The following are parameters for the -cmd CopyItemsUsingCSV command
-csvFile |
specifies CSV file |
-useCorePropety |
indicator for core properites from CSV |
-charset |
specifies charset |
-numCopiedVersion |
specifies number of versions to copy |
Essentials -cmd copyItemsUsingCSV -trgtsite http://host/site -trgtlist "Shared Documents" -trgtuser "DOMAIN\user" -trgtepass "passwd" -overwritebehavior dont_copy -csvFile path/FileName.csv -log output.xml -noSplash
The following are parameters for the -cmd ImportFiles command
-path [path] |
file path |
-mapping [template.mvmap] |
mapping template file |
-filter {[field][operator][value]}
filters source items |
field - internal name of a field in SharePoint | |
operator- compare operator, such as one of the following: = equals to != does not equal to > greater than < less than ^= starts with *= contains | |
value - criteria | |
Use these patterns for dates: | |
-usermapping [path] |
path to the CSV file with user mapping to the copy operation |
--azurturbo "[storage account] [account key] [host]" |
Azure Turbo flag with parameters |
Essentials -cmd importfiles -path C:/Temp/file1.doc -trgtsite http://host/site2 -trgtlist DocLib2 -mapping D:/Temp/template.mvmap -usermapping path/file.csv -log output.log
The following are parameters for the -cmd GoogleImport command
-srcResourceId [type:id] |
Google document resource identifier |
-filter {[field][operator][value]} |
filter source items |
Field - internal name of a field in SharePoint | |
operator- compare operator, such as one of the following: = equals to != does not equal to > greater than < less than ^= starts with *= contains | |
value - criteria | |
Use these patters for dates: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-dd | |
-usermapping [path] |
path to the CSV file with users mapping to the copy operation |
-copyhistory |
copy the history |
-overwrite |
overwrite google content on target |
Essentials -cmd googleImport -srcResourceId folder:0B5t8t1UBKntoNDI1NGEyNDctNTZjOC00MDJkLTlhM2YtYzk3ZGE1ZWJkNThh -trgtsite http://host/site -trgtlist "Shared Documents" -srcuser -srcpass password -trgtuser DOMAIN\user -trgtpass password -overwritebehavior add_version -copyhistory -overwrite -log output.xml
The following are parameters for the -cmd GoogleExport command
-trgtResourceId [type:id] |
Google document resource identifier |
-filter {[field][operator][value]} |
filter source items |
Field - internal name of a field in SharePoint | |
operator- compare operator, such as one of the following: = equals to != does not equal to > greater than < less than ^= starts with *= contains | |
value - criteria | |
Use these patters for dates: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-dd | |
-usermapping [path] |
path to the CSV file with user mapping to the copy operation |
-copyhistory |
copy the history |
-overwrite |
overwrite google content on target |
-srcfolder |
choose the folder to which to export |
Essentials -cmd googleExport -trgtResourceId folder:0B5t8t1UBKntoNDI1NGEyNDctNTZjOC00MDJkLTlhM2YtYzk3ZGE1ZWJkNThh -srcsite http://host/site -srclist "Shared Documents" -srcfolder "Documents" -trgtuser -trgtpass password -srcuser DOMAIN\user -srcpass password -overwritebehavior add_version -copyhistory -overwrite -log output.xml
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