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Benchmark Factory for Database 9.0 - User Guide

Welcome to Benchmark Factory What's New in Benchmark Factory Additional Resources Overview of Benchmark Factory Benchmark Factory Components Licensing Getting Started - the Benchmark Factory Workflow Agents Create and Edit Connections Create and Edit Tests and Jobs
Jobs View Pane Job Wizards Quickstart: Create a New Job Edit a Job Industry Standard Benchmark Tests Capture and Replay a Workload Artificial Test for Desired Effect Scalability Tests Custom Tests Create/Delete Benchmark Objects Execute External File Test Options for Create Objects Test Options for Transactions Job Setup Options Use Global Search/Replace Save Job as BMF Script Copy Test to Replay, Mix, Goal, or Scalability Test
Benchmarks How Do I... Settings Test Results and Run Reports BFScripts Repository Troubleshooting The Benchmark Factory REST API Appendix About Us Adding Virtual Users System/Upgrade Requirements/Supported Databases Shortcut Keys

Import Oracle Dyanmic Performance View

Benchmark Factory allows you to import SQL from Oracle Dynamic Performance Views. This allows you to import SQL transactions identified by the Oracle for further testing under a load.

The resulting workload is a mixed workload containing either the most-often executed, the most time-consuming, or the most-recently executed SQL transactions.  

To import from the Oracle Dynamic Performance Views

  1. In the New Job or Edit Job Wizard, click Workload in the left pane.
  2. On the workload page, select Capture / Replay Test from the drop-down list.
  3. Select Import from Oracle Dynamic Performance View.
  4. Click the Import Test button. The Oracle DPV Connection dialog opens.
  5. Enter the connection information and click Next. The Oracle DPV Import dialog opens.
  6. Select the type of SQL statements to import.
  7. Select the maximum number of SQL statements to return.
  8. Deselect the Include system activity (SYS USER) option to exclude system activity.

    Note: It is not recommended to include system activity. Including it imports Oracle SQL statements routinely run by Oracle for maintenance reasons, and is not required for the load testing process.

  9. Click Finish. The test is added to the workload and the test Summary page displays.
  10. On the Summary page, click each link to go directly to that option to modify it.
  11. Or you can select the Test Options tab to modify all test options. Review the following for additional information:

    Tab Description
    Transactions tab

    Modify the transactions and the transaction mix for the test.

    See Transactions Tab for more information.

    User Load tab Modify the number of users per test iteration. See Specify User Load for more information.
    Timing tab Specify sampling, pre-sampling, and user start-up times for the test. See Timing Tab for more information.
    Advanced tab

    Specify Repository options, error handling, and database checkpoints for the test.

    You can also specify a file to execute at the beginning or end of each iteration. See Advanced Tab for more information.

  12. After specifying options for this test, you can add another test to the job, configure job setup options, save and close the job, run the job, or schedule the job. For more information about each of these steps, see Quickstart: Create a New Job.


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