Quest® Content Matrix can access the customers Microsoft Entra ID and Microsoft 365 tenancies. The customer grants that access using the Microsoft Admin Consent process, which will create a Service Principal in the customer's Entra ID with minimum consents required by Quest® Content Matrix migration. The Service Principal is created using Microsoft's OAuth certificate based client credentials grant flow
Customers can revoke Admin Consent at any time. See and for details.
Following is the base consent required by Quest® Content Matrix.
·All computation is performed on server(s) provided by the customer.
·All data and application logs are stored in a SQL server or file provided by the customer.
·In case of migration using "Import API" option, binary contents of files are uploaded to Azure blob storage. Quest® Content Matrix can use either SPO provided Azure container blob storage or customer provided private Azure container blob storage.
Encryption of secrets uses MS DPAPI (PBKDF2, AES).
Security-sensitive information like the password and OAuth tokens used in SharePoint and Public Folder connections are encrypted using Microsoft DPAPI (ProtectedData Class (System.Security.Cryptography) | Microsoft Docs).
When a SharePoint 2013 or later database connection is used as source, large file content is fetched and temporarily stored in file system before it is copied to the target. AesCryptoServiceProvider is used to encrypt this content.
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