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Content Matrix 9.9 - File Share Edition

Introduction Entering the License Key Content Matrix Console End User Interface Enabling Advanced Mode Enabling and Disabling Optimistic Mode Connecting to a File System Connecting to SharePoint Preparing for Your Migration Initiating a Migration Configuring Copying Options Saving or Running a Migration Job Job Log Files Using PowerShell with Content Matrix
Content Matrix PowerShell Commandlet List
Modifying Content Matrix Configuration and Settings Frequently Asked Questions About Us

Connecting to a Full SQL Job Database

If you are using SQL CE to host your Content Matrix Jobs Database, you will receive a warning in the job log (and as a pop-up if you are running the job from the Console interface).

The use of SQL CE in a production environment is discouraged because of the following limitations:

·It uses a single .list file that is less robust and reliable and may be corrupted after the database reaches 4 GB.

·Data compression is not supported.

·Support for large objects is limited.

To switch to a full-feature SQL Server for the Content Matrix Job Database:

1.From the Job List choose File > Connect to Job Database.

Switch Jobs Database

2.Complete the Connect to SQL Server dialog:

§If you are connecting to an on premises SQL database, create (using the New Database option) or select the database you want to use.

Select Jobs Database

§If you are connecting to an Azure SQL database, select the database that has been created in Azure Portal for use by Content Matrix.  (Note that the New Database and Delete Database options will be disabled.)

SQL DB List Azure

3.If you want to use an encrypted connection to the database, check the Encrypt Connection box.

NOTE: If the certificate used for encryption is not trusted, you will also need to check the Trust Server Certificate box.

4.Select an Authentication method for connecting to SQL server.:

·Use Current Windows User


·Use SQL Server Login

NOTE:  Currently, Use SQL Server login is the only valid option for an Azure SQL server.

5.Click [OK].

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