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erwin Evolve 2023.1.0 - System Requirements

Appendix C - Backing Up Stand-Alone Data

This section is only relevant if you are upgrading a stand-alone version of Evolve Suite.

The user running the SQL Server service must have write access to the chosen backup folder.

To check the properties of the service, select Start > Control Panel > Administration Tools > Services, highlight SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) and go to Action > Properties (or right click and select Properties). The Log On tab shows which user the service logs on as – usually Local System.

To backup your stand-alone data:

  1. Open a command prompt

  2. In the command prompt window enter the following code exactly as it is shown below, and press Return:


  3. Enter the following code and press Return after each line:

    Backup database CorporateModeler11 TO DISK = ‘<location>\<filename>.bak’ 2> Go

<location> is the location where you want to save your backup file, and

<filename> is the name of the file. For example, <location> could be “C:\temp” while

<filename> could be “MyDatabase”, resulting in the following

<location>\<filename>.bak: “C:\temp\MyDatabase.bak”

When the backup has finished the message: “BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed” is displayed.

  1. Type Exit at the prompt

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