Content Matrix can generate PowerShell script for you, for any migration action that is available through it. The below cmdlets are used in the generated PowerShell script, but can also be used to write your own script, should you desire to do so. For more information on each cmdlet, simply type get-help [cmdlet]. For example, if you want more information on Copy-MLSharePointList cmdlet you would enter get-help Copy-MLSharePointList, followed by the Enter (return) key.
Below is a list of the available cmdlets (and their parameters), broken up into the available commands for each snap-in.
·IncludeFiles - Specify whether to include files. (Disabled)
·ExistingFileAction - Overwrite, rename, or skip on existing file with same name.
·DefaultContentType - Specify to migrate current content using the default target content type.
·ContentTypeID - Specify the content type id of the content type to map to.
·ContentTypeFieldMappings - Specify field mappings from source fields to the target content type.
·CorrectName - Enable/disable automatic replacement of invalid SharePoint characters in name.
·CorrectNameCharacter - Specify the replacement character for invalid SharePoint characters in name.
·RenameFiles - Enable/disable renaming of filenames using custom column.
·RenameColumn - Specify the column name of the column to use for renaming the files.
·LinkCorrectionOptions - Specify the link correction options.
·LoggingOptions - Specify the logging options.
·PermissionsOptions - Specify the permissions options.
·TargetHierarchyOptions - Specify the target hierarchy options.
·StoragePointOptions - Specify the target StoragePoint options.
·Transformers - The collection of data transformers which the action needs to run. Note that if the passed-in value for this parameter does not include transformers which are considered mandatory, they will be added automatically.
·Quiet - If set, the operation will not report progress to the PowerShell console.
·JobFile - The name of a job file to use for logging. If the file does not exist it will be created.
·Source - The source node for the actions.
·Target - The target node for the actions.
·JobDatabase - The connection string of a jobs database to use for logging. If the connection string is invalid, an exception is thrown. If both 'JobFile' and 'JobDatabase' parameters are specified, then the 'JobDatabase' parameter will take precedence and the job will only be written to the job database.
·Transformers - The collection of data transformers which the action needs to run. Note that if the passed-in value for this parameter does not include transformers which are considered mandatory, they will be added automatically.
·Quiet - If set, the operation will not report progress to the PowerShell console.
·JobFile - The name of a job file to use for logging. If the file does not exist it will be created.
·Source - The source node for the actions.
·Target - The target node for the actions.
·JobDatabase - The connection string of a jobs database to use for logging. If the connection string is invalid, an exception is thrown. If both 'JobFile' and 'JobDatabase' parameters are specified, then the 'JobDatabase' parameter will take precedence and the job will only be written to the job database.
·UseAzureOffice365Upload - Indicates if the copy operation to Microsoft 365 should use Azure/SPO Containers.
·EncryptAzureMigrationJobs - If Azure/SPO Containers are being used, indicates if the job manifest file should be encrypted.
This is the same as Copy-FileAsHierarchy with additional parameters.
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