The fglcmd command connects to the Foglight™ Management Server and sets the scope for the administrative command.
NOTE: The usr, pwd, debug, port, srv, and ssl options are used to specify connection information. Another way of specifying connection options is using a properties file, When configured, fglcmd uses the information in that file to retrieve connection parameters which eliminates the need to specify them on the command line each time you issue an fglcmd command. For more information, see Using a Properties File to Supply Connection Information . |
Specifies the server’s port number. The default port number is 8080 (HTTP) or 8443 (HTTPS). For more information on default port assignments, see the Administration and Configuration Help. | |||
Specifies the password of Foglight user. NOTE: If the password argument is not provided, fglcmd prompts for the password after a command is issued. | |||
Connects to the Foglight Management Server through a secure HTTP connection (HTTPS). Unless this option is specified, fglcmd uses an HTTP connection. For information about default port numbers, see port . | |||
The fglcmd command connects to the Foglight™ Management Server and sets the scope for the administrative command.
NOTE: The usr, pwd, debug, port, srv, and ssl options are used to specify connection information. Another way of specifying connection options is using a properties file, When configured, fglcmd uses the information in that file to retrieve connection parameters which eliminates the need to specify them on the command line each time you issue an fglcmd command. For more information, see Using a Properties File to Supply Connection Information . |
Specifies the server’s port number. The default port number is 8080 (HTTP) or 8443 (HTTPS). For more information on default port assignments, see the Administration and Configuration Help. | |||
Specifies the password of Foglight user. NOTE: If the password argument is not provided, fglcmd prompts for the password after a command is issued. | |||
Connects to the Foglight Management Server through a secure HTTP connection (HTTPS). Unless this option is specified, fglcmd uses an HTTP connection. For information about default port numbers, see port . | |||
Foglight™ connection information, such as the user name and password, can be supplied on the command line, using a specific set of command-line options, or through a properties file. Specifying connection options in the properties file eliminates the need to type them each time you issue an fglcmd command.
This describes the required structure and location of that file. For information on specifying connection options on the command line, see Logging In and Setting the Scope .
C:\Documents and Settings\<user_name>\
TIP: If you specify the password in this file, it is recommended to read-protect the properties file. For example, to read-protect a file on Unix, use the -R world option; on Windows, files can be read-protected by associating read permissions with particular users or groups. |
IMPORTANT: The cmd option, used to specify a specific fglcmd command, cannot be set through the properties file. This option can only be used when issuing fglcmd commands. |
true or false |
Turns the debugging on (true) or off (false). | ||
Specifies the server’s port number. The default port number is 8080 (HTTP) or 8443 (HTTPS). For more information on default port assignments, see the Administration and Configuration Help. | |||
Specifies the password of the Foglight user. NOTE: If the password argument is not provided, fglcmd prompts for the password after a command is issued. | |||
Connects to the Foglight Management Server through a secure HTTP connection (HTTPS). Unless this option is specified, fglcmd uses an HTTP connection. For information about default port numbers, see port . | |||
C:\Documents and Settings\<user_name>\
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