was run.
      • Mailboxes - The number of mailboxes selected for this migration categorized by migration status (New, Stopped, In Progress, Failed, and Completed) and count.

    2. Click Next.
  16. Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time entered in the corresponding calendar field.
    2. Click Next.
  17. Reporting

    Select the check box Generate detailed report of migration errors to generate a migration error report when you run the Mail MigrationTask.

    You can download the report from the Reports tab of the Accounts and User Data migration workspace by clicking the Download link in the Error Log column. If there are no migration errors, a download link is not available. Error reports are retained for 30 days. After 30 days the download link is replaced with the label Expired and you can no longer download the report. For more information about error reports, see Reports.

  18. Summary
    1. Save task settings as a migration template - select this option to save the settings in this wizard as a reusable migration template.
      • Migration Template Name - specify a name for the template. If you have changed the settings of a preselected template, specify the same template name to apply the changes to the template when you complete the wizard. All saved templates are displayed in the Templates tab.
    2. Review the task summary. You can specify a custom task name. The default name is Mail Migration Task.
    3. Click Back to change configurations if necessary or click Finish to save or start the task depending on the schedule option selected.

NOTE: Before the actual mail migration begins, a mailbox is activated by fetching a list of calendars using Graph API and delegated type of permissions. This is necessary as per Microsoft's recommendation to set the calendar configuration correctly before running the meeting link task.


Example 1

Task options selected:

  • Migration Options: Migrate Mail and Migrate Calendar
  • Migration Settings: Migrate Folder Permissions


  • A folder for each supported content type is created in the target tenant account mailbox tree, regardless of the content type selected.
  • Mail folders, their content and permissions are migrated.
  • Permissions of all folders are migrated regardless of the content type selected.


Example 2

Task options selected:

  • Migration Options: Migrate Mail and Migrate Calendar
  • Migration Settings: Migrate Folder Permissions
  • Mail Folders: Migrate content to a custom folder> MyFolder


  • A custom folder called MyFolder is created in the target tenant account mailbox.
  • A folder for each supported content type is created in MyFolder, regardless of the content type selected.
  • Mail folders, their content and permissions are migrated to MyFolder.
  • Calendar folders, their content and permissions are not migrated, either to MyFolder or their default locations, because they are non-mail folders.


Reviewing the Mail Migration Task

You can track a task's progress from the Tasks tab, view the summary on the Dashboard or monitor alerts and notifications in Events.

You can track the migration of objects from the Mailbox State column in the Mailboxes list view. The column values during and after a task is run are as follows:

Column value Description
Migrated Migration is complete and successful.
Migrated with Issues Migration has completed with errors.
Migrating Migration of this object has started.
Migration failed Migration did not succeed.
Migration stopped Migration canceled by the user.
Provisioning Mailbox is being set up in the target tenant.
Provisioning Failed Mailbox could not be set up in the target tenant.
Queued Mailbox migration task is waiting for migration service resources to be available.


Migrating Meeting Links

When a calendar item with a link to a Microsoft Teams meeting is migrated, the link to the original Teams meeting in the source tenant is retained. Use the Meeting Link Migration Task to update Microsoft Teams meeting links in the target tenant.

How it works: The meeting link migration task creates a new Teams meeting with the original meeting details in the target tenant. It sets the target user as the organizer. This new meeting invite must be accepted by all participants. The original meeting migrated to the target is canceled. The cancellation email is automatically sent out to the organizer and attendees.


  • The attendee list is not updated to match the target domain.
  • A cancellation email is sent out to the organizer and attendees. Since the source attendees are not replaced with the corresponding target ones, the cancellation email is sent out to the source tenant.
  • A new meeting is created if the migrating user is the organizer of that particular Teams meeting.
  • A meeting is not recreated if the source meeting was created in Microsoft Teams through a Teams channel.
  • On Demand Migration recreates present and future meetings, both one-time and recurring meetings. Meetings that happened in the past are migrated with Calendar migration.
  • Recurring meetings with modified instances are reset to original settings after migration.
  • The subsequent runs of the Meeting Link Migration Task will skip the meetings which were previously processed.
  • Properties like a flag and categories are not supported with this migration.


Mailbox migration with the Migrate Calendar option selected, must be completed before starting this task.

