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erwin Evolve 2023.1.0 - System Requirements

Using Explode Diagram in erwin Web Modeler

The instructions on this page detail how to use the Explode Diagram feature to:

  • Create links from parent to child diagrams

  • Open existing child diagrams linked via the feature

  • Return to the parent diagram

To use the explode diagram feature in erwin Evolve Suite:

  1. In the diagram, right-click an object.

  1. Hover over Explode New.

  1. Click Diagram.

The New Diagram screen appears.

  • Use Name to specify the name of the diagram.

  • Use Base the diagram on a template to specify template of the diagram.

  • Use Create a blank diagram (based on diagramming rules) to create a new blank diagram without any templates.

  1. Click OK.

The selected object is linked to a new diagram. You can explode the object to view or open the diagram.

To view an exploded diagram:

  1. On a linked object that is represented on a diagram, click the indicator inside the shape.

The list of exploded diagrams appears.

  1. Select a diagram from the list.

  2. Click Open.

The exploded diagram opens. You can view the parent object’s details in the properties of the exploded diagram.

To view parent object or diagram of exploded diagram:

  1. Under the Home tab, click Return to Parent.

  1. Select a diagram and click Open.

The Parent diagram appears.

To create an exploded diagram in erwin Web Modeler [Evolve 2022.0 and above]:

  1. Open the browser and login to erwin Evolve Web Platform.

The list of available model appears.

  1. Click on the model, e.g., EA Foundation – Sample Model.

  2. Under my menu, click Diagram List.

The list of diagrams opens.

  1. Click Diagram List available under my menu.

  2. Enter the diagram name in the Filter the content of this page box.

  1. Click the Open related object page icon.

The diagram opens on your object page.

  1. Click the Edit Diagram In Web Modeler icon.


Description automatically generated

If this icon is not present, please check you have a license for Web Modeler, that Web Modeler is enabled, and you are allocated a Diagrammer license.

  1. Click Create new draft.

    Evolve Web Modeler editor opens in the new tab with the predefined Shape Palette of the template chosen.

  2. Select an object.

  3. Click Image.

The Diagram Types screen appears.

  1. Enter Name and select a Template.

A blank exploded diagram is created. Now, you can drag and drop objects from the shape palette.

  1. To publish the diagram, click the IconDescription automatically generated icon. You will be asked if you wish to publish. Click to confirm.

Once the diagram is published in the Web Modeler, the same diagram can be accessed from the Modeler in the desktop application.

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