Tag |
Description |
<DeleteUserPermissionsContract...> |
The action to be performed |
<SharePointObjects> |
The container for all of the objects that you want to include in the operation. |
<SharePointObject> |
The container for the current object. |
<SPHierarchyLevel> |
The level of the hierarchy for the SharePoint object(s) that will be acted on. Valid values are: §FARM §WAP §SITE §WEB |
<Url> |
The url of the SharePoint object to act on. NOTE: If the action is to be performed on a farm, Web application, or site collection, you can use the url for any site within that scope. |
<IncludeChildren> |
An indication of whether you want the action to include child sites.
§If SPHierarchyLevel=FARM, WAP, or SITE, true is the only valid value. If SPHierarchyLevel=WEB, valid values are true or false. |
<UserLoginNames> <string> |
List of login names of the users whose permissions will be deleted. Enter each login name as a separate string. |
<ReassignTo> <string> |
List of login names of the users to whom you want to reassign deleted permissions. Enter each login name as a separate string. |
<DeleteFromAllPeople> |
An indication of whether you want the user(s) to be deleted from the site collection All People list. Valid values are §true §false |
<DeleteAlerts> |
An indication of whether you want any alerts that have been created for the user(s) to be deleted. Valid values are: §true §false |
<TaskAuditPath> (Optional) |
If you want to generate a ControlPoint Task Audit (as a .pdf file) for the action, the path to the directory where you want the file to be saved. |
Example xml File Contents
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