Navigation: Saving or Running a Migration Job > Importing and Exporting Migration Jobs Using Xml Files > Importing Jobs from Xml Using PowerShell |
You can import jobs that have been previously exported to xml using PowerShell.
To access the PowerShell cmdlets for connecting to SharePoint:
Open a PowerShell or PowerShell ISE session and add the PowerShell snap-ins for the application framework.
To import jobs from an xml file:
1.Select (from the PowerShell ISE Command Window) or enter Load-JobXml.
2.Select or enter the applicable parameters. Use the information in the following table for guidance.
Parameter |
Notes |
XmlFilePath (Required) |
The path to the xml file containing the job(s) you want to import. |
ImportDuplicate (Optional) |
If you use this parameter and the job already exists in the Jobs Database, it will be imported with a new Job ID. If you omit this parameter and the job already exists in the Jobs Database, it will not be imported. For an xml file that contains multiple jobs, only those that are not in the Jobs Database will be imported. If trace logging is enabled, the detail will be logged in the file MetalogixGlobalLog.txt. |
Example Scripts with Results:
With ImportDuplicate parameter
Load-JobXml -XmlFilePath C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\MigrateToSPO.xml -ImportDuplicate
6 job(s) successfully imported out of a total of 6 job(s), in 0m 0s
Without ImportDuplicate parameter
Load-JobXml -XmlFilePath C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\MigrateToSPO.xml
4 job(s) successfully imported out of a total of 6 job(s), in 0m 0s
Navigation: Saving or Running a Migration Job > Refreshing the Job List |
NOTE: The refresh is applied to whichever job list Content Matrix is currently connected to, whether that is the Distributed Database (for the Distributed Migration feature) or via a standard connection.
To refresh the Job List:
1.From the Manage Queue dialog, select a job in the Job List. The row selector icon and the highlighted row indicates the selected row.
2.From the Job List menu bar, choose File > Refresh.
If the status of the job has changed, the Status value will indicate the new status of the job.
Navigation: Saving or Running a Migration Job > Submitting a Distributed Migration Job |
If the Content Matrix Console is configured for Distributed Migration, you can run a job remotely, on a Distributed Migration agent machine.
Navigation: Saving or Running a Migration Job > Submitting a Distributed Migration Job > Distributed Migration Job Limitations |
· If a migration job is using SP 2013 or later DB as a source connection, then users can only run jobs remotely on an agent that meets the connection requirements for the same DB version as the machine from which the migration is configured. This means that the agent machines must either: §Have the same version of SharePoint installed on or be a SharePoint WFE for a comptible version. OR §Be a 64-bit machine that has no version of SharePoint installed on it. ·Local Object Model (OM) connections to SharePoint are not supported when using Remote Agents. - A Local OM connection to SharePoint can only be made when Content Matrix is installed on a machine that is running SharePoint (a SharePoint server or WFE). Since this type of connection can be made on the Host machine, but cannot be guaranteed to also be available on an agent machine, it is not a supported connection adapter for running migrations using remote Agents. For making remote Object Model connections, make sure the Metalogix Extension Web Service (MEWS) is installed on each agent machine. |
·The following Authentication types are not supported:
·Forms based Authentication
·Web browser Authentication
·Microsoft 365 Web browser authentication
·Transformer scripts will not work using a remote agent if the script is used as an attachment (i.e. if the script is stored as a file on the local file system, and added to the migration configuration as an attachment) - When running a migration, uses can go to the 'Transformations' tab in the configuration options and set the migration to use a transformer. If the transformer is added by using the Invoke PowerShell script > Use Script From File option, then the transformer will be added by selecting a script file from the file system and attaching it to the configuration options. Transformer script files that are attached in this manner do not get transferred to the agent machines, so when the agent tries to run the migration it will run without the configured transformer script.
·If an action in Content Matrix is not supported for generating/running the action over PowerShell, then that action is not supported to run remotely on an agent machine. - Not all actions in Content Matrix are supported when using PowerShell. Since running a migration on a remote agent relies on PowerShell, some actions are not supported to be run remotely. For example:
§Copy Site > Paste Site Objects > List E-mail Notification
§Copy Site > Paste Site Objects > Managed Metadata Local Site Collection Group
§Copy Site > Paste Site Objects > Managed Metadata Term Store
§Copy Site > Paste Site Objects > Site column
§Copy List > Paste List Objects > Permission
·Currently, Distributed Migration does not support External Connections (which are needed to migrate Nintex Workflows/Forms and BDC and BCS Data)
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