Within the Hyper Migration tab, users can delete user records. This will remove the the user record from the Hyper Migration tab, but the total migration log will still be available in the history.
To Delete user records do the following:
1.There are two ways to begin to delete user records:
·right click on the hyper migration type you wish to delete, select Delete User Record from the right click menu.
·Select the delete icon from the top right hand toolbar of the Hyper Migration tab.
2.Selecting Delete User Record will cause the Delete User Record window to appear, click Yes to confirm that you would like to delete the selected user records.
The 'Refresh Azure Logs Policy' functionality allows the user to set a schedule for refreshing logs when Hyper Migration via Azure Turbo Asynchronous Mode was used. This function will update all finished jobs on the schedule that you set.
NOTE: ·Jobs with a state of In Progress will not be updated. ·If Microsoft provided storage is used for your migration, you will not be able to refresh logs older than 72 hours, as Microsoft deletes the logs every 72 hours. |
To enable auto refresh post migration logs do the following.
1.On the Hyper Migration tab, select that "Refresh Azure Logs Policy" button.
2.Once the Refresh Azure Logs Policy window opens, set the times when you would like the azure logs to refresh. You can set 2 daily occurrences.
Users can filter the jobs they see in the Hyper tabs by selecting the filter icon.
Selecting this filter button will open the Filter Dialog window where you can select which criteria are applied, and specify the parameters against which to filter the Hyper tab jobs.
Select Apply Filter to apply the filter to the list of jobs.
Users can filter the jobs they see in the Hyper tabs by selecting the Refresh icon.
Selecting this refresh button will refresh the jobs listed in the Hyper tab.
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