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erwin Evolve 2023.1.0 - Installation Guide

Updating the Service

  1. Start the Windows Services (eg. by typing services in the windows search and clicking the application that appears)

  2. Locate the “CWS.elasticsearch-service-x64” and stop it, this will also stop the “CWS.Search” service

  3. Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder “C:\erwin\Evolve\Elasticsearch” assuming the default location.

    In the command prompt type: UninstallService

    When complete type: InstallService

  1. When completed open the Windows Services application. If it did not open, refresh it, and start the “CWS.elasticsearch-service-x64” service. Wait a minute or so and start the “CWS.Search” service.


Description automatically generated

DO NOT start the “CWS.Search” first as a small amount of time is required for the Elastic Search service to initialize before search requests are made.

  1. The memory usage for the service should now be at a reasonable level.

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