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erwin Evolve 2023.1.0 - General

Restoring Data

This section is only relevant to stand-alone versions and obviously requires that you have previously backed up the data.

To Restore Data in a Stand-alone Database:

  1. Open a command prompt

  2. In the command prompt window enter the following code exactly as it is shown below, and press Return:


  3. If the Evolve Database already exists in MSDE/SQL Server Express, enter the following code:

    1> Restore database CorporateModeler11 from disk =

    ‘<location>\<filename>.bak’ with replace 2> Go

    If the Evolve Database does not exist, enter the following code to create the database and restore your data

    Create database CorporateModeler11;

    2> Go

    3> Restore database CorporateModeler11 from disk =

    ‘<location>\<filename>.bak’ with replace 4> Go

<location> is the location where you saved your backup file, and <filename> is the name of the file.

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