To migrate meeting links:

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have set up multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  4. Click the Mail tile, or click Open from the Mail tile to open the Accounts and User Data dashboard.
  5. Click the Mailboxes tab. From the Mailboxes List, select the pre-migrated mailboxes in the list for which you want to migrate the meeting links. You can use search, filtering or collections to quickly navigate through the list of mailboxes.
  6. From the Mailboxes List toolbar, click More > Meeting Link Migration. The New Meeting Link Migration Task wizard starts. Each step is described below:
  7. Start
    1. Task Name - You can specify a custom task name. Default name is Meeting Link Migration Task.
    2. Use the settings from an existing migration template for this task - select this option if you have already saved a previous migration templates. if this is the first time you are migrating mailboxes, keep this option unchecked.
      • Select template - select a template that you previously created, from the dropdown list.
    3. Go to Summary step - select this option to preserve the settings and go directly to the last step of the wizard. If you do not select this option, but you have selected a template, you can step through the wizard and edit the settings in the template.
    4. Click Next.
  8. Custom Email Message

    Customize the cancellation message in the text box.

  9. Notification
    1. Send notification email once the task is completed - select this option to send a notification email when a discovery task completes.
      • Only in a case of failure - Select this option to send the email if the discovery task fails to complete successfully.
    2. Recipients - enter the email address of the recipients of this email. You can specify multiple recipient email addresses separated by semicolon.
    3. Click Next.
  10. Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      • Run now - task runs immediately.
      • Run later - task must be started manually.
      • Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time entered in the corresponding calendar field.
    2. Click Next.
  11. Summary
    1. Save task settings as a migration template - select this option to save the settings in this wizard as a reusable migration template.
      • Migration Template Name - specify a name for the template. If you have changed the settings of a preselected template, specify the same template name to apply the changes to the template when you complete the wizard. All saved templates are displayed in the Templates tab.
    2. Review the task summary. You can specify a custom task name. Default name is Meeting Link Migration Task.
    3. Click Back to change configurations if necessary or click Finish to save or start the task depending on the schedule option selected.

How to track the migration

You can track a task's progress from the Tasks tab and filter for tasks where Type = Meeting Link Migration. You can view the summary on the Dashboard or monitor alerts and notifications in Events.


Mail Forwarding

To support the customer preferences related to mail forwarding, the following behavior is now supported for mail migration task in case forwarding is not set using On Demand Migration (Mail Flow column is empty) and for mailbox switch (standard and reverse scenarios) tasks:

  Before After
Task Type Source.

Mail migration

(From target to source option)

Points to target * Not set / Set to any SMTP address Not set (cleared) Source.PrimarySMTPAddress or one of the existing email addresses from selected custom domain for forwarding, if set.
Points to any SMTP address except for target * Not set / Set to any SMTP address Remains unchanged Source.PrimarySMTPAddress or one of the existing email addresses from selected custom domain for forwarding, if set.
Not set Not set / Set to any SMTP address Not set Source.PrimarySMTPAddress or one of the existing email addresses from selected custom domain for forwarding, if set.

Mail Migration

(From source to target option)

Not set / Set to any SMTP address Points to source** Target.PrimarySMTPAddress or one of the existing email addresses from selected custom domain for forwarding, if set Not set (cleared)
Not set / Set to any SMTP address Points to any SMTP address except for source ** Target.PrimarySMTPAddress or one of the existing email addresses from selected custom domain for forwarding, if set Remains unchanged
Not set / Set to any SMTP address Not set Target.PrimarySMTPAddress or one of the existing email addresses from selected custom domain for forwarding, if set Not set
Mail Migration: Remove Not set / Set to any SMTP address except for target * Points to source** Remains unchanged Not set (cleared)
Points to target * Not set / Set to any SMTP address except for source ** Not set (cleared) Remains unchanged
Not set / Set to any SMTP address except for target * Not set / Set to any SMTP address except for source ** Remains unchanged Remains unchanged


(From source to target option)

Not set / Set to any SMTP address Points to source** Target.PrimarySMTPAddress or one of the existing email addresses from selected custom domain for forwarding, if set Not set (cleared)
Not set / Set to any SMTP address Points to any SMTP address except for source ** Target.PrimarySMTPAddress or one of the existing email addresses from selected custom domain for forwarding, if set Remains unchanged
Not set / Set to any SMTP address Not set Target.PrimarySMTPAddress or one of the existing email addresses from selected custom domain for forwarding, if set Not set


