This section applies to users that have customised their Evolve theme. You can skip this section if you are using the default Evolve theme and have not made any changes of your own.
Failure to Update – Theme Errors
Failure to update your custom theme with Evolve 4’s new LESS variables will result in an error.
Merging Changes Into Custom Theme
To ensure that Evolve 4.0’s pages appear as they should, you must copy the new variables into your custom theme files. These variables are listed on the next page.
New Variables in 4.0
The following variables are new to Evolve 4.0:
Global search
Variable |
Default Value |
@cwGlobalSearchFocusColor |
@cwMenuLeftMainNavigationBackgroundColorActive |
@cwGlobalSearchTextColor |
@cwMenuLeftMainNavigationTextColor |
@cwGlobalSearchBackgroundColor |
@cwMenuLeftMainNavigationBackgroundColor |
@cwGlobalSearchResultsTextColor |
@cwFontTextColor |
@cwGlobalSearchResultsBackgroundColor |
whitesmoke |
Top Bar
Variable |
Default Value |
@cwTopBarHeight |
40px |
@cwTopBarBackgroundColor |
@cwTopBarProfileLinkColor |
@cwColor2 |
@cwTopBarProfileLinkHoverColor |
@cwColor2Shade |
Login Page
Variable |
Default Value |
@cwLoginTextColor |
@cwTextColor |
@cwLoginLabelColor |
@cwColor2 |
@cwLoginTextBoxBorderColor |
@cwLoginTextBoxFocusBorderColor |
@cwColor2 |
@cwSiteSelectionTextBackground |
@cwColor2 |
@cwLoadingIconColor |
@cwAccentColor |
Theme File Labelling Convention
Evolve’s LESS variables are named using camelCase whereby the first letter of each word is capitalized – except for the first letter of the whole string. Evolve version numbers are commented out next to any variables that relate to specific Evolve versions. I.e: //v4.0
Custom Logos
The dimensions of custom logos have been changed, they are now:
Image 1
146 x 30 px
Image 2
112 x 30px
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