The following are parameters for the -cmd NewBackup command
Using these commands you can create a Backup Project ( save structure and data for selected site)
-projectName [project] |
name for new project |
-projectFolderLocation [path] |
path for project location, if it is empty project will be created in workspace |
-copysubsites |
save site with subsites |
-move |
delete site after backup |
-copylisthistory |
save history for list items |
-filter {[field][operator][value]} |
filter source items |
Field - internal name of a field in SharePoint | |
operator- compare operator, such as one of the following: = equals to != does not equal to > greater than < less than ^= starts with *= contains | |
value - criteria | |
Use these patters for dates: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-dd | |
-kindFull |
Creates a full backup |
-kindIncremental |
Creates a backup of all the information since the last full backup or incremental backup. |
-kindDifferential |
Creates a backup of all the information since the last full backup. |
-keepFullBackups n |
Specifies the number of days to keep full backups for, where n is the number of days. |
-KeepIncrementalBackups n |
Specifies the number of days to keep incremental backups for, where n is the number of days. |
-fileBackup [path] |
Specify this parameter if you want to backup a specific file from OneDrive in tenant. |
Essentials -cmd newbackup -srcsite http://host/site -srcuser DOMAIN\user -srcpass password -projectName NewProject -copysubsites -move -copylisthistory -log output.xml -noSplash
The following are parameters for the -cmd ZipBackup command
Using this command you can create a Zip archive for the selected Backup Project
-projectName [project] |
project name |
-zePasswor [password] |
zip encrypted password |
-zPasswor [password] |
zip password |
-zPartSize [partSize] |
size in byte for part of archive |
-zOutFolder [path] |
output folder, archive will be created in this folder |
Essentials -cmd zipBackup -projectName Backup Project -zPasswor password -zPartSize 10485760 -zOutFolder C:/Temp/ -log output.xml -noSplash
The following are parameters for the -cmd applyPolicyGroup command
Using this command you can use a Policy Group with a resource
-policygroup [path] |
path to the .pack file |
Essentials -cmd applyPolicyGroup -srcfolder "/Developer/Examples/Resource" -rulespack "C:/Developer/Java/runtime-mp/.metadata/governanceDataStore/packs/example.rule.pack.pack"
Essentials -cmd applyPolicyGroup -srcsite "http://host/site" -srclist "List name" -srcuser DOMAIN\user -srcpass password -rulespack "/Developer/Java/runtime-mp/.metadata/governanceDataStore/packs/copy.doc.files.pacl.pack"
The following are parameters for the -cmd CopyWorkflows command
Using this command you can copy Workflows
-usermapping [path] |
path to the CSV file with users mapping to the copy operation |
-includesubsites |
also copy the Workflows of Subsite |
-includelists |
also copy the Workflows of Lists |
-convert |
convert to Workflow 2013 Platform |
Essentials -cmd copyworkflows -srcsite http://host/site -srcuser DOMAIN\user -srcpass passwd -trgtsite http://host/site2 -trgtuser DOMAIN\user -trgtpass passwd -usermapping path/file.csv -convert
Essentials -cmd copyworkflows -srcsite http://host/site -srclist SourceList -srcuser DOMAIN\user -srcpass passwd -trgtsite http://host/site2 -trgtlist TargetList -trgtuser DOMAIN\user -trgtpass passwd
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