(From target to sourceoption)

Points to target * Not set / Set to any SMTP address Not set (cleared) Source.PrimarySMTPAddress or one of the existing email addresses from selected custom domain for forwarding, if set
Points to any SMTP address except for target * Not set / Set to any SMTP address Remains unchanged Source.PrimarySMTPAddress or one of the existing email addresses from selected custom domain for forwarding, if set
Not set Not set / Set to any SMTP address Not set Source.PrimarySMTPAddress or one of the existing email addresses from selected custom domain for forwarding, if set

* Target.PrimarySMTPAddress or any of Target.EmailAddresses

** Source.PrimarySMTPAddress or any of Source.EmailAddresses

Switching Mailboxes

The mailbox switching task allows customers to set up mail forwarding as the final step in the migration and mark the mailbox state as Switched. This task may not be required if forwarding was set during the mail migration task.

To start a Mailbox Switch Task

  1. Log in to Quest On Demand and choose an organization if you have set up multiple organizations.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Migration to open the My Projects list.
  3. Create a new Office 365 Services project or open an existing project.
  4. Click the Mail tile, or click Open from the Mail tile to open the Accounts and User Data dashboard.
  5. Click the Mailboxes tab. The Mailboxes List opens. Select the mailbox accounts in the list that you want to switch. You can use search, filtering or collections to quickly navigate through the list of mailboxes. You can also select the check box in the table header to select all the mailbox accounts.
  6. From the actions, click Switch Mailboxes. The New Mailbox Switch Task wizard starts. Each step is described below:
  7. Start
    1. Task Name - You can specify a custom task name. The default name is Mailbox Switch Task.
    2. Use the settings from an existing migration template for this task - select this option if you have already saved a previous migration templates. if this is the first time you are migrating mailboxes, keep this option unchecked.
      • Select template - select a template that you previously created, from the dropdown list.
    3. Go to Summary step - select this option to preserve the settings and go directly to the last step of the wizard. If you do not select this option, but you have selected a template, you can step through the wizard and edit the settings in the template.
    4. Click Next.
  8. Mail Flow
    1. Select options as described below:
      • Mail forwarding direction - Set the mail forwarding direction by choosing From target to source or From source to target. From the On Demand Migration table of mailboxes, the forwarding email is in the Source Mailbox / Target Mailbox depending on the mail forwarding direction selected. See the Mail Flow column value (To Source or To Target) which can also be switched as part of a migration task (see Migrating Mailboxes).
      • Custom domain for forwarding - Specify the custom domain name for forwarding email addresses. If the domain is omitted or does not exist, the primary SMTP address will be used.
      • Mark Mailbox State column as Switched – select this check box to change the Mailbox State from its current value to “Switched”.
    2. Click Next.
  9. Notification
    1. Select options as described below:
      • Send notification to original mailboxes – select this check box to configure a notification to send to the user’s original mailboxes
      • Send notification to new mailboxes – select this check box to configure a notification to send to the user’s new mailboxes

        The notification that is sent can be customized for the following attributes:

      • Sender’s email address – the value that should be displayed as the Sender’s email address
      • Send from – the value that should be displayed as the Sender’s Display Name
      • Subject – the text that should be displayed as the message Subject
      • Message – the text that should be displayed in the message body
    2. Click Next.
  10. Schedule
    1. Choose from one of three options to schedule the task. The scheduler will be activated after you complete the task wizard.
      1. Run now - task runs immediately.
      2. Run later - task must be started manually.
      3. Schedule - task will be started at a future date and time. Enter the start time for the task.
    2. Click Next.
  11. Summary
    1. Save task settings as a migration template - select this option to save the settings in this wizard as a reusable migration template.
      • Migration Template Name - specify a name for the template. If you have changed the settings of a preselected template, specify the same template name to apply the changes to the template when you complete the wizard. All saved templates are displayed in the Templates tab.
    2. Review the task summary. You can specify a custom task name. The default name is Mailbox Switch Task.
  12. Click Back to change configurations if necessary or click Finish to save or start the task depending on the schedule option selected.
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