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erwin Evolve 2023.1.0 - System Requirements


Questionnaires Explained

Questionnaires enable you to get feedback and opinion from your users. In Evolve you can create simple questionnaires that gather users' answers, or you can weight questions and answers to determine business values of responses.

There are two types of questionnaire available in Evolve:

  1. Standalone questionnaires that gather the answers each user provides

  2. Object questionnaires that are displayed as a Page View on all Object Pages for a specified Object Type, such as Application, and can aggregate the responses from users and work out a Business Value.

Whether a questionnaire is standalone or tied to an object is a simple setting in the questionnaire itself which can be edited after it is created - so the process for creating a questionnaire is the same for both types.

Object questionnaires require a specific property to be created on the Object Type itself to store the aggregated Business Value against the object in question.

This should be a Decimal Number property.

What do you want to do?

Create a questionnaire

Edit a questionnaire

Delete a questionnaire

View questionnaire responses

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