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Benchmark Factory for Database 9.0 - User Guide

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Import Delimited Text File

Benchmark Factory allows you to create a workload (or add to a workload) by importing SQL from a delimited text file. This allows you to load test your database using workloads from existing in-house generic database applications.

To Import from a Delimited Text File

  1. In the New Job or Edit Job Wizard, click Workload in the left pane.
  2. On the workload page, select Capture / Replay Test from the drop-down list.
  3. Select Import from a Delimited Text File.
  4. Click the Import Test button.
  5. In the Text File Input dialog, browse to and select a file. Click Next.
  6. In the Select File Format page, select the desired format (Delimited or Fixed field).
    • If you selected Delimited, select  the desired row delimiter, text qualifier, and rows to skip.
    • If you selected Fixed Field, select the desired row delimiter and rows to skip.
  7. Click Next.
  8. If you selected Delimited, the Specify Column Delimiter page opens. Select delimiter options.

    Note: Only the first 20 rows of the file display.

  9. If you selected Fixed field, the Fixed Field Column Positions page opens. Configure the column or columns.

    Note: Only the first 20 rows of the file display.

  10. Click Finish.The test is added to the workload and the test Summary page displays.
  11. On the Summary page, click each link to go directly to that option to modify it.
  12. To jump to the Test Options tab, click Test Options at the bottom of the Summary page. Review the following for more information:

    Tab Description
    Transactions tab

    Modify the transactions and the transaction mix for the test.

    For a custom test, add transactions.

    See Transactions Tab for more information.

    Options tab Enable scaling for the user scenario. See Options Tab (Capture/Replay) for more information.
    Timing tab

    User Startup—Select one of the following options:

    • Start all users as quickly as possible—Starts all users immediately after a test begins.
    • Start all users at even intervals for—Sets the amount of time in which to start all users at even intervals. The interval duration is equal to this value divided by the number of users.
    • Start a new user every [n] seconds—Starts a new user, then waits the [n] number of seconds before starting the next user.
    Advanced tab

    Specify Repository options, error handling, and connect/disconnect options for the test. See Advanced Tab for more information.

  13. After specifying options for this test, you can add another test to the job, configure job setup options, save and close the job, run the job, or schedule the job. For more information about each of these steps, see Quickstart: Create a New Job.


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