The following analysis tools provides information about SharePoint alerts that have been created for users in your SharePoint environment:
·SharePoint Alerts by Site lets you review alerts that have been created within one or more selected sites.
·SharePoint Alerts by User lets you review alerts that have been created for one or more specific users.
The SharePoint Alerts by Site analysis provides the following information about SharePoint alerts that have been set within one or more selected sites:
·the user for whom the alert was set
·the list or item on which the alert was set
·alert properties (including event type and frequency), and
·the date and time of the next alert.
To generate a SharePoint Alerts by Site analysis:
1Select the object(s) you want to include in your analysis.
2Choose Audits and Alerts > SharePoint Alerts by Site.
3Specify the parameters for your analysis.
Now you can:
·run the operation immediately (by clicking the [Run Now] button)
·schedule the operation to run at a later time or on a recurring basis.
·save the operation as XML Instructions that can be run at a later time.
The top level of analysis results lists all of the Web applications within the scope of your analysis.
When expanded, a list of sites on which alerts have been set displays, along with the following detail about each alert:
·the Site for which the alert was created
·the Titles of the list, and if applicable, item, for which the alert was set
·each of the Users for whom the alert was set, along with:
§the title of the Alert
§the alert Type (List or Item)
§the Event that triggers the alert and, if the alert was created for an item, the Filter (that is, the option selected for "Send Alerts for These Changes")
§the Next Alert date and time
The SharePoint Alerts by User analysis provides the following information about SharePoint alerts that have been set for one or more users:
·the site within which the alert was set
·the list or item on which the alert was set
·alert properties (including event type and frequency), and
·the date and time of the next alert.
To generate an Alerts by User analysis:
1Select the object(s) you want to include in your analysis.
2Choose Audits and Alerts > SharePoint Alerts by User.
3Specify the parameters for your analysis .
Now you can:
·run the operation immediately (by clicking the [Run Now] button)
·schedule the operation to run at a later time or on a recurring basis.
·save the operation as XML Instructions that can be run at a later time.
When expanded, each Site for which alerts have been created displays, along with the following detail about each alert:
·the title of the Alert
·the List and (if applicable) Item on which the alert was created
·the alert Type (List or Item)
·the Event Type that triggers the alert
·the Frequency of the alert as well as the Next Alert date and time
·if the alert was set for an item, the Filter used (that is, the option selected for "Send Alerts for These Changes")
The ControlPoint Policies analysis lets you analyze the following information about ControlPoint polices that have been created for your farm:
·the name of the policy and its owner (that is, the person who created the policy)
·the date and time when the policy was created
·the scope of the policy
·the policy rule
·when and by whom the policy was last updated.
To generate a ControlPoint Policies Report:
1Select the object(s) for which you want to analyze policies.
2Chose Automation > ControlPoint Policies.
3Specify one or more of the following parameters for your analysis.
If you want results to include ... |
Then ... |
policies created by one or more specific users (and you are a farm administrator) |
select each Policy Owner you want to include in your analysis. NOTE: If you are not a farm administrator, you can only include policies that you created. |
policies whose name contains a specific text string |
enter that string in the Policy Name Contains field. |
policies that contain one or more specific rules |
select from the Policy Rules list (you can select multiple rules using the [CTRL] and [SHIFT] key in the conventional manner). |
both active and inactive policies |
uncheck the Display only Active Rules box. |
Now you can:
·run the operation immediately (by clicking the [Run Now] button)
·schedule the operation to run at a later time or on a recurring basis.
·save the operation as XML Instructions that can be run at a later time.
The top level of analysis results list all of the policies within the selected scope
When expanded, the following information displays for each policy:
·the policy Owner
·an indication of whether or not the policy is Active
·the policy Rule
·the date and time when the policy was Created and Last Updated
·the user that the policy was last Updated By
·the policy Description
·the scope of the policy, including url and the number of immediate children covered by the policy.